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Interviews: KOD Signing Report - Congo Red Jr.





Oct 29th, 2005




Santa Cruz, CA


Knife of Dreams Book Tour


Borders Books and Music


Congo Red Jr.


Theoryland (Comment 68)

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    Congo Red Jr.

    Well I asked Mr. Jordan about this theory, in brief, at a booksigning in Santa Cruz. I did this while getting my books autographed.

    Robert Jordan

    He said the Forsaken are using balefire to help unravel the Pattern. That was all he'd say on it, told me the books provide enough evidence for it.


    At any rate I'm not sure whether or not this helps anyone's arguments as I haven't read all of them; y'all write too much.


  • 2

    Congo Red Jr.

    I found Mr. Jordan to be a good guy overall, patient and quite funny. I went through the line a few times and got my wife to participate as well, so I got all eleven of first print hardcovers signed. Yay! His wife Harriet was downright cool; she and my wife talked extensively on whatever women talk about and seemed to get on fine. Well anyway thought I'd fill y'all in. Take care.


  • 3

    sporkster (comment 70)

    So—one Jordan booksigning against the theory, and one for. Sounds like we can't put this theory in the "Debunked" pile yet...


    I suppose it's possible that Mr. Jordan may not have fully understood my question and therefore his answer isn't exactly for or against this theory. LOL The question I asked was this: Have the Forsaken, Demandred specifically, used balefire to destabilize the Pattern at all?

    Robert Jordan

    He said that they've used balefire and the consequences were destabilizing the Pattern and that in the books you could see evidence of that.


    I should've been more specific in my question to him and my post here; that was first time I've ever commented on a message board, etc. I'm usually just a reader/browser to forums and such. I personally think the other fella's question was more specific therefore the answer probably more accurate as pertaining to the topic at hand. The answer he gave me upon further reflection could mean any number of things. It's hard to say. Guess we'll all find out when A Memory of Light is published.


    Actually, it appears that both answers might have been accurate in their original form, and that the Forsaken have indeed been using balefire, but that Demandred is not one of them. In any case, Brandon's comments on this theory make it almost certain that balefire is the main cause of the disintegration of the Pattern.

