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ll That Is Not Human

by Igor: 1998-06-23 | Not yet rated

Before Winter's Heart - Archive Only: What good is Perrin anyway?

Perrin is for all that is not human. He will lead Ogier, wolves and who knows what including Hawk and Falcon into the Last Battle. But even more important is his link with Tinkers. He is going to find the song for them (something wolfish and from the other world should help). It sould be the song that wins.
This character is unappealing, I agree, though my brother likes him, RJ has difficulty in leading him through the plot, but I think written above is the reason why Perrin was first concieved.
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Tamyrlin: 1998-06-23

I happen to agree that Perrin will have something to do with finding or discovering the lost 'song' that the tinkers search for, I'm just hoping he does something important soon, or atleast interesting. I pretty sick of him running around trying to keep out of Berelain's site and in Faile's good graces.