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ld Cullie

by Elan Morin: 1998-10-12 | Not yet rated

Before Winter's Heart - Archive Only: Who is the Old Man in Front of Carridin's?

I believe the old man on the barrel was the mysterious Old Cullie, the chief of the beggars who tried to kill Mat,and the most eminent darkfriend in Ebou Dar.
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Tamyrlin: 1998-10-12

As far as I recall, Bors didn't know that old man...but that he does know Cullie. I may be mistaken...time to go back and catch up on ACoS.


Elan Morin: 1998-11-05

You were right Tamrylin, he cannot be Cullie. I've searched trough aCoS and these are all the informations I found about the old man:
(pg 344 paperback-White Plumes)-Frowning,Mat peered across the race course.It barely fifty paces to the crowd on the other side, and faces leaped out at him-a bent,white-haired old man with a hooked nose, a sharp-faced woman...
Then Mat remembers the woman and follows her to Carridin palace...
(pg 354- White Plumes)-Someone said,"Carridin".It was a scawny, white-haired fellow lounging nearby in the shade. Mat looked at him questioningly, and he grinned, showing gaps in his teeth. his stooped shoulders and sad weathered face did not fit his fine gray coat. Despite a bit of lace at his neck, he was the very picture of hard times."You asked lived there .The Chelsaine Palace is let to Jaichim Carridin". Mat's hat pused."You mean the Whitecloak ambassador?" "Aye.And Inquisitor of the Hand of the Light". The old man tapped a gnarled finger against the side of his beak of a nose. Both looked to have been broken several times. "Not a man to bother unless you must, and then I'd think three times".
Then he disappears, Mat remembers having seen him at the Silver Circuit, near the darkfriend... In the next chapter Bors thinks about Old Cullie(pg 358).And then...
(pg 360-Insects)- Taller than most, he was fanning himself with a broad-brimmed hat and adjusting his neck scraf as he spoke to a stooped, white-haired man. Carridin recognised the young man.-
So he cannot be Old Cullie (shame on me, I've given to much importance to his aspect, and then connected it to the beggars that attacked Mat). Then we have the old man's monologue, it's to long to be reporte so I write down only the most interestig parts:
(pg 403-The Triumph of Logic)-Sitting on an upended barrel in the sparse coolness of a narrow, shaded alley, he studied the house across the busy street.Suddenly he realized he was thouching his head again. He did not have haadache, but his head felt...peculiar...sometimes.Most often when he thought of what he could not remember-(So he has memory problems...maybe an effect of compulsion? Or the effect of a trip to SG, if he is Farstrider).
-Three stories of white plaster, the house belonged to a goldsmith who supposedly was being visied by two friends she had met on a journey north some years ago. The friends had only been glimpsed on arrival and not seen since.Finding that out had been easy, finding out they were Aes Sedai only a trifle more difficult-(And so he's following Ispan and Failon, twoBA,too...). -A lean young man in a orn vest, whistling his way down the street with no good on his mind, paused when he glimpsed him sitting on the barrel. his coat and his location in the shadows--and the rest of him, he admitted ruefully--probably looked tempting.He reached under his coat. His hands no longer possessed the strength or flexibility for swordwork, but the two long knives he had carried for well over thirty years had surprised more than one swordsman-( he had known how to use a sword, but has used knives for over thirty years this make me doubt he can be Borhnald, and left the way open to Farstrider). (Few lines later...)-He would stay here until dark, he decided, then see whether he could find Carridin's pretty little killer again-(He knows Carridin is a darkfriend...and is spying on another couples of darkfriends, Bors obey to Sammael and Ispan and Falion to Mogghy, thus to Moridin, and probably they ignore one the other existence...but he seems to know...). I don't know who he is for certain but I feel that he can be Farstrider, but it's very difficult he can be Bornhand, maybe he is someone we've never seen...I hope having been of help. Comments are welcome.


Tamyrlin: 1998-11-05

Thanks for checking that out, it helps to have all of those quotes...although your assumption about the swordwork for thirty years would disqualify Bornhald, he has a son that is a Whitecloak, so potentially he could be between 40-50 years old when he dissappeared in Falme. But what is strange is that he is following the darkfriends yet it seems compulsion has been used on him(like Verin said that it was harder to do with males). I wonder if we will ever know.