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Wheel of Time News

An Hour With Harriet

2012-04-30: I had the great pleasure of speaking with Harriet McDougal Rigney about her life. She's an amazing talent and person and it will take you less than an hour to agree.

The Bell Tolls

2012-04-24: Some thoughts I had during JordanCon4 and the upcoming conclusion of "The Wheel of Time."

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Brandon Sanderson on Twitter

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Twitter Portal

  • 1


    For a complete catalog of Brandon's tweets, visit the Twitter Portal at Brandon's website. Be wary of spoilers for A Memory of Light, here and elsewhere in the database.
  • 2

    Zack Lex Crow (4 January 2013)

    I read once that there would be a Mat-Tuon series post–Last Battle. Is this true, @BrandSanderson?

    Brandon Sanderson (4 January 2013)

    There was going to be, as RJ was planning to do one, but without him Harriet has no plans to continue on after A Memory of Light.


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    Anele (6 January 2013)

    Any info on when A Memory of Light will be available on iBooks?

    Brandon Sanderson (6 January 2013)

    It will be a few months, I'm afraid. Harriet's decision, not Tor's or mine.

    Kevin Williams

    Will A Memory of Light be on iBooks on the 8th?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, I believe it is April. Harriet insisted. I tried to get it simultaneous. This was the compromise.

    Zach Burmeister (8 January)

    Why such a delay for the ebook release?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Harriet is uncomfortable with ebooks. She wanted a year delay. We talked her into a few months.

    Zak Bryson

    Super annoyed that ebook versions of A Memory of Light don't come out until April 9th. Own all the other books in ebook form.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I wish it were our choice. Harriet insisted.

    Zoe M

    Wow, anger about the ebook is brutalizing those Amazon ratings.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Always does. I wish they would realize Tor couldn't change this, nor could I.

    Brandon Sanderson

    A Memory of Light is out today! Yay! On my way to the airport after a brief night's sleep. See some of you tonight in the Twin Cities.

    BJ Whitkin

    Really??? Then why isn't it on my Nook?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Harriet insisted it be delayed on ebook.

    BJ Whitkin

    Did anyone ask her why no ebook? Did she answer?

    Brandon Sanderson

    She is worried ebook sales would cause the hardcover to not sell enough to hit #1 on the bestseller lists.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I disagree, as does TOR, but it is her decision. Longer explanation on my blog tomorrow.

    Nick Timakondu

    A Memory of Light not available on Kindle until April? What a stupid decision.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm afraid my hands are tied. Harriet insisted.

    Lis Mitchell

    I have to say I didn't realize till this morning and was quite bummed. No more physical books get bought here.

    Rachel Reams

    I also do not buy physical books any longer. Just found out no Memory of Light ebook and I'm disappointed.

    Brandon Sanderson

    See the end of my blog post today.

    Dylan Verheul

    @torbooks Please release A Memory of Light in electronic format. cc @BrandSanderson

    Brandon Sanderson

    See the end of my blog post today. Nothing I can do, I'm afraid.

    Dylan Verheul

    Thanks for your openness. This says "rankings are more important than readers", but your explanation helps.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, Harriet doesn't get ebooks. She thinks they're like paperbacks. She figures if paperback readers will wait, why not ebook readers?

    tkm222 (13 January)

    Just read about reasons for no ebook... There are now illegal copies everywhere... I am waiting to buy but am very disappointed.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I am very sorry. Wish I could do more.

    E-R (14 January)

    Any idea when the Kindle or Nook edition of A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    April. (Explanation on my website. Terribly sorry about the delay.)


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    Brian Shanahan (6 January 2013)

    Have you ever considered writing a prequel to the WoT? Something during the Trolloc Wars or earlier? It has potential.

    Brandon Sanderson (6 January 2013)

    I think it would be a bad idea—not that it would be a bad story, but that we shouldn't exploit RJ's legacy.


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    Daniel (7 January 2013)

    At 11:52 PM on 11/6/13, I finished reading The Wheel of Time. To Robert Jordan, you, and all of team Jordan...Thank you.

    Brandon Sanderson (7 January 2013)

    It has been an honor. The epilogue as it stands now is the sequence I read 5 years ago—the last part that RJ left for us.


    This was clarified elsewhere. RJ didn't write the entire epilogue, but it's implied he wrote most of it, and certainly the Rand POVs at the end (this was RJ's 'last scene').


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    Matt Hatch (8 January 2013)

    Attending a Memory of Light book signing event? If so, make sure to ask @BrandSanderson for a unique signature. Make him think. #hcff

    Brandon Sanderson (8 January 2013)

    Just for that, each time an HCFF asks me this, I'm going to write something about you dying violently.

    Matt Hatch

    ...@Southpaw2014 was first HCFF to ask @BrandSanderson for a unique signature: I expect unique deaths Brandon!


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    Leonard K (8 January 2013)

    Are you going to be in on the Encyclopedia just mentioned? We are all dreading a big white book repeat.

    Brandon Sanderson (8 January 2013)

    Harriet and Team Jordan have it well in hand, and will do a far better job than I could.


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    Jared Sheehan (9 January 2013)

    Thank you @BrandSanderson for completing the Wheel of Time. Can we expect to see a movie anytime soon??? PLEASEEEEE!

    Brandon Sanderson (9 January 2013)

    Universal pictures has a film in development.


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    Austen Woods (9 January 2013)

    In your FAQ you mentioned no more WoT books. Does this decision negate any chance of movies/TV shows/mini series?

    Brandon Sanderson (9 January 2013)

    No it does not. (I am hoping for a prequel video game, myself.)


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    Kristi Deming (12 January 2013)

    Any chance of finding out what "Bao" or "The Wyld" mean since we have no glossary?

    Brandon Sanderson (12 January 2013)

    Both are a reference to Beowulf, and I meant the Wyld to mean "predator" or, in more common tongue, he who will kill the dragon.


    The name "Bao" also came from Bao Pham, a fan who has worked (along with Jimmy Liang, blademaster "Jaim" of The Yearly Brawl) teaching sword forms for JordanCon and the WoT track at DragonCon.


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    Can (13 January 2013)

    @Terez27 Do we know which character is dead by Harriet's choice?


    Bela. @BrandSanderson told us twice that she would survive. :( But apparently Harriet later insisted she should die.

    Brandon Sanderson (13 January 2013)

    Yeah. Harriet felt that we had painted that character into a corner, and the story demanded that conclusion.

    Daniel Shepard

    Is that the GRRM moment? Or the character that was gonna recover from their injuries?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Character was going to recover.

    Brandon Sanderson

    She was right to make that call, but it does turn me into a liar. That's what I get for speaking too soon...


    That does seem slightly ludicrous. I think the fanbase turned Bela into a bit of a meme.

    Brandon Sanderson

    True, but I will note that Harriet personally has a special fondness for her.

    Brandon Sanderson

    She has said that she would joke with RJ that Bela was the character based on Harriet in the books.

    Peter Ahlstrom

    Harriet even has "Bela" in her email address. She took her fate quite seriously.


    The average reader wouldn't even remember who she was. Weird this much effort was spent on her.

    Peter Ahlstrom

    You think? Back when I was an average reader and hadn't talked about the books online, I loved Bela.


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    Keith Pishnery (13 January 2013)

    Did RJ say that Nakomi should be included? You said she was "deep in RJ's notes" but wondering if it was up in the air?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 January 2013)

    I said something deep in the notes made me include her. I have not said if she herself was in the notes or not.


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    Daniel Shepard (13 January 2013)

    Who was GRRM moment? Siuan?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 January 2013)

    Trying to avoid spoilers, but it was a sequence of characters including that one.


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    The Sandwich Man (13 January 2013)

    Just read A Memory of Light, one of my all-time favorites. But for clarification, what, exactly, did Rand do to seal the Bore?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 January 2013)

    I want to avoid spoilers on my feed, if possible. But it involved access to something Lews Therin did not have.


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    Diaz (13 January 2013)

    Is Rand leaving his friends (mainly Perrin, Mat, Loial & Tam) never to be seen again in the end, or does he contact them later?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 January 2013)

    I believe RJ wanted people to wonder and decide for themselves. What do you think happened?


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    Can (13 January 2013)

    Which scene was the most visualized one that you wanted to see in the movie? Demandred-Taim?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 January 2013)

    Lan with arrows falling and a ring of fire.


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    Filch (13 January 2013)

    Dude.... You have GOT to explain the whole pipe thing at the end!!!! WTF? HOW? (that's all I'm asking)

    Brandon Sanderson (13 January 2013)

    I will do a blog post soon about this and similar questions. However, I can't answer much because I don't know much.

    Brandon Sanderson

    He did not explain much about the epilogue, even in the notes.


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    Terez (13 January 2013)

    I once wrote a poem about writer's block. I was reminded of it when I the last scene of chapter 44... @BrandSanderson

    Brandon Sanderson

    I would love to see the poem. And it sure was nice to have Thom around to help with inspiration.


    Thom's chapter viewpoint in Memory of Light, hands down for me, was my favorite. Beautifully written.

    Brandon Sanderson (13 January 2013)



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    MPry (13 January 2013)

    Really really we wish we had more of what happened "after". I personally believe. I'm thinking it wasnt your decision though.

    Brandon Sanderson (13 January 2013)

    It was not, but I agree with how it is. Those sorts of endings—like in Harry Potter—don't work for me as well.

    Brandon Sanderson

    However, Harriet has promised to release what we know of RJ's planned sequel trilogy to give you more info.


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    Brandon Sanderson (15 January 2013)

    Man, it feels good to be writing again. Revision (which I spent most of last year doing) is very important. But the writing is what I love.

    Brandon Sanderson

    About a year ago I turned in the rough draft of A Memory of Light. It was VERY rough. Took eight months of hard work to get it into shape.


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    Bob Johnson (15 January 2013)

    Just finished A Memory of Light...juggling all the POVs is quite an accomplishment!

    Brandon Sanderson (15 January 2013)

    Thanks. It was one of the most challenging parts of working on the book, to be certain.


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    This is the beginning of the post–A Memory of Light Twitter Q&A. It ends at entry #73. The non-WoT portion can be found on the non-WoT page, beginning with entry #15 and ending with entry #24.

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Today at 4:00 Eastern/2:00 Mountain I'll be doing the #torchat here on Twitter.

    Brandon Sanderson

    @fionwe1987 (question about spoilers) @tordotcom That's a good question. Thoughts, Tor? Should I post a spoiler warning on all of this? Probably better to do so.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm starting #torchat. Tweet me your questions with that tag. SPOILERS ALLOWED. So don't watch if you haven't finished A Memory of Light.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Warning, I don't have time to look up of things in the notes during this, so I will frequently MAFO very detailed world questions.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Please do remember the hashtag. Also, I'll try to @ people directly to not flood your Twitter streams, so search for #torchat to watch.

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    Kamarile Sedai (23 January 2013)

    Brandon, does the Oath Rod continue to be used in the Fourth Age? If so, for what purpose?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    So far as I know, yes. And for the same purpose.

    Raj Iyer

    Do other groups start using the Rod too?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Do you think the Aes Sedai are likely to let others manhandle one of their ter'angreal?

    Kamarile Sedai

    Did men start to use the Oath Rod too, or did it continue to be only women?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No men. Neither group would like that. The Asha'man are NOT male Aes Sedai. RJ was clear about this in the notes.

    Keith Martin

    Will the White and Black Towers reunite to form one Aes Sedai again?

    Brandon Sanderson

    RJ was clear to me that the Asha'man were not Aes Sedai, and were not going to become them.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That said, a united male/female Aes Sedai will come again someday.


    Brandon is probably not referring to the 4th Age in his last tweet; more likely he's talking about the next turning of the Wheel.


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    James Starke (23 January 2013)

    How much time passed for the respective groups during The Last Battle?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    I don't have the timeline handy. For Rand, you could measure it in hours. Outside, weeks stretching to months.


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    Jeffrey Bernard (23 January 2013)

    With all the deaths that occurred in A Memory of Light, were there any that hit you harder than any others?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Egwene. After that, Bela. I'd promised she would live, but Harriet decided that I was cheating to keep her alive.

    Raj Ayer

    How long did it take you to write Egwene's death? What were your emotions then? How much had RJ written of it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It was a hard one, to be sure. Hardest in the books. Had a long conversation with Team Jordan about how to manage it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    RJ had not written much of that sequence.

    Andy Lee

    Why did Egwene have to die? Very sad.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I agree. But if you look at the arc of her character, you might begin to see why it was important.

    Travis Hall

    Without spoilers, were there any characters you want to kill/save that you couldn't do to Jordan's wishes?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There was one. But it was Harriet's call, not RJ's, that ended them.


    Who did you find hardest to kill?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Egwene by a mile. Followed by Bela.


    Why did you kill Bela?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I tried to keep her alive! Harriet told me I'd put her in too bad a situation, and she needed to die.

    Brandon Sanderson

    She was right, of course, but it still hurts.


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    Dennis (23 January 2013)

    I notice that Rand referred to Moridin as "Elan," not "Elan Morin." Why that stylistic choice?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Rand didn't think he deserved the third name.


    But Elan Morin were his two names, like Lews Therin. Tedronai was his third name.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Speaking as Rand does was an intentional insult, as per my understanding via the notes.


    I saw it as a familiarity, since he calls Ilyena by her first name only. Well, so does everyone...(she has three).

    Brandon Sanderson

    I view it this way, but it might be colored by my own personal experience. In Korea, using a very familial tone...

    Brandon Sanderson either endearing or incredibly offensive, depending on your relationship to the person. That's how I see it here.

    Brandon Sanderson

    At times, honestly, I don't know if Rand is intending insult or familiarity—perhaps both.


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    Jared Garrett (23 January 2013)

    How did it feel to be one of the only humans who knew who killed Asmodean?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Fun, but also annoying, since I couldn't tell anyone.

    Kevin Cantrell

    Did Graendal kill Asmodean? Huge fan of yours and WOT, first read The Eye of the World when I was 13, 15 years ago.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, she did. And thanks!


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    Jay Fonseca (23 January 2013)

    So I always wondered... what ever happened to the Tinkers' song? Did I miss a resolution to that arc?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    By specific instruction from RJ, the Tinkers have not found their song as of the end of A Memory of Light.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The song of growing is not their "Song." The Song is a much more deep and philosophical concept, perhaps unattainable.


    Do you imagine that Rand teaches "the song" to the Tu'athan after the events of A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Rand does not know The Song. Anything he'd try to teach them, they would not accept as The Song.

    Aaron Oster

    Wait, are you saying Rand's song that Mat recognized wasn't the Tinkers' song?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Tinker "Song" is an ideal that goes far beyond any song that has actually ever existed.


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    John Martin (23 January 2013)

    Okay, the pipe lighting . . . Any real explanation, or are we just going to wonder forever?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    I put it in as RJ instructed, and I know nothing more about it than fandom does, I'm afraid.

    James Starke

    Popular theory is that from his time with the Dark One/Creator/Pattern, he's able to manipulate The Pattern a bit.

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is a good theory.

    Jonathan B

    What's your opinion on how pipe lighting was or could have been done even if we don't have RJ's answer?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ha. I agree with some of the fan discussions.

    Andrew Mudge

    Is Rand the missing link between the Pattern and the Creator himself, possibly even the balancer of light/dark?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's one possible theory.

    Mike Ball

    How did Rand light the pipe at the end of A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I know no more on this than fandom does, I'm afraid. RJ did not explain.

    Terry Benton

    I still can't figure it did Rand light his pipe? Is he in Tel'aran'rhioid? Is everybody??

    Dan Zambito

    Can you explain how Rand lit his pipe in the last scene? Did he discover a new power? Is he a new power?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm afraid I don't know anything more than fandom does about this. RJ did not leave notes on the matter.


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    Alexi (23 January 2013)

    Is there a possibility of a new series focusing on the Seanchan?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Afraid not. RJ did not leave notes about that series, and we feel that to do it would be exploiting his legacy.

    Keith Martin

    Do you think you might revisit WoT to continue some of the stories left untold?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No. It is very unlikely. I feel that from here out, writing in the WoT world would be against RJ's wishes.

    Jade Kazmierski

    I understand the series as it were is complete, but is there any chance for further novellas?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Unlikely. I don't believe that RJ would want us to do that.

    Marcel Stokvis

    Will you be finishing the prequels as well?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Unlikely. I don't think RJ would want me to.

    Henry Koivuneva

    Rereading the series, what is your opinion, could more books be written on the Fourth Age?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, many could—but they would be our projections, not RJ's vision. So we shouldn't do them.

    Neil Ritchie

    Is this the absolute end? Darkfriends must still exist and the future is very unclear. Seems scope for more?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is not the end, but it is the end of what we will write. The rest is left to fan imaginations.


  • 31

    Radbeard (23 January 2013)

    Don't you feel some of the character endings were too rushed (Fain, everyone Demandred killed)?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Finishing everything that RJ left to be finished in the amount of space required results in some dynamic pacing.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't feel rushed is the right term. But I can see how people might feel that way. I could have gone three more books.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It was not right to do so. This was what he wanted, and I did my best to fit everything in. I'm pleased with the result.

    Brandon Sanderson

    In regards to your specific questions, the Demandred kills were supposed to be abrupt to convey emotion of sudden loss.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's how things are in war. As for Fain, a piece of me does wish there had been time for more with him.


    Do you plan on expanding on the Wheel of Time series more or is it done? Why did you have so many abrupt deaths?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, no more. RJ wouldn't want it. Abrupt deaths happen in war; it is the way this sort of thing plays out, I'm afraid.

    Daniel Egonsson

    Was there anything in A Memory of Light you wished you could have changed?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I might have done more with Fain if I'd had the time and the pages.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The biggest challenge for the book was fitting everyone in, and making sure they had relevant things to do.


  • 32

    Indigo Kae (23 January 2013)

    Is the woman who told Rand at the end that he was right to bring Moridin, Nakomi?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    I have been advised to RAFO questions regarding most everything from there on.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It's funny to say RAFO when there is no more to read, but what that term means is "This is supposed to be ambiguous."

    David Catherine

    With all of the homages to global myths/legends, is Nakomi the Wandering Jew/Jenn?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's a very clever question that nobody has yet asked me. I'm not going to say more, however.

    Ryan Lee

    I gotta ask, is Nakomi / the Woman at the End a Shard of Adonalsium? Perhaps Balance?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No. There is not crossover between my shared world and the Wheel of Time. (Sorry.)


    Who helped Rand out of the Shayol Ghul after the fight with the Dark One and told him he knew what he needed to do?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Hi, Neth. This is one I'm not answering, but if you track me down in person, you might be able to beat it out of me.


    Is Nakomi the avatar of the Creator?


    SIFADFOE (Scream In Frustration And Don't Find Out, Ever) :-)


    Yay, that means I can officially not give a shit about Nakomi. :)

    Brandon Sanderson

    You are allowed that right officially. She's becoming the Asmodean kill of this sequence of books.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I, of course, should have realized she'd become so big a thing as she did—but that wasn't the intention.

    Melissa Houghton

    I want to know what the heck was with Nakomi—who/what she is. Also was that her at the end of A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Just answered this. Have a look below. (Sorry. It's a RAFO, I'm afraid.)

    Peter Wikberg

    Who/What is Nakomi?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is a good question, but not one I'm planning to answer any time soon. (sorry.)

    Arran Cook

    Who was Nakomi? How did the body swap happen? How did Rand light the pipe?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You've asked all three of the big questions I'm not allowed or unable to answer, I'm afraid.

    Lachie Stoller

    Who was the old Aiel lady at the end of Rand's battle?

    James Starke

    Is Nakomi the person that Rand encountered at the mouth of Shayol Ghul? And is she the embodiment of The Creator?

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is one that I'm not answering, I'm afraid. RJ wanted some things about the ending to remain ambiguous.


  • 33

    Kirsten Gesenberg (23 January 2013)

    Which scene is the "last scene" that RJ said he wrote first?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Pipe scene.


    RJ always said he could have written the scene in 1984, but he didn't actually write it until he was working on A Memory of Light.

    James Starke

    Robert Jordan wrote the entire epilogue.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Almost all. There were a few small inserts by me. Perrin was mine in the epilogue.

    Mike Cox

    I would like to know, how much of the last chapter was written by RJ and how much did you do?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I did Perrin and some of the in-between writing with Loial. RJ did Mat, Rand, scene exiting the mountain, and others.

    Brandon Sanderson

    There are places where I tweaked bits, per editing, and places where I slipped in things he'd written to my sequences.


    Was the last scene written or dictated?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Written down. As was the scene with Isam [in] the prologue.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Borderlander tower scene was dictated, I believe.


    More info on who wrote what in the epilogue here.


  • 34

    Kim Mainord (23 January 2013)

    If the Dark One is from a place outside the Pattern, where is he from?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Good question.


  • 35

    Neil Tweed (23 January 2013)

    Selfish question: could you tell me whereabouts you used my name in A Memory of Light please. You used it to name a wood!

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Oh, boy. That's on a Google Doc somewhere. Not sure if I can find it easily. Maybe an email would be better?


    Page 247, first full paragraph, Tween Forest.

    Neil Tweed

    Thanks Terez. Missed it on my read through.

    Neil Tweed

    FYI Brandon emailed me to say that Harriet changed it from Tweed Forest to Tween Forest as it made more sense—The In-between Forest.

    Amanda Wan

    Thanks for naming a Green Ajah Aes Sedai after me! (p 756)

    Brandon Sanderson

    My pleasure.


  • 36

    Bob Defendi (23 January 2013)

    Great structure from @BrandSanderson, by the way. The book required you break normal structural rules in just the right way. Great work.

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Thanks, Bob. You rock.

    An Algorithm

    So what kind of prewriting did you do for A Memory of Light @BrandSanderson?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Lots of practicing character viewpoints. I also make a huge outline, which started on big sheets of butcher paper.

    Sandy Stuckless

    Is there anything specific process-wise you learned from completing WoT that you will apply to future projects?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm in awe of RJ's subtlety and hope to be able to transfer my understanding of that to my own works.


    Did the ending of A Memory of Light influence the end of Emperor's Soul?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Not intentionally, but it's hard not to be influenced by projects like this.

    Brandon Sanderson

    For example, I wrote Rithmatist while developing the revision for The Way of Kings, and both ended up with a redhead artist.

    Brent Holmes

    Did the confrontation between Vin and Ruin in Hero of Ages influence the Rand v Dark One scenes?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Everything I do influences everything else, so I'd say yes—but in this case, I had RJ guiding me as a greater influence.

    Simon Ponder

    How does it feel now that the Wheel of Time is over?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sad. Awesome, but sad.

    Chris from Jax

    Is it tough knowing you can't continue the story?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, and no. I feel the ending is the right one. And I can imagine in my head what happens, so for me, that is enough.


  • 37

    Jourdan Vian (23 January 2013)

    What would've happened had Elayne not bonded Birgitte, given how Birgitte's death went in A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    I believe she'd still have come when the Horn was blown.


  • 38

    Jim Short (23 January 2013)

    A Memory of Light moved at a very fast pace. Did you have enough material for maybe one or two more books?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Yes, I did. But I can ALWAYS see more room to expand. Part of being an epic fantasy writer, I suppose...


  • 39

    Aaron Oster (23 January 2013)

    If, hypothetically, there was a body switch in WoT, how would it happen? Would it be an actual switch or illusion?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    There are far more reasons, worldbuilding wise, to believe it was real than to believe it was illusion.


    Is Rand's soul in Moridin's body?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ha. Right to the point, are you? Let's just say that trickery is not likely in this case.


    Can you confirm that Rand's body was burned at the end of A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, fine. Yes, I will confirm that Rand's body was indeed the one that was burned. :)

    Jonathan MacAlpine

    Why didn't anybody notice when a supposedly-dead Moridin got up and walked away?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'd say coincidence. But there aren't many of those in the WoT world.


    Seems like a conversation between the Creator and Rand was missing where "switch" and Alivia's role in it are laid out—thoughts?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I believe that RJ included everything he wanted in this sequence.

    Jason Cassidy

    Why did Rand switch bodies at the end and why is he going incognito now? Did not understand that part.

    Brandon Sanderson

    RJ wrote these scenes, and intended to leave them as is. I don't think me delving into explanations is what he'd want.

    El Brian

    Did the bonding between Rand, Nynaeve, Elayne, and Min transfer over to the new body?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, though I don't know how or why.

    Kamarile Sedai

    Why did the bond survive the body switch at the end of A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't know. RJ did not explain this one to me.

    J Crosby

    How were Rand/Elan able to switch bodies?

    Sean Duffy

    How did Rand wind up with Moridin's body?

    James Starke

    Could you explain further about the body switch and how it was possible?

    Brandon Sanderson

    This is one that I'm not answering, I'm afraid. RJ wanted some things about the ending to remain ambiguous.


  • 40

    Frank McCormick (23 January 2013)

    Why no mention of Dobraine? What's his fate?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Dobraine makes it. RJ's only note on him for the last book was that he was at Merrilor when Rand/Egwene clashed. Dobraine...

    Brandon Sanderson

    ...was one I kept meaning to find a place to mention, but never quite got around to working it in.


  • 41

    Frank McCormick (23 January 2013)

    This might be more Harriet's purview, but will the Encyclopedia have info that didn't make it into A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Yes, as I understand it, lots.


  • 42

    Dennis (23 January 2013)

    When did Rand tell Moiraine and Nynaeve the "Plan" re: Callandor? They didn't know when they got to Shayol Ghul, right?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    They knew some things.


  • 43

    Chris Coen (23 January 2013)

    I assume the answer is no, but in your interconnected universe, does the Wheel of Time have a place?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    No. I felt it would be arrogant to do something like that.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That said, you could imagine that most possibilities of worlds are mirror worlds to the WoT...


  • 44

    Austen Woods (23 January 2013)

    Two questions: Where was Shaidar Haran during The Last Battle? Were all the major deaths planned by RJ?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    The husk that Rand sees, which gave birth to the void. Second: Almost all, but a few were left open and decided by us.

    Andy Nogar

    What happened to Shaidar Haran? He seems to have dropped off the face of Randland.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Rand sees him as a husk that gave birth to the void.


  • 45

    sleepinghour (23 January 2013)

    Who was the Broken Wolf?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Perrin's spirit guide. Note that the "he" in the next sentence does not refer to the same creature.

    Darrell Wyatt

    Did the Shadow Prophecy at the end of Towers of Midnight come to pass? If so can you explain as I did not recognize it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Everything in it happened, but not exactly as many would have interpreted.


  • 46

    Rich E (23 January 2013)

    Did Rand's third question to the Aelfinn involve whether/how the Dark One could be killed?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    I think Maria and Harriet are planning to put these in the encyclopedia, but you are right on the third question.

    Peter Wikberg

    What did Moiraine ask Aelfinn/Eelfinn?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ooh, good question. And one I don't have the answer to that handy, but we can MAFO that and ask Maria.

    Maria Simons

    Everything I know about Aelfinn/Eelfinn questions/wishes will be in the encyclopedia.


  • 47

    Peter Wikberg (23 January 2013)

    What was Moiraine's purpose during the Last Battle?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    To stop Rand and Egwene from going to the Last Battle separately, instead of together.


  • 48

    Bellygod (23 January 2013)

    Which character was easiest to write and who was the hardest?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Easiest: Perrin. Hardest: Mat. Followed by Aviendha and Tuon.

    Dave West

    Now that you're finished, what was your favorite scene to write? Character?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Perrin, and the forging of his hammer. In A Memory of Light it was the sequence with Lan near the end.

    Dan Zambito

    What character was most difficult to write for?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Mat was the most difficult for me to get right.

    Jacob Corbin

    The Rand and Mat dialogue where they try to one up each other was amazing. Thank you for that (and the whole book).

    Brandon Sanderson

    That scene was one of my favorites to work on.

    JB Tank

    What was the most shocking thing you learned when first reading RJ's notes?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 49

    Matthew Miller (23 January 2013)

    Bloody ashes man, how does Mat go from "together they died" to walking away?!

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    The "together" does not include Mat.


    The passage in question spoke of Fain and Mordeth as separate entities.


  • 50

    Mali Medina (23 January 2013)

    You've said that you had to make choices from the notes at points. Can you disclose any of the paths not traveled?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Let's see... Here's one. RJ was uncertain if he wanted Elayne to have Cairhien or not by Merrilor.


  • 51

    Joe Satchwell (23 January 2013)

    Is Gaidal Cain, Grady's kid, Gadren?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    That's a good theory. Some fans think he would be too old, however. What do you think?


    According to RJ's comments on the subject, he is too old; Rand thought he was about four years old in Lord of Chaos, and even if Rand was off, Gaidal can't have been any more than two months old at the time, and was more likely just being born. It stretches credulity that Rand would have mistaken a newborn baby for a four-year-old child.


  • 52

    David Forbes (23 January 2013)

    Can you shed any light on the raven picture Min saw around Carlinya? Or the axe and hand she saw around Elayne?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    One thing that was made clear in the notes is that not everything seen by Min is to have significance for the books.

    Brandon Sanderson

    And others, such as Alivia, were to be things that people in world placed much import upon—but were actually minor.


    Maria answered this question here.


  • 53

    Ray Briggs (23 January 2013)

    I can almost believe the next Amyrlin could be of the Red, many potentials slain. Do you have some insight?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Depends on how long Cadsuane lives. And yes, she does end up next. But the Reds are positioned well.


  • 54

    Werthead (23 January 2013)

    Did Demandred take over just a single faction of Sharans, or all of them?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Multiple factions, but not all by a long shot.

    Matt Walsh

    Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't RJ say in a interview that Shara wouldn't be involved in any of the WoT books?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The quotes I've seen say that nothing significant would happen there on screen.


    Brandon is correct; RJ never said that Shara would play no role at all, just that the story would travel to Shara itself for more than a brief visit comparable to Rand's and Aviendha's trip to Seanchan.


  • 55

    Kamarile Sedai (23 January 2013)

    Are Mat and Perrin still ta'veren after the Last Battle?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    That is an excellent question...that I'm not allowed to answer. (Sorry.) I feel bad. I'm giving you lots of RAFOs.

    Andy Nogar

    Is Rand still ta'veren? If not, how did he warp reality and light his pipe at the end?

    Brandon Sanderson

    These are questions that I'm not answering, I'm afraid. RJ wanted some things about the ending to remain ambiguous.

    Mike W

    How can you still be RAFO'ing stuff? What is left to read?

    Brandon Sanderson

    To RJ, RAFO sometimes meant "Read, think about it, and decide." It didn't always mean "I'll give an answer."

    Peter Binkowski

    Is 'RAFO' basically to mean we're never going to find some things out?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There's a "Talk it over, see if you can figure it out" aspect to it as well.


  • 56

    Ted Herman (23 January 2013)

    Was the "Twice dawns the day" prophecy fulfilled by the sun rising over Shayol Ghul or by something else? Thanks!

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    It was in relation to the eclipse, I believe. :)


  • 57

    Dave West (23 January 2013)

    Is the 'remnant of a remnant' line just meaning that there are only a few Aiel left, or was it something else?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    There is a deeper meaning. But it's philosophical more than anything else.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is in reference, in part, to their changing purpose.


  • 58

    Jade Kazmierski (23 January 2013)

    Now that it's finished, when you close your eyes, and see Rand five years in his future, what do you see?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    I see him happy.


  • 59

    Melissa Houghton (23 January 2013)

    Does Faile become the queen of Saldaea?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)



  • 60

    Christopher Thaeler (23 January 2013)

    Are Elayne's twins intended to be Heroes of the Horn?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    It could happen.


  • 61

    Jason Wesbrooks (23 January 2013)

    Loved A Memory of Light—Did RJ specifically prohibit a three ta'veren reunion? One of my only minor disappointments.

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    No, he didn't, but I just couldn't fit it in logistically.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Mat/Perrin Rand/Perrin and Rand/Mat from these two books was my nod toward that.


  • 62

    sleepinghour (23 January 2013)

    Any chance of Birgitte or Egwene being reborn as one of Melaine's twins?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    I can't remember what RJ has said about when a spirit is linked to a body in WoT terms.


    RJ said viability.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I thought that's what he had said. So I'd say there is a chance. (But as you can guess, the notes don't say.)


  • 63

    Lisa Mercer (23 January 2013)

    When was the second time that Mat had died? Was it when he was 'reborn' with a new name from his marriage?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Rahvin's attack.


    For the record, this is the only time Mat died; there was nothing in what the Aelfinn said about him dying twice, though presumably he'll die again some day.


  • 64

    Cherry Raven (23 January 2013)

    Was wondering why the ending there was no conversation between Hawking and Tuon.

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    You're assuming because it wasn't shown on screen, it didn't happen...

    Brent Holmes

    What happened in the conversation between Tuon and Arthur Hawkwing?!?!

    Brandon Sanderson

    It was interesting, I'll tell you that much.

    Melissa Houghton

    Did Hawkwing talk with Tuon?

    Brandon Sanderson



    How do you think Fortuona reacted to speaking with Hawking?

    Brandon Sanderson

    With great consternation.


  • 65

    kcf (23 January 2013)

    Who's the POV for "River of Souls" in Unfettered?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)



  • 66

    Anthony Radisich (23 January 2013)

    What's so evil about going to the wolf dream in the flesh? Seems like a gun on the mantle that never got fired??

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    In this case, "Evil" depends on ones perspective. I don't think it's evil, personally.


  • 67

    Mike Scinto (23 January 2013)

    So, is it implied that once the Wheel turns again, this whole Dark One vs The World will go down again as well?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Everything in the WoT world repeats. Not always exactly the same, though.


  • 68

    Joakim Backlund (23 January 2013)

    Was there any details to how Callandor was created in the notes RJ left?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Yes, there were some. I might try to get more in the encyclopedia.


  • 69

    Terry Benton (23 January 2013)

    Did all of the balefire cracks disappear after the Last Battle? If not, was Egwene's weave discovered again?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    The world will heal itself, with time, even without the weave. But the weave was witnessed.


  • 70

    Aaron Coventry (23 January 2013)

    When Faile, Olver, etc escaped through the gateway to Merrilor, where did Setalle go? If you told us, I missed it.

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    She makes it through the chaos alive.


  • 71

    Fyodor (23 January 2013)

    When did Taim become a Darkfriend? Was he a Darkfriend as false Dragon? Why did he use Age of Legends era phrasing (so-called Aiel)?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Taim was recruited by one of the Forsaken, so it happened after they were free.


  • 72

    Terez (23 January 2013)

    Who sent the attack on Algarin's manor?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    I'm going to MAFO this one, since I honestly can't remember. I did get an answer from Maria as I was writing the books, though.

    Maria Simons

    I'm going to plead the encyclopedia on this one.


  • 73

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)

    Okay, so I went an hour and 45 minutes and Still have over 500 questions. I'm sorry to cut the #torchat off here. :(

    Brandon Sanderson

    We just received word that A Memory of Light is #1 on the New York Times list for the second week in a row. Wow!

    Brandon Sanderson

    It would be easy to keep going for the next six hours, but I don't have the time. I'll do more Q&A sessions in the next few weeks. #torchat

    Brandon Sanderson

    For now, we'll get the transcript of this up, and maybe you'll find that someone else asked your question. Thanks, all! #torchat