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h Yeah, Saidin!

by Mudpuddle: 1998-07-24 | Not yet rated

Before Winter's Heart - Archive Only: The Taint of Saidar and Saidin

Here's the thing. Is the male half tainted? Oh yeah. What I think is, it's because The Dark Dude is hiding in it. You see, I believe that if there really was a hole in his prison, why would he still be in it for Lewis Therin to seal him up? Think about it if someone carved a hole in your jail cell, would you run your campaign from inside it, or get the hell out, and go from there? I think he lured LTT and his happy helpers there and made them do that, sacrificing his foot soldiers, which is all he would see the forsaken as. Then, at the last second, he said "Oh yeah? well then I'm gonna wreck your magic stuff!" and LTT fell for it, everyone thought he was safely tucked away. The women are not affected, because he could only choose yin, or yang but not both. And the Forsaken have straws THROUGH him to drink from, which Rand suspects. I don't think they were psychosomatically driven mad like the other guy suggested... LTT would never frag his wife cause someone else convinced him he was whacked. He really was. The Nasty Lad is like the shell of evil Lord Foul was making over The Land by sa! crificing everyone his ravers could get their hands on (in The Second Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant.) Only he was over saidin. It was all chorreographed by you-know-who, because he knew he was free to kill Lewis in any old way he pleased. So, he picked the juiciest way he could think of "Hmmm, let's see... First I'll have him kill everyone else, starting with his sweet babboo." ...whom i think is really Elaine in this life... "Then completly trash, oh, just the entire planet." I mean, if anyone has the inside track on the Prophecies, it would be The Nameless One, don't you think? He knows that it's not LTT who's fated to kick his ass. Not the Dragon. The Dragon Reborn. So he wants everything as f***** up as possible when Tarmon Assante starts. That, and whatever else you say about the guy, from 'lovely singing voice' to 'what a malacha,' you have to admit The Evil Guy certainly has a highly developed sense of humor... So how does it go from there? maybe Rand lures Him back From Whence He Came, and turns the tables on him... LTT gets his final death, Rand sails off with Elaine (the Lion Sword,) Aviendha (I forget) and Min (the Lady who Sees Beyond.) Betcha five bucks.
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Tamyrlin: 1998-07-24

You ought to develop it even more, it is a great idea. What then is Saidin tainted with? What are Rand and the boys feeling as they pull on Saidin? What is making them go crazy?


Mudpuddle: 1998-07-30

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Saidin is tainted with the Dark One himself. He doesn't have a corpreal body any more than the Creator does, so he needs somewhere to exist... so he is like a skim of gasoline ontop of a pure pool of water all the males are feeling the Dark One himself, his evil. That would be enough to drive everyone wacky, don't you think?


Tamyrlin: 1998-07-30

Okay, I understand what you are saying. I do have a question concerning that though...does everyone of the male Aes Sedai hear 'voices'? and if so, whose voice is it?


Mudpuddle: 1998-08-05

About the voices... Jeeze, I dunno. I'd be willing to bet Dashiva hears em... unless he's acting... but I been thinking about Rand's probs.... First off, Mat has been given memories of (i'd be willing to bet) his own past lives... but he doesn't channel, so he seems to be handling em alright. And I think that Rand cannot come to grips with his having been such an undeniably scary figure. Like not believing you were Hitler in a past life... So, when he needs to learn something desparately cause his can is on the line, Lewis Therin comes up and talks to him... but it's really just himself he's talking to. Think of it as being like Nynaeve's block. Or, if you preferr think of it as schitzophrenia. But I dunno... did it seem to you that Lewis Therin heard voices when he wigged out in Book 1? I don't remember it being so... Either way, I'm no qualified psychologist... but if Dashiva's sane I'll eat my keyboard.


Tamyrlin: 1998-08-05

Ishamael tells Rand that he whispered into LTT's ear to kill his family...and Cadsuane asks Rand if he hears voices and if the voices tell him what to do. It would seem to me that the memories that Rand has of the AOL and of LTT are real, he is LTT reborn but that the actual voice inside of him that appeared to grab at saidin and try to wrestle it away doesn't have to be an imagined voice. I think it is the DO in their heads(male channelers) making them go crazy, making them do things, wrestling the power away from them and causing them to go insane. Just a thought.


Mudpuddle: 1998-08-06

I really like this idea. Not least because it fits so well with my own... but i didn't have the jam to come right out and say that the Nasty Lad was taking an active role in the madness of male channelers. But, if he really is an oil-slick on the pool that is Saidar, then the only way to get some Power is to also open yourself up to HIM. Like, you have to drop your innate defenses. Which is something that I don't think the Unspoken One could accomplish if he was in some dimensional gulag. Also, the taint on the Ways is a Living Thing... and I suspect it's just a dim reflection of the Dark One's winning demeanor. After all, if the counterstroke really was like they all think, then it would be an impersonal madness like other violent and destructive forces of nature... But you are (i think) suggesting that this madness has both purpose and direction... so it must have some sort of awareness... And the Black Wind obviously knows what it's about... You could never get a tornado to! stand guard over one particular Way. P.S. I believe exactly zero percent of what comes out of Ishmael's mouth. Not only was he a psychotic megalomaniac with an incredibly advanced case of delusion but even when he was lucid he was a Lying A** Dog.


Tamyrlin: 1998-08-06

I wouldn't underestimate the truth within the lies that Ishamael tells. Kind of like to devil, what he says might be half the truth and he makes you think it is the whole truth...(not that I talk to him often).