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2012-04-30: I had the great pleasure of speaking with Harriet McDougal Rigney about her life. She's an amazing talent and person and it will take you less than an hour to agree.
2012-04-24: Some thoughts I had during JordanCon4 and the upcoming conclusion of "The Wheel of Time."
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Sep 24th, 2013
Chris King (Miyabi)
Yah, I think this kind of the Story of my writing career. Now, who knows. As I plotted it - right around mid-Mistborn series time - I came out with thirty-six books, of which I've done what five or six? More than that...
Three, four, five, six, seven...
Seven. I think there is plenty of time so ask me in thirty years.
Once the technology is appropriately caught up and once I feel like it's right. It's going to be a little while.
We've actually had a conversation on the forums about using Lurchers and Coinshots in a way to power a train of sorts. It has inspired some interesting conversations.
Um... Send me that one in writing and let me run it through Peter who is my physicist.
We'll do that.
And maybe run the math through Eric. He's probably asking that one.
That was actually - I think it was Windrunner on the forum. I might be wrong I think that's who it was though.
He's supposed to ask me the hard Way of Kings questions, not the hard Mistborn questions.
Yah, we've got a couple of those a little farther down here but most of these are mostly clarification.
Um... There is a way to do basically anything.
So it's kind of a RAFO? Will we ever find—
No that's not what they asked, they asked if there is a way. Yes there is but how reasonable a way that is is very—
Especially with the Lake where they can release themselves in.
When the Aonic peoples discovered Elantris… did seons exist… Okay let me go back to my timeline... It kind of means you have to define what you mean by Aonic. The problem is if you dig back too far in history it's kind of like asking "What’s a German?" You know what I mean?
Because the Aons are based upon Elantris itself and so they don't become Aonic until they are writing the Aons.
And Aonic is also—You are talking about the people and so it's like are the Normans Brits? Or are they Vikings? Or are they Frenchman?
Why don’t we phrase it as the people of Sel when they discovered Elantris.
No, no, that’s getting, okay— Let's go ahead and RAFO that one, just because the history of Elantris is very interesting to the cosmere. When people are starting to get an inkling of that.
Odium was there once upon a time.
Let's go ahead and—Oh boy, Elantrian calendar—Is this Windy?
I don't remember who asked this one, I don't have their names written down here.
I don't have my wiki on me, I'm not going...
Can you hide Breath… Yes you can hide Breath in things.
Metal in particular, without the Eighth Heightening.
I would say yes you could.
You gave me really good wiggle room on that one. Obviously the other person with Galladon and Demoux.
Right, the one from a future book.
His characteristics are… What is he like? Some people have read his book so they know what he's like…
Which book is he from?
He's from White Sand.
Okay, that's one I have but have not gotten to.
It's only mediocre so don't worry about it. Let's see what other worldhoppers I want to give you clues about… There’s a Terriswoman running around, if you keep your eyes open.
I have to read it, everything.
Who else do I want to talk about… Words of Radiance has a couple good ones, that will be pretty obvious.
Ooh, good question, why do you think Rock can see Syl?
My personal theory here is because his people have such a strong belief and reverence in them it allows him to see them for that reason because his belief creates some sort of cognitive or spiritual pressure which allows them—
He would agree with that philosophy. I would say, usually when something like that happens there is also something physiological going on.