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Wheel of Time News

An Hour With Harriet

2012-04-30: I had the great pleasure of speaking with Harriet McDougal Rigney about her life. She's an amazing talent and person and it will take you less than an hour to agree.

The Bell Tolls

2012-04-24: Some thoughts I had during JordanCon4 and the upcoming conclusion of "The Wheel of Time."

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Your search for the tag 'chapter names' yielded 4 results

  • 1

    Interview: Apr 21st, 2012

    Matt Hatch

    Your chapter names are beautiful.

    Harriet McDougal

    Thank you.

    Matt Hatch

    Did Jim take an interest in them at all?

    Harriet McDougal

    Not really. He approved them all, and occasionally I'd come up dry, and he'd say, "I dunno." But I never did one without his looking at them.

    Matt Hatch

    Some of them have double and even triple meanings; Terez wants to know, did you always pick these out of the text, or did he sometimes go back and add extra layers of meaning?

    Harriet McDougal

    No, no he never did that. Titles came after everything was written.

    Matt Hatch

    Or are we just imagining these extra layers completely?

    Harriet McDougal

    Possible. I don't know which ones she's talking about.


  • 2

    Interview: 2012

    Brandon Sanderson (16 May 2012)

    I'm sorry I don't have more specific WoT posts for you—I know that Harriet prefers me to be more closed-mouthed. However...

    Brandon Sanderson

    Maria from Team Jordan has finished her revision notes for the entire book, as has Harriet herself. So we're only waiting on Alan's notes.

    Brandon Sanderson

    As he's playing "Great Captain" for me on A Memory of Light, his notes are vital—and he needs to be detailed. When I get them, I can finish revising.

    Roberto Sánze

    Sooooo...there might be a sooner release date than the current for January?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is possible, but I don't know how likely.

    Roberto Sánze

    Darn, I need to haste to be ready for A Memory of Light once it releases. Is there gonna be a ebook version along with the physical book?

    Brandon Sanderson

    (Winces.) Harriet has a distrust of ebooks; she prefers to delay the release. It is her call. (Ebook is a few months later.)


    Do we have chapter names yet? Or do you know how many chapters there will be? Or is that a secret?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No chapter names yet, as it won't be until this draft is finished that I settle on the number of chapters. Some are being combined.

    Mark Prybyla

    I'm truly hoping this book is 1/3 battles/fights.

    Brandon Sanderson

    More than 1/3, I'd say...

    Daniel Shepard

    Forgive me for not understanding, but what does this mean? Release date's not going to change, is it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Probably not. It's just a progress update, so people know things are still moving behind-the-scenes.

    Richard Collett

    How's The Stormlight Archive coming? I need more.

    Brandon Sanderson

    A Memory of Light comes first. I will get to the next Stormlight book soon, but not until A Memory of Light is done to my satisfaction.


    Yosun Erdemli

    So this means we will be reading the final volume sooner than first announced?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is possible, but I don't know how likely. I still need to do two drafts, I feel. Then there are beta reads, then proofreads, then we need at least two months to get the books printed and shipped.

    Adam Sloan

    What does it take to be one of the beta readers?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Be one of the major members of fandom for years, and personally know Harriet. (Sorry.)


  • 3

    Interview: Aug 8th, 2009

    WorldCon 2009 - Dom (Paraphrased)


    Brandon Sanderson

    About Harriet, Brandon revealed that not only did she provide most of the chapter titles and decide on the icons and maps (which we already knew) but she is also the one who handled the titles for most of the books. So those multi-layered titles that fit the main themes of each book and the opening quotes so well, or bring back metaphors or details from earlier books are actually hers, not RJ. Exceptionally, he's the one who came up with A Memory of Light for the last book as he was working on it. Normally it's Harriet who came up with a title after reading the full manuscript.


  • 4

    Interview: Mar 18th, 2013

    Harriet McDougal

    I also loved the ornaments. We worked with Matt Nielsen creating those. They were really good. The emblem that we used for the Blight is a tree, and I was trying to tell him what I needed. I said I wanted Arthur Rackham, and he said: "Who?" I said: "Well, okay, let's try and work on this."

    Irene Gallo

    He couldn't Google it at that point, either.

    Harriet McDougal

    No, but he did such a good job. The fans really caught onto them, thinking about their symbolism. "What do these ornaments mean?" They did, in fact, have a bit of a coded meaning. Lanfear's symbol means Lanfear is lurking in this chapter, even though she's not named.

    It was fun, working on those ornaments. From the beginning, I did most of the chapter titles, all but one or two each book. I was very proud when somebody told me, many years ago, that he saw a chapter titled "Footprints in Air" in the table of contents and that made him buy the book. Well, great, that's the idea.

    Irene Gallo

    Every piece of it counts. The whole package.

    Tom Doherty


    Harriet McDougal

    I really wanted to do something we hadn't followed through with: the Wheel of Time in front and back. Back in the twenties, there was a wonderful children's book with a bullet hole that ran through the whole book. It was by Johnny Gruelle, who later did Raggedy Ann and Andy. It was a wonderful thing. I would have loved a book that had the Snake Wheel in the front of the book, the big one, and one in the back of the book, so you could really hold them like that to reinforce "There are neither beginnings nor endings—"

    Tom Doherty

    "—in the Wheel of Time." Practically, to do that right you would have had to put it on the end papers. We had such nice end papers.

    Harriet McDougal

    Oh, yeah. Well, the map was more important.

    Tom Doherty

