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aim, Moridin, and Ishamael

by Mosleth: 1998-06-21 | Not yet rated

Before Winter's Heart - Archive Only: Is Taim Demandred?

Just another sick one. Maby Taim and Moridin is the sae person, Ishy. It could have been arranged. Taim is away from the tower alot and we never know where Moridin is. Ishy could just have asulted the transport carying Taim, killed all of them, disguised himself as taim and went to Rand. Another thing is LLTs hate towards Taim, LLT has every reason to hate Ishy beyond limits. He, Ishy, made LLT sane after he had made himself kindslayer, that was not very comfortable for LLT. And remember Taim is very very close being as strong as Rand, Ishy was the strongest of the forsakens (Demandred isnt even the second strongest among the male, the strongest were Ishy, Aginor and Bathamael. Lanfear being second strongest counting the female). Its maybe not completely waterproof, but its not imposible.or is it???????.
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Tamyrlin: 1998-06-21

Now this is a new thought, that Ishamael is both, wow you really like Ishamael a lot Mosleth. But of course, you could be right...