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Theoryland Chronicles

Members :Eclipse : D'Coy

Something occurred to me in my reread at about pg 765 of LoC. But first, let me say, if this is an old topic *snicker*, or what I put forth is old hat (I wouldn’t doubt it, but considering the topic, it would be very easy to miss, considering I didn’t bother to read all the stuff that got posted... and when you get to the SUBJECT matter of my post, you’ll understand why), forgive me for claiming it my own. I did come up with it on my own, but I won’t be so bold as to call it original. Anyone else out there that has posted this, feel free to fling it in my face after reading. Seeker, I would extend you some credit, because I thought of your post after this idea came to me, and it helped me extend my initial theory.

Finally, I would like to say I have chosen a side. I was one of the most skeptical, to be sure, but now I’m definitely on one side of this fence. In bold Taim is NOT Demandred. This is what I call my D’Coy Theory.

Like I said, it came to me just after Rand pinned the two markers on Taim's collars, and then they had their little chat, and Rand almost loses it, and Taim says, “You must hold on... the price is too high if you fail.” There was also concern in Taim's voice. If anyone truly believes the real Demandred would show any kind of concern for Rand/Lews... just stop reading this. Go away. You are blocked and will never see it. Now, for those of you still here, the REASON Taim would show concern, is if his own life was on the line. Demandred knows exactly what the DO instructed, and Jordan lets us know that most of it was “LET THE LORD OF CHAOS RULE.” Now, this does NOT mean HELP him do his thing. It means LET him do his thing. Don’t kill him. But if he dies on his own.... THAT'S okay. Demandred wouldn’t care one whit in that scene to learn Rand was losing it and may die. At least it wouldn’t be his fault, and he would be clean of any guilt if the DO ever asked about it.

Now, I know what you are all thinking... “blah blah blah... heard it before...” but this is only part of what I’m getting at and part of what put me on this path. The name of my theory says it all. Taim is the ultimate decoy. He's Demandred's decoy, hence the D’Coy. I’m sure everyone remembers the Chosen meeting where we learn that Demandred prefers to use proxies. Well, what IS a proxy? It stands in your place. For example, a proxy bride. The woman IS the bride, until you are able to meet up with the original and make HER the wife. But still, marry the proxy, and you’ve married the other woman just as surely. The proxy stands in the other’s place.

You know why Davram had trouble identifying him? Because he’s been changed on purpose, whether by some physical shifting done with the Power that we are not aware of, or of a simple Mask of Mirrors that has been inverted. He was changed to resemble Demandred. Demandred was the one to free him from the Aes Sedai, and then it all follows from there. Demandred may or may not have considerable skill with Compulsion, but I doubt it was even necessary to begin with. Demandred frees Taim, and then, with the promise of power beyond his wildest dreams, he becomes Demandred's “second,” his protege. His duty is to get next to Rand, and... you can guess. Ahhh, but that's not all. Why the change of appearance for this?

Demandred, as we have learned, is on par with, and in certain areas, surpasses Lews in cunning. He is aware that Lews is back, but even if that’s not so, it wouldn’t make much difference. This, BTW, is the ultimate decoy. Not only for Lews/Rand, but for the reader. Demandred schooled Taim in many many things. Traveling, his hatred (entire history I’m sure) for Lews and the reasons behind it, his prejudices, the Aiel (those so-called dedicated), and a thousand other little things. Plus, there may have been a little Compulsion to get a few things right (the “non-smile”). Demandred schooled Taim so much in BEING Demandred, there really isn’t much difference. It was also Demandred's own bit of luck that Taim was as strong as he was in the Power. (here is an edit: I would like to point out that there was plenty of time for the original Taim to be intentionally killed, and then given the perfect body, with a bit of “boost” in the OP… the opposite of Cyndane… it may also account for why he’s not “mad” from using the OP after so many years, and that the real, original Taim may have actually been a bit insane; perfect way for the DO to “buy” Taim’s services and “absolute” loyalty).

Taim is the ultimate proxy. The ultimate decoy. He’s so Demandred, that even Lews can’t tell that he’s not. This is his purpose. He is supposed to BE Demandred. If Lews believes it is Demandred, then Rand will think it’s Demandred (but we can only guess if the real Demandred knows that Rand is fighting with himself; he may just think it is already Lews Therin, only slowly coming to himself.... which it is, in truth ;) ). Anyhoo, Taim walks the Razor’s Edge by flaunting himself and all his similarities in front of Rand, allowing Lews to think he knows where Demandred is, while Demandred himself is safely tucked away. This is why I say there may be some Compulsion. Taim is a wonderful tool, but if Rand/Lews burns him, then Demandred just gets another one-up by being believed dead. Boy wouldn’t THAT cause more than a few GIANT errors on Rand/Lews part?!

Taim is pretty smart, so maybe there is Compulsion, and maybe not. Taim may just enjoy walking such a thin line. However it may be, Taim belongs to Demandred. This is why Taim was so worried when Rand seemed to be losing it in front of him. He was saying, “Hold on! You shag this up, my life’s not worth spit!” Why? Because Demandred said, “Taim! You...*hiss*... are my number one...*hiss*... a-guy! And by the way, he dies, you die. Now run along.”

Everything about Taim resembling Demandred can be explained by his connection to Demandred. It could be like what Graendal does to her slaves. They ache for the sight of her. Taim could have been Compelled in such a way that he took on the exact same feelings as his master. Hating to be number two to Rand's number one and all those little things that I didn’t bother to take notes on because I stopped caring about this subject... :p . Or it may just be that he feels the same as his master (feeling transference by extreme association), he sees he is being treated the exact same way, and he hates it every bit as much. “Look at this smarmy little bastard! Thinks he’s so great, yet can’t even test for the ability to channel in others! What a self righteous turd, ordering ME about with the same temerity he showed my master!” (another edit: and this is what makes me think Demandred believes it’s Lews and; he probably told Taim that it was Lews, and here Lews admits to Taim that he doesn’t know the way to test; well, if you were told, “this guy’s the greatest channeler from the AoL,” and then that guy tells you he doesn’t know how to test, that might do more than startle you a little… maybe like, “Aahh, so my master doesn’t know EVERY thing.”) Another thing about the testing, the BWB says that the way Taim tests for it now is the same as men were tested 3000 years ago, so SOMEONE from long ago taught him the old way. This fits well because Demandred would not care to spend his time finding more male channelers, future Dreadlords, so in stead would instruct his Number One in the process to increase Dreadlord numbers. Taim may as well BE Demandred, but he’s not. He’s the proxy, and his job is to make Lews THINK that he is right under his nose where he can keep an eye on him; and oh the mistakes Lews will make if he thinks he’s killed Demandred, when he truly hasn’t.

There are many little things I’ve left out, but you all probably know them by heart better than I do. Taim's surprise when Rand singles out Osangar. Bigger surprise that he has been given a command to kill a Chosen, when he is only a Dreadlord. The two orders to Torval(?), one from both of them, to kill Rand. It fits.

I realize the proxy idea is not new. Many here thought that anyway (that Taim only worked for Demandred). What struck me was the whys and hows the similarities were so striking as to make such an issue. Why the bloody hell does Taim resemble, indeed may as well BE, Demandred? Everyone was so determined to find whatever evidence to prove or disprove Taimandred, it never occurred to most of us which would be the most logical and WHY. Because he’s the D’Coy. And that is what Jordan wants.

I remember someone asking Jordan if Taim were actually Demandred. This would have been some time ago because nobody has bothered to waste his question on such a RAFO answer. Jordan laughed at the question and said something like, “I can see why you might think that.” I know I know. It’s always a friend of a friend of a friend yada yada yada. If this is just another misquote wetdream, so what? It doesn’t matter. But if it’s true... Then yeah, I can see why many think that too. It’s the way Jordan WANTED it to be. That is Taim's purpose. To make Lews AND the reader SEE Demandred.

Now, I'll give my thoughts on why this has gone on for so long, with the mystery STILL continuing after so much was revealed in Winter’s Heart. It’s because Jordan is still waiting to see which one his readers like more, Taim or Demandred. This ties in with Seeker’s post a little bit ago. When Jordan decides which is more liked, he will kill the other off. Personally, I think it will be a BIG surprise moment, when we find out that they are NOT the same (or rather when he finally prints it), and Demandred bites the dust with Balefire. Taim will take his place. This way we get to see Rand FINALLY taking out his most hateful enemy, and yet that persona STILL lives on in Taim. Taim is nearly as powerful as Rand and every bit as dexterous with the OP. He’s definitely Chosen worthy if not Chosen standing. Also, as I’m sure Jordan is aware, his readers are tired of the Chosen coming back at the DO's whim. This way, a Chosen won’t be coming back, but the character’s role is still intact, taken over by Taim. Anyhoo, if the readers decide enough of Taim, then Rand will kill Taim (or Logain will), and we will get to see Demandred still alive. Wouldn’t surprise me if this was the last scene in a book. Taim dies in the next book (Logain taking the reins of the BT), maybe in the middle or close to the end, (he’s not a Chosen after all, so the odd book deaths don’t count), but the very last paragraph or page is of Demandred lamenting the loss of his best tool, but looking on the bright side; Lews thinks he's dead...

Last bits on this for now. And this probably won’t mean drek to you Taimandrites. I’ve noticed that the whole way through LoC, of all the students the BT picks up, Flinn, Grady, and Narishma (aside from Taim's turncoats) are the only ones he calls by name. By somewhere around pg 770, Flinn, Grady, and ten others are the ones Taim is allowing to Gate out and find recruits. When the Gating to recruit starts, Taim says he leaves Flinn in charge while he Gates around. Then, when they are strong enough, he doesn’t usually go out, but that Flinn, Grady and ten others (he says he only trusts a dozen of them with the responsibility) are the ones recruiting. Taim knows who Flinn is. Flinn is strong in the Power, and he is responsible, and he was (up until Taim taught Torval, Rochaid, Kisman and Gedwyn to be powerful enough) the number two guy on the “farm.” Flinn was also the first guy tested, and Taim remarked that he may just become as powerful as himself or the Lord Dragon. “Damer, was it?” he asked his name. Taim would know Damer at a glance if they ever got close enough to duel with each other.

*extra notes:
Demandred was known to chat with the BA at LEAST once, Alviarin thinks it to herself. Slayer could have been sent by demandred to kill the BA in the Stone to keep the info about freeing Taim from getting out, and that he was the one who ordered the freeing of Taim. Could also have something to do with the BA being able to tell the difference between Taim and Demandred.

Taim thinks to himself that it very well could have been him who was the Dragon Reborn and that if not for Rand, who’s to say it wouldn’t have been. He says this to Rand in one of their few conversations. Once again, a good reason for him to hate Rand just as Demandred hates Lews. Another good backer for the hate transference that would make him jump at the chance to “play” the part of Demandred. Also, if he thinks as I guessed at during the “testing” scene, then he may think that the “part” has moved down in the Ages, and it is not really Demandred vs. Lews, but Taim vs. Rand.

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