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asema is Demandred

by Mat "Cauthon" Umsted: 2000-11-20 | 2 out of 10 (4 votes)

Previous Categories: Who is Demandred?

I know this is a pretty dumb theory, but Masema is leading a huge army(Dem was a great general), is in love with himself (like Dem). Sheinar is right near the Blight and there had to be someone with a little power to turn those Sheinarans like Ingtar into Darkfriends. Shoot me down all you like, but this is no less plausable than Taim as Demandred - like that was going to be true.
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Tamyrlin: 2000-11-20

Well, Taim as Demandred actually had proof. It seems to me that Ingtar was a Darkfriend long before the seals weakened for Demandred to slip out. Sorry, I don't think this is possible.


FiK: 2005-02-20

I'm not sure about this BUT Sammael (in FoH or LoC) does say something along the lines of 'events in the south west (where the prophets mobs are) smacked of demandred'. quote most definetaly wrong but along that gist. cbf looking up :p jordan rarely includes useless info


Ozymandias: 2005-02-20

yea he did say that. Except we need to remember that the DO said that the Forsaken had to cause chaos wherever possible. So the fact that there is chaos in the southwest which looks like something Demandred created doesn't mean that Demandred is Masema. I think the fact that we knew Masema before Demandred was really free of the Bore is more than enough proof that Demandred is not Masema. Every other case of impersonation has revolved around a character of whom we had little to no previous foreknowledge. Plus, I don't think Demandred's ego (which we know is massive) would ever let him say all that stuff about Rand being the Light made flesh, yada yada yada


sarutobi: 2005-05-10

But also wasn't Taim out terrorizing as a false dragon before demandred was released?


MatCauthon: 2005-05-11

**But also wasn't Taim out terrorizing as a false dragon before demandred was released? **

Yes, he was but he wasn't introduced in the books yet. And if I remember correctly, even Bashere didn't recognize him which Tain wrote off as him [Taim] having shaved. Masema was introduced to us already.

While I don't believe Taim is Demadred, I do think that its an important difference there. Since Taim wasn't introduced until after the Forsaken were free it is a possiblity. Since Masema is from before then, I don't think its possible.


JakOShadows: 2005-05-11

This seems possible, but hardly provable. We haven't seen any evidence that points to this, except that one vague example, this just seems like a combination of coincidences. Now I do think Masema is a little bit crazy, and would therefore be susceptible to some manipulation. But your probably going to need a bit more proof. You have gotten me curious though.


Traveller: 2005-09-24

I think the only evidence for this is when Sammael tells Graendal to warn Demandred to not get in the way of his plan and thinks:

"Events to the South had Demandred's mark all over them."

As Sammael is in Graendal's home in Arad Doman at the time, Ghealdan is south of there. Also it fits that Sammael doesn't want D's lackeys (perhaps the dragonsworn in Ghealdan) to get in the way of his plans as they are a large dangerous mass.

Also Taim is at the time in the farm in the borderlands, whisch is NorthEast of Arad doman.