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ark One standing beside the Pattern?

by Lewin: 2003-02-02 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: Miscellaneous

I beg you to not judge me to hard after reading this since it's my very first theory.

I've read a couple of theories here that implies that the Dark One is standing outside the Pattern, but that's not my belief.

First I think it's a question of how you define the Pattern. I believe, as some do, that there must be some kind of pattern of patterns.

Since there are an unknown number of parallel worlds i.e. the world we live in, worlds that could have been, worlds that still might be and so on. In some of those world the DO is ruling, for example in a world where the DO got freed during the War of Power, and other worlds where the DO haven't stepped out of it's pattern.

That would mean that even though the DO has stepped out of “our” pattern he should be in several different patterns and thus still be in the pattern of patterns.

Or what do you say?
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Tamyrlin: 2003-02-02

Am I really that harsh? :) Okay, well you brought up a buzz word around here called Mirror Worlds. It is the belief of a few of us, after studying the subject, that Mirror Worlds are not real worlds and what goes on in those worlds cannot affect the real world/universe. I do agree that in some of the virtual worlds that the simulated events may show the DO ruling that world. There is a name for the weave that is all of weavings of all worlds (Lace). But within all simulations, in all worlds, in all Patterns, three things are constant. There is a Creator, there is a Dark One who was imprisoned, and there is an Unseen World. The question is how do we individually define "in or out" of the Pattern.


Callandor: 2003-02-02

The DO is inprisoned in all the worlds. He breaks free in one he's free in all.

The DO is imprisoned OUTSIDE the pattern. He was imprisoned there by the Creator and the first moment in time.


Tamyrlin: 2003-02-02

No. There is one prison. One Creator. One Unseen World. One Real Universe with myriads of planets. But Mirror Worlds do not reside in the Real Universe, they reside in a dimension of the Unseen World. The DO could be free on various Mirror Worlds and it wouldn't change a thing in the Real Universe.


Lewin: 2003-02-03

A thought just popped up in my head... Rand has visited these Mirror Worlds at least once that i ramember(together with Lanfear in tGH) so if the DO is free in some worlds wouldn't he be able to travel to the real world? that would be a real anticlimax... and what would have happend if Rand would have met his "mirror" in this world? =)


Elder Haman: 2003-02-03

I don't know Tamyrlin. Verin was pretty clear that if the Dark One escaped in a Mirror World that he escaped in all worlds. I think Verin knows more about the Mirror Wolds than we do.


Tamyrlin: 2003-02-03

It comes down to interpretation. Worlds without end (lets take what we know from the Hubble telescope, billions of galaxies), and earth is only one. The Dark One's prison is accessible from each of those worlds, and if he is allowed to be freed in one of those then he will be free to remake the Pattern (or whatever you believe). The Mirror Worlds are different. They aren't simply other real worlds that you can travel to by spaceship, but they do exist, and technically, the DO and his prison is a constant in all of them, but those worlds are simply simulations of different turns of events from what REALLY happened, therefore the events that take place are not REAL. So no events that occur there are real unless you visit them in the flesh and are killed, exactly like the properties of T'A'R.


Lewin: 2003-02-04

I understand that ordinary people can't travel to them, but correct me if i'm wrong, didn't Rand visit one in GH?


silverwolf: 2003-02-09

I think the reason that the mirror worlds seem fuzzy is not because they are less REAL than the "REAL" world, but simply because they are much different. Since people can travel to them in the flesh, they are "real." The strangeness is simply resulting from being used to a different frame of reference. I think that if a person living in one of the mirror worlds were to travel to the "real" world, they would also experience disorientation the feeling of indistinctness. Think of it this way: if a person with normal vision were to visit a black and white world, it would seem strange; to a colorblind person, the world would seem normal.