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Your search for the tag 'tam' yielded 51 results

  • 1

    Interview: Nov 21st, 1998

    Robert Jordan

    Moiraine lost her list sometime between New Spring and The Eye of the World. By the opening of the story, all she could remember was that there had been a name from the Two Rivers.


    The novel version of New Spring had not been released at this time. The Legends version included a mention of Kari, which RJ decided to remove in the novel version because of the confusion: ["Kari al'Thor. From Andor? Husband Tamlin, Second Captain of he Illianer Companions, took discharge." That pair might have gone anywhere in the world and there was doubt she had had a child at all.]


  • 2

    Interview: Oct 21st, 1994

    AOL Chat 1 (Verbatim)


    How about, I've noticed that the history of Rand's "parents" hasn't really been developed. We know a bit about Tam (and the original correlation with Rand's character). Could you tell us something about Kari?

    Robert Jordan

    Not really at this point. We'll find out a little bit more later.


    tam, kari,
  • 3

    Interview: Oct 17th, 1994

    Robert Jordan

    Originally, when I began thinking about the story, Tam and Rand were the same character. The main character was to be a soldier who had gone out to war and returned to a small village.


  • 4

    Interview: Oct 17th, 1994

    Robert Jordan (18 October 1994)

    Jordan detailed Tam's history... but basically said the same things that were said about him to Rand.


    tam, rand,
  • 5

    Interview: Oct 17th, 1994

    Robert Jordan

    Tam and Rand: Originally same character—the soldier comes home to a small town. He is not Farstrider. He is a blademaster and Second Captain in Illian.


  • 6

    Interview: Oct 18th, 1994

    Robert Jordan

    Tam's sword: Given to him by the King of Illian. (Please ask for more details about this.)


  • 7

    Interview: Oct 19th, 1994

    Compuserve Chat (Verbatim)

    Gordon B

    My question has a few parts: When Perrin left the Two Rivers did he tell people who he was going to see? Did Rand's father come? Does he know about Rand being the Dragon Reborn?

    Robert Jordan

    1. Read and find out. 2. No, Rand's father did not come. 3. Read and find out!


  • 8

    Interview: Oct 22nd, 1994

    David Wren Hardin

    Was Tam involved in the Whitecloak/Illian war mentioned by Pedron Niall in Lord of Chaos?

    Robert Jordan

    That isn't something I'd given much consideration to (i.e., it is background, not significant). He probably was, since he was in the Illian army then. (i.e., Tam is NOT Jain Farstrider).


  • 9

    Interview: 2010

    Luckers (1 August 2010)

    I was wondering—why didn't Amys and Bair contact Edarra in her dreams when they were looking for Tam?

    Brandon Sanderson (1 August 2010)

    There's a reason. Towers of Midnight may shine light on that.


  • 10

    Interview: 2011

    Twitter 2011 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    Brandon Sanderson (4 January 2011)

    I love that RJ gave Rand such a personal, powerful internal problem at the start with questioning his relationship to Tam.


    Though it's easy for us to say "Of course Tam's your father, silly" this issue was deep and meaningful for Rand and served as...


    ...a wonderful way to make the book about more than the action. It also foreshadows Rand's later identity crisis with Lews Therin.


    "I don't know that you are worth it, sheepherder, no matter what she says."—Lan, to Rand, walking with Moiraine to help Tam.


  • 11

    Interview: Apr 5th, 1996

    Robert Jordan

    Tam "knows" that Rand is the Dragon Reborn. Jordan said that Tam has all the clues he needs to figure out that Rand is the Dragon Reborn. Whether or not Tam will admit it to himself is another matter. Jordan said that Tam merely finding Rand as a baby on the slopes of Dragonmount wasn't enough of a clue—even if Tam were familiar with that prophecy then, few people think about those things or expect them to happen literally to them—but that, plus the fact that Rand has disappeared off with Aes Sedai who say he's important, and the fact that the world is going crazy, should give Tam enough information to make the conclusion.


  • 12

    Interview: Apr 5th, 1996

    Robert Jordan

    Tam: He has basically put together all the stuff he's heard, and knows that Rand is the Dragon Reborn, although he hasn't admitted it to himself yet.


    rand, tam,
  • 13

    Interview: Jun 26th, 1996

    Compuserve Chat (Verbatim)

    Eric Ligner

    With the scope of this work, it must have been on your mind for a long time. When did you first conceive the story and how many years after that was the first book published?

    Robert Jordan

    I had the first notions for this book, I guess it was 1975 or '76. For these books I should say. But there were a lot of things to think out, a lot of changes I went through. For instance the character of Rand and Tam were originally one. I spent about ten years noodling the story around in the back of my head before I ever put words on paper, but that's rather typical for me. My books have a fairly long gestation period.


  • 14

    Interview: Oct 19th, 1998

    Phillip from Indianapolis, IN

    Why has Rand not made any attempt to reach or communicate with Tam? Is he trying to remain isolated from his former life?

    Robert Jordan

    Remember that Rand believes that the more interest he shows in his family, and in any of the people of the Two Rivers, the more he makes them a target. If his enemies believe that they hurt Rand by hurting Tam or hurting the Two Rivers, then they will, so Rand has set himself on a course of pretending to have forgotten his past. Pretending to have grown beyond his rude country beginnings. He thinks he has to make his enemies believe that the Two Rivers no longer mean anything to him. And the same for Tam.


  • 15

    Interview: Nov 11th, 1998


    Did you create Rand, Matt, and Perrin one at a time or all together?

    Robert Jordan

    One at a fact, when I first started thinking of what would turn into The Wheel of Time, Rand and his foster father were one character. Not a 50-ish man and his teenage foster son. But a man in his 30's who had run away from a quiet country village seeking adventure, had become a soldier, and now after 20 years of that, world weary and tired. Who has come home to his pastoral village seeking peace and quiet, only to find that the world and prophecy are hard on his heels. You can see that that's a much different character that what I ended up with when I started writing. I may actually use him someday.


  • 16

    Interview: May, 2001


    Any chance of another short story like New Spring?

    Definitely a possibility. I have two ideas about other novellas. One would be about how Tam ended up finding the child on the mountainside, and why he decided to return to the Two Rivers. The other would be about how Moiraine and Lan wound up in Emond's Field just in the nick of time.


    Cool I can't wait ;-)


  • 17

    Interview: Apr 4th, 2001

    Robert Jordan

    He also talked about how the early stages of the story evolved, about Rand starting out as Tam, coming back to Emond's Field (although it wasn't Emond's Field yet back then) after 20 years, realizing he'd outgrown it. And then prophecy tapping him on shoulder with the message that he was fated to save the world, and oh yeah, he'd die in the process. He went for Rand instead, because he wanted an innocent character, a character who could realize how little he knew, and thus could grow a lot more.


  • 18

    Interview: Apr 6th, 2001


    Maybe this is a stupid question, too: but you told us that when you had your first thoughts about Wheel of Time, Tam and Rand al'Thor were the same person. Now I have a question about Nynaeve. When you first thought about her, was she the same person as she is now? (Did you already think about her tugging her braid???) P.S.: You won't answer this one I think: but was it Demandred who killed Asmodean?

    Robert Jordan

    Nynaeve in the beginning was actually going to be the love interest for Rand/Tam, but she was the same kind of woman—quickly temperamental and not suffering fools gladly.


  • 19

    Interview: Apr 8th, 2001


    Talking about why the Tam/Rand main character became just Rand.

    Robert Jordan

    [He decided that he wanted to have the character] ...see this world for the first time, so that at the same time as the reader is seeing something for the first time, so are these people from this small town.


  • 20

    Interview: 2003

    Orbit Interview (Verbatim)

    Orbit Books

    Ezine understands you have two other side-novels planned, as well as continuing with further volumes in the epic saga. Will these also be prequels—can you give us any clues as to the content?

    Robert Jordan

    Basically, one of the two will tell how and why Tam al'Thor resigned his position as Second Captain of the Companions, the elite Illianer military unit, and returned to the Two Rivers to buy a farm. The second will reveal how and why Moiraine ended up in Emond's Field at just the right time in The Eye of the World.


  • 21

    Interview: Jan 7th, 2003


    Was Tam a war hero?

    Robert Jordan

    Read and find out.


  • 22

    Interview: Jan 21st, 2003

    SFRevu Interview (Verbatim)

    Ernest Lilley

    I understand that there is another story universe you have in mind after you finish the Wheel of Time.

    Robert Jordan

    Yes, something very different from the Wheel of Time. A different universe and different culture and no connection to this world or universe, but it is a fantasy. I have the great story arc in mind, and I've been noodling it around in the back of my head for the last seven or eight years.

    Ernest Lilley

    But you're not giving anything away.

    Robert Jordan

    No, but let me give you an example of why. When I first thought I might have what would become the Wheel of Time ready, the character of Rand, who is about 19 years old, and his father Tam, were one character. A man who had run away from home as a boy of thirteen or fourteen, and in that sort of world that you can get if you've grown up on a farm. He began to work with horses among soldiers and then he became a soldier, and having spent twenty years of his life as a soldier, he's tired, and decides he wants to go home.

    So a man in his middle thirties returns home to his village, and discovers that the place he returns to is not the place he left, and that he is not the young man who ran away, and on top of that the world and phrophecy were hard on his heels. It would have been a very different story than the one I wound up writing. I decided that I wanted to split them because I wanted the major characters to be Candides. I wanted them to look at fresh eyes...I wanted everything to be new.


  • 23

    Interview: Jan 6th, 2004

    Aurora, Ontario, Canada

    What are the other short novels you are thinking about doing before you complete the series?

    Robert Jordan

    One would explain why Tam al'Thor abandoned a successful career to return to the Two Rivers and buy a farm. And the other one will, I hope, explain exactly how Moiraine turned up in the Two Rivers just in the nick of time in The Eye of the World.


  • 24

    Interview: Jul 22nd, 2004

    Jason Denzel

    Another question was about why he chose, out of all of his ideas, to write the story of the savior of a world.

    Robert Jordan

    While he didn't go into great depth as to why he chose it, he did discuss how the story originally formed. Some of you reading may probably know that originally Rand and Tam were basically the same character. This character came home to Emond's Field (which was not yet then called Emond's Field) after having fought in many wars. He was not the prophesied savior, but the guy who was—wasn't up for the job and was unable to do it. RJ said that he still would like to maybe tell that story someday (presumably in another world, not his WoT world), and said he may write it some day.


  • 25

    Interview: Jul 14th, 2005

    Robert Jordan

    Asked about the sequels to the prequel, RJ reiterated that one would address how Moiraine and Lan managed to arrive in the Two Rivers in the nick of time to rescue Rand and the rest from rampaging Trollocs. He said the other would be about Tam, and how he rose from a simple groom to second in command of the Companions, and why he chose to throw away his successful career to buy a farm in the middle of nowhere.


    I think the groom bit is a small detail that hasn't been mentioned elsewhere.


  • 26

    Interview: Sep 2nd, 2005


    You say one more main sequence book after Knife of Dreams, but will there be any more?

    Robert Jordan

    I intend to do two prequels; one is why Tam al'Thor gave up a successful military career and went home to buy a small farm in the Two Rivers. And the other one will be largely why and how Moiraine and Lan showed up in the nick of time in The Eye of the World. When I will do those two novels, I do not know.


  • 27

    Interview: Sep 4th, 2005


    The relationship between Rand and his adopted father, I enjoyed it very much in the first book. And I wondered if it was a deliberate choice to keep them separated over most of the series so far?

    Robert Jordan

    Yes, a deliberate choice, yes.


    rand, tam,
  • 28

    Interview: Sep 4th, 2005


    Before it became public knowledge that Rand was the Dragon Reborn, did Tam al'Thor know or suspect that Rand was the Dragon Reborn or could channel?

    Robert Jordan

    No, Tam had no inkling of this.


    tam, rand,
  • 29

    Interview: Oct 22nd, 2005

    Robert Jordan

    RJ also briefly outlined in what was my favorite part of the Q and A the nature of the other two prequels. Specifically what made Tam al'Thor decide to give up a "lucrative military career" and move to the Two Rivers and buy a small farm, and how Lan and Moiraine arrived in the Two Rivers when they did in The Eye of the World. RJ also briefly mentioned that we would meet Kari al'Thor (Rand's surrogate mother) and how she came to meet Tam. All in all they were obvious answers, but nice to hear RJ confirming them all the same.


  • 30

    Interview: Oct 28th, 2005

    Jason Wolfbrother

    Is "Second Captain" of the Illianer Companions held by only one person at a time, aka The Second Captain?

    Robert Jordan

    One person. Only one Second Captain and he is the second in command.


  • 31

    Interview: Oct 27th, 2009


    Will Rand eventually be united with his father Tam?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 32

    Interview: Nov 2nd, 2009


    One of the things I've always noticed about The Wheel of Time is how central family and parenting is to its narrative. As a writer, a parent, and someone who's grown up with these books, what do you make of their familial aspect?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I really like it. There's a tendency in [genre] fiction to ignore the boundaries of family. Telling a story, often, especially young-adult stories, want to take everyone away from their families, and to pretend they don't have families, so they can go on this adventure and not be constrained by family ties. It's this idea of escapism. Part of the realism for me in The Wheel of Time is that that doesn't happen to the characters. You follow different characters' parents and siblings, and it stretches across so many different types of lives and different social statuses, different cultures and countries that it feels very real, and it also feels very personal. Rand has a father. Granted, he's an adopted father, but Rand has a father and his relationship with his father is extremely important to him throughout the entire series. Even though we haven't seen Tam for a while, he doesn't just vanish as a character. Robert Jordan is very good about weaving people back in, and Tam goes and hangs out with Perrin and is working with him. There's a sense that they are real people because of their family relationships.

    Having a son now myself, it makes me want to tell stories where you deal with family, because that's such a big part of all of our lives. It feels now awkward and strange to me that so many stories ignore this. It's become a cliché: the parents are either killed off at the end or at the beginning, or you go away and we don't bother about them or talk about them because they're boring, and the adventure is cool. That's not life.


  • 33

    Interview: Nov 19th, 2009


    RobMRobM had me ask three questions. Will we find out where Morgase learned the Two Rivers speech? Will Tam end up with a wife? Was Kari al'Thor related to Morgase?

    Brandon Sanderson

    RobM you get the triple RAFO award.


  • 34

    Interview: Nov 15th, 2009


    Does Tam al'Thor have a romantic interest in his future, and if so, has he recently encountered the object of this interest?

    Brandon Sanderson



    (With a similar comment to the Elaida question above, a Tam-centered story is outlined.)


  • 35

    Interview: Nov 15th, 2009


    Were the references to Galad, both from Rand's technicolor scrying of Perrin and Tam's mention, intentionally left in place as teasers, or an accidental artifact of the book division?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 36

    Interview: Nov 15th, 2009


    Did you enjoy Tam calling Cadsuane a bully?

    Brandon Sanderson

    (Broad smile) Immensely! She needed to hear it.


    Will there be reciprocity for Cadsuane's treatment of Semirhage?

    Brandon Sanderson

    If I have anything to say about it.


  • 37

    Interview: Nov 16th, 2010

    Jonathan B

    We talked about the order of the chapters as some people were confused by Tam being in two places at once.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Brandon said there was no way around this as they had to catch Perrin up. Then we asked if there was a chance of getting the last three books re-released with the chapters in chronological order. He said this might be possible as an e-book or maybe a rearranged audiobook. Only the chapter orders would be changed.


    You couldn't fit it all in one published book and it would just be weird to have three separate volumes published again with the chapters in different orders. I could totally see an ebook or one huge rearranged audiobook though as something attractive and maybe not too costly to produce that some HCFFs like us would enjoy having.


    To quote Brandon from another interview: "The plotlines weren't synchronized in previous WoT books."


  • 38

    Interview: Nov 11th, 2011


    Will we find out in A Memory of Light just how Morgase became familiar in her youth with Two Rivers speech patterns?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, we won't. It would have been part of a book that will most likely not be written, so we will probably get to find out in the Encyclopedia.


  • 39

    Interview: Nov 19th, 2011


    Anything final on the prequels/sequels? This was answered to a guy right before me (with the unlikely mum:)).

    Brandon Sanderson

    Not really. Brandon doesn't want there to be any of these, but if written he wants to be the one who writes them. Instead, he is suggesting they do a movie on Tam.


  • 40

    Interview: 2001

    Thus Spake the Creator (Paraphrased)

    Signing Report (How did the series originate?)

    Robert Jordan

    Rand and Tam al’Thor originally started out as one character.

    He is a man in his 30s from Emond’s Field in the present.

    (Earlier, when his story ‘starts’) There isn’t much for a kid from a small village out wherever to do that does not involve backbreaking work. At about 15, he runs away to become a soldier (yes, a field that does involve backbreaking labor). After 20 years or so as a soldier, Rand/Tam wants to go home, but when he does, he realizes he’s no longer the boy that left that little village. “And prophecy is on his heels”. Maybe something of the sort will be done in a future series.


  • 41

    Interview: Apr, 2001

    Robert Jordan

    I also asked him whether Tam Al'Thor knows that Rand is the Dragon Reborn, and whether we'll see Tam again. He said that Tam has a suspicion from what Perrin told him, but he doesn't know for sure yet. And instead of RAFO he actually said we might not see Tam again, he's a nice guy but only a minor character and he doesn't really play a role anymore. Sigh. I would have liked to see him again... But then again, RJ might change his mind after all.


    tam, rand,
  • 42

    Interview: Jul 21st, 2012


    One of the things that...okay, blasphemy: I've only read through the series once.

    Jennifer Liang

    At least you've read through it once...Jimmy.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, Jimmy!


    Anyway, in some of these later books, one of the biggest issues that I had was when the timeline got fractured, and there was a period of time when I was fully convinced that there was a Darkfriend impersonating Tam. It just had me really confused. What lessons did you learn from that experience as you're gonna carry forward into your future writing?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The timeline fracture in Towers of Midnight came because of the book split, and what needed to go in one book, had to go know, and things like that, and after the fact of releasing The Gathering Storm, we had Towers of Midnight sitting there, and I hadn't finished Towers of Midnight completely, I'd written like...I'd basically, when we split it, I'd written, Perrin almost all the way through, but not other sequences all the way through and things, and we released The Gathering Storm, and we had to like fix things in The Gathering Storm, when we were getting in that, we realized, "Oh no..." I mean, the timeline is fine, but it means that Tam has to jump back in time. And this was going to be a bit of a challenge even if the book were whole, because Robert Jordan had them off of time with one another at the start of The Gathering Storm; Perrin was several months behind everyone else. And so, once you start bringing people back together, you either had to...we either had to do some things like walls fall on them, which was famously how Jim got Mat back in sync with everybody else, when he'd been behind, is a wall fell on him, and then he left him for several months for him to heal, and then we come back, and Mat's like, "Man, I hated having that wall fall on me!" (laughter)

    Jennifer Liang

    "Good thing that was three months ago; I'm better now!"

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. And that was the way that Robert Jordan, since people get off track from each other...some of the things you kind of have to do. I had to get Perrin stuck in the mud for a while. (laughter) Yeah. And this is just to get everyone synced up, and the Tam sync-up, as a writer, I think what I learned is, I think of timelines a little differently. Like I, being deep in the series and working on it, I knew where everyone was, and I'm like, "Everyone will know that we're flashing back to Perrin here." But of course not everyone knows that; they're not all following the timeline; they don't know that we're starting this book two months before The Gathering Storm ended, so to bring them back on track, that's why Tam ended up in two places at once, because he wasn't in two places at once; they were off track from one another, time-wise. And I guess I would just take more consideration of the fact that not everyone is steeped in the timelines like I am, and knowing where everyone is, and things like that, and I would have tried to find a better cue for the fact that we've jumped backward in time.

    Jennifer Liang

    "Three months earlier..."

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. "Three months ago..."

    Jennifer Liang

    "...back when dinosaurs ruled the earth..."

    Brandon Sanderson



    Jimmy is Jenn's husband; he helps her run cons.


  • 43

    Interview: 2012

    Memories of Light (Verbatim)

    Day 20

    As Tam attacked a second time, Rand lifted the sword and— (p. 310)


  • 44

    Interview: Jan 9th, 2013


    Did Brandon insert a character in the story based on himself?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No. He did however mention two items, one for Robert Jordan, one for him. In the ter'angreal cache found in Ebou Dar, there is a man with a beard statue. The power of the item is to be like an easily movable library. [MY NOTE: We see this in A Memory of Light.] This was Robert Jordan. Brandon then told the story of how he got his sword, with the dragon scabbard, while in Mr. Jordan's home in South Carolina, and meeting with Wilson. That sword appears in the book, and is the one which Rand gives to Tam in A Memory of Light. So Brandon's sword is in the book, but not Brandon himself.


    RJ referred to his appearance in the form of the bearded man ter'angreal as his "Alfred Hitchcock moment". Aviendha first discovered the use of the bearded man ter'angreal in Knife of Dreams 15. Brandon's sword appears in A Memory of Light 15.


  • 45

    Interview: Feb 12th, 2013


    Will you confirm now that Rand's sword (received in The Gathering Storm, given to Tam in A Memory of Light) is Hawkwing's sword Justice?

    Brandon Sanderson

    "Yes, I can now confirm that. It's also my sword." (But in-world, it's Justice.)


    (Possible follow-on question, if anyone is interested: Is there a backstory on it, e.g. the theory that Hawkwing took it from Guaire Amalasan? What about the idea that it came from the War of Power and was Lews Therin's own sword then?)


  • 46

    Interview: Apr, 2013


    I realize that the two outrigger novels that Jim had planned won't be published, but I'm still curious about the story that would take place in them. I'm hoping that the history that would have been contained within those stories (Tam's life while he was away from the Two Rivers and what led Moiraine and Lan to the Two Rivers) will come to light in the Encyclopedia. Not really a question, but a comment nonetheless!

    Maria Simons

    There is a little confusion here: there were two more prequels planned (with the subjects mentioned here), and three outriggers taking place after the Last Battle. We have about two sentences regarding the outriggers. While I promise that the encyclopedia will contain all we know about Moiraine and Tam from Robert Jordan's notes, he did not leave fleshed-out outlines for the prequels, either, so we can't promise too much.


  • 47

    Interview: Apr, 2013


    How did Tam come to have a heron-mark sword?

    Maria Simons

    It was given to him by the King of Illian during Tam’s service with the Illianer Companions. We do not know what he did to become a blademaster.


    What Maria says here is what RJ said (reported by Erica Sadun in 1994). In The Gathering Storm Chapter 47, Tam tells Rand that he became a blademaster by killing a blademaster in front of witnesses. The general fan explanation is that Tam refused to take his sword, but was essentially forced to take it by the King of Illian.


  • 48

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    laenare ()

    Hello, Mr. Sanderson. This may sound like a strange question, but in Russian WoT-fandom we have a lot of heated debates about it. Some people think "Rand trying to kill Tam"—is part of Cadsuane's Plan. So, [was the] meeting with Tam in tGS:47 planned to "soften" Rand or to purposely provoke him (by mention of Cadsuane's name) and cause emotional outburst that had led him to catharsis after all?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Cadsuane did not expect what happened to happen.


  • 49

    Interview: Oct 15th, 2013

    Brandon Sanderson

    Other Characters

    I have a fondness for Aviendha, my personal favorite of the female leads in the Wheel of Time. (My favorite among the male leads is Perrin.) I wanted to see a return of Avi in the last books, as I felt we just hadn't had enough of her lately. I also have an interesting relationship with Nynaeve, a character who I (as a young man) resented. My opinion of her is the one that grew the most during the course of my reading as just a fan, and by Knife of Dreams I absolutely loved her. I knew that with all of the crowding in the last books, she actually wouldn't have a large part to play in the Last Battle. (Very few would be able to do so, beyond Rand/Egwene/Perrin/Mat.) Therefore, it was important to me to give her a solid and interesting sequence of scenes through both The Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight. Her raising was not instructed by the notes, but was something I was insistent be in the books. (And along those lines, one thing Harriet insisted happen—and I was all too ready to oblige—was a meeting between Rand and his father.)

    To be continued.


  • 50

    Interview: Sep 30th, 2014

    Binnedcrumble (30 September 2014)

    Who did Tam kill to earn the heron blade?

    Brandon Sanderson (1 October 2014)

    Afraid that, while this might be buried in the notes somewhere, I couldn't find it.
