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Interviews: WoR Signing Report - Leinton





Mar 4th, 2014




San Diego, CA


Words of Radiance


Mysterious Galaxy




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  • 1


    So I didn't get to ask many questions but the ones I did get answered I'll post here. All are paraphrased because I had no recording equipment. Also I was expecting large numbers of RAFOs and didn’t get them. Also there are no spoilers for Words of Radiance in this, so feel free to read!
  • 2


    Does Nightblood possibly rip souls out of people?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Nightblood consumes Investiture, including the spark of life.


  • 3


    Is Shadesmar just a name for the Cognitive Realm or is there a difference?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The answer he gave me was a little confusing but he clarified it by saying that it was like San Diego was a part of the United States but the United States wasn’t a part of San Diego. I asked if this meant that Shadesmar was a location in the Cognitive Realm and he said yes.


  • 4


    Would Returned still Return if Endowment died?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Magic in the cosmere needs a guiding force. If it doesn't have one, the magic itself will gain sentience. Or someone would pick it up. So yes, Returned would still come, but there would be something different based on who was guiding the power.


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    Could Breath be used to power Surgebinding and what would happen to the Breath.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Theoretically yes, it can be done, and the Breath would be consumed just the same as stormlight.


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    Are there birds outside of Shinovar on Roshar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes but they're all on the western side of the continent. There are no birds in Alethkar and nearby nations other than chickens and other fowl brought from Shinovar.


  • 7

    Brandon Sanderson

    I also asked him about capitalization. He talked about how in modern English, capitalization is boring and doesn't happen often enough, referring back to the Victorian era where they would just capitalize Important Words. I asked him about parshmen vs Parshendi and he said that the Parshendi were a nation. I also asked about skaa vs Noble but he didn't answer (I think he just forgot or missed it, I worded it with lots of unnecessary words and people are loud) but it would be safe to assume a similar reason.


  • 8


    Oh something I forgot to mention when I went over my Q/A session with Brandon.

    Someone else's question was about the safehand and Brandon gave new information on it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    So that essay he told us about? The one that defined masculine arts as being ones with two hands and feminine needing only one? That was in order to let men secure power over Shardblades.

