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emandred is Demandred!

by oldmanfish: 2002-11-06 | 5 out of 10 (8 votes)

Previous Categories: Who is Demandred?

Demandred is working through the Black Tower (his infamous proxies), converting all the strongest Asha'man into Darkfriends with the circles of 13 Black Ajah and Myrdraal. Why do you think all the strongest Asha'man end up being Darkfriends AND knowing each other? Coincidence? I think not. "Have I not done well, Great Master"?
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Tamyrlin: 2002-11-06

Yeah, I like that interpretation. Those invitations that people receive up to Taim's "classes" in his residence seems like a Dreadlord Factory to me. Jordan really pulled everyone along with those references tying Taim to Demandred...he did a good job of creating a proxy that fooled most readers.