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WoT Interview Search

Search the most comprehensive database of interviews and book signings from Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson and the rest of Team Jordan.

Wheel of Time News

An Hour With Harriet

2012-04-30: I had the great pleasure of speaking with Harriet McDougal Rigney about her life. She's an amazing talent and person and it will take you less than an hour to agree.

The Bell Tolls

2012-04-24: Some thoughts I had during JordanCon4 and the upcoming conclusion of "The Wheel of Time."

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News For Freaks

»A New Age...and a Few Updates


It's been much too long since I've posted news here about the happenings around Theoryland. Most of my time since the series ended has been spent with family and friends, and musing about what to do with Theoryland. But now, with the recent announcement of the WoT TV Series, it's about time to update this place and get it ready for a New Age.

That being said, I've done some work to make the majority of the site mobile-ready. Pretty much, that just means it should be easier to navig...

»An Hour With Harriet McDougal Rigney


I'd like to thank Harriet McDougal Rigney for taking time during the most recent JordanCon in Atlanta to speak with me and my wife about her life. Also, I'd like to express my gratitude to those that helped craft the questions and worked to make this interview happen. You'll note that I ramble a bit, as I tend to be less comfortable with formal interviews (unless it involves interviewing authors about the Wheel of Time) and lean on the in...

»The Bell Tolls: JordanCon 4 and the Year of the Dragon


JordanCon continues to be the kind of fan freak event geared directly at Theorylanders, or so I like to think. From trivia contests and theory panels to interviews with Team Jordan, or just passing conversations with them and fellow fans over the course of three days, make the HCFF's heart beat stronger. It's intimate, focused, a...

»Prologue, Chapter One and Reviews!

So, the Prologue is out, Chapter One is up and there have been a couple of reviews. Oh yeah, and you can sign up to help with signings and get a chance to meet with Harriet and Brandon. By the way, sign up now you only have a few days left! Last but not least - I've included a link for Towers of Midnight Tour stops. Enjoy!...