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Theoryland Chronicles

Members :Layla : The Signs and the Dragon Reborn


One soul, two souls - certainly one of the most controversial debates to grace the Board. I stand firmly in the Two-Soul camp; two different souls, Rand's and Lews Therin's, linked by common Dragon-ness. Lews Therin was the Dragon. Rand Al Thor is the Dragon Reborn. However, it does not necessarily follow that Rand is Lews Therin reborn. As Lews Therin was the Champion of Light in his era, Rand is the Campion of his age. Same job, certainly, but by no means the same soul.


A core problem in the Soul vs. Souls debate is the enormous metaphysical question, 'What is a Soul?' To my understanding, the soul can be defined as the very essence of a person, the spiritual or immortal element of the self. Rand's soul is that personal make-up which makes him Rand. The essence of Rand is different from the essence of Lews Therin; the differences are evident in their divergent reactions to situations and people. For example, Lews Therin goes into a frenzy when confronted by Taim. ""Kill him! Kill him now! Kill him!" " Rand, however, does not wish to kill him; despite his anger at Taim's insolence, he wants to use the false Dragon as a weapon against the Forsaken.

Some claim that Lews Therin's voice is a creation of Rand's mind, a mechanism to help him deal with his situation and conflicting impulses. The visits by Lews Therins' consciousness have been attributed to schizophrenia, DID, Multiple Personality Syndrome/Disorder and various other taint-induced states of mind. However, I find this difficult to accept. Firstly, if RJ were indeed illustrating a real-life state of mental illness, surely the evidence would point more consistently in one particular direction and would be supported by textual evidence of similar experiences among the asha'men. Secondly and most significantly, if Lews Therin is simply a taint-created invention of Rand's own mind, how do we account for Lews' personal memories and knowledge of things that Rand could not possibly know? Some may argue that Rand's research of LTT's life could be the nswer and that he projects facts that he has read about Lews Therin onto the 'voice' or alter ego that he has created. However, this is an inadequate explanation. Certain details contributed by Lews Therin could not possible have been researched, for example, LTT's insights about the Forsaken. In AcoS, Ch.7, Rand learns from LTT that Sammael had always been at his best defending.

"With two men inside one skull, maybe it was to be expected that memories would drift between them."

Similarly, in TPoD, Ch.22, when Rand vows to make Semirhage weep, LTT informs him that nothing can make Semirhage weep. Some could argue that as Rand is LTT reborn, such memories are in fact his own. However, there is no evidence to support such a supposition; in cases of other reincarnated souls, Birgitte for example, such past life memories are recognised as such. In Rand's case, the knowledge he gains from Lews Therin is learned as if for the first time; there is no recognition of such memories as his own. Logically, therefore, it is reasonable to accept that the memories are LTT's and that his soul his separate from Rand's.

Finally, a persuasive factor to support the Two Soul position is the unarguable evidence of Min's vision in AcoS, Ch. 33. From experience, we know that Min's visions are always accurate, whether or not she understands the implications. She describes her vision to Rand:

"I saw you and another man. I couldn't make out either face, but I knew one was you..... I don't know what it means, Rand, except that one of you dies and one doesn't."


And thus, we have the logical resolution of the plot; the Dragon, Lews Therin, dies and Rand survives Tarmon Gaidon. One soul is finally put to rest, while the other lives on.

Elementary, my dear Watson!

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