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Interviews: Salt Lake City Fan Experience





Jan 31st, 2015


Salt Lake City, UT


Salt Lake City Fan Experience

Salt Lake City Fan Experience

  • 1


    You've mentioned several times that traveling to Shadesmar on Sel is incredibly dangerous. Would reassembling Devotion and Dominion solve this problem? Also, what about the three individuals we know to have traveled to and from Sel? Did they use the Shadesmar anyway, or have they accessed an alternate method of worldhopping?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, I suppose that could work, yes. For the second question, I'm going to have to answer that with a yes as well.


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    Sirce Luckwielder

    At the Yomen wedding, the newlyweds are talking to 'a scruffy man who looked like a beggar, dressed all in black.'Is this an appearance of Hoid?"

    Brandon Sanderson



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    Sirce Luckwielder

    In the flashback with Shallan meeting Hoid, Hoid pours something from a pouch into his cup and drinks it. Are these Allomantic metal shavings?"

    Brandon Sanderson

    His answer was that there was something indeed significant about what Hoid placed in the cup, but that it was not necessarily Allomantic shavings. He wouldn't tell me what it specifically was and gave me a R.A.F.O. card.


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    Sirce Luckwielder

    "When Kelsier is teaching Vin about the basic eight Allomantic Metals, he talks about not flaring metals, especially Tin and Pewter, as it does strange things to people. Does this imply that there were other savants before Spook?

    Brandon Sanderson

    His answer was that there were other savants before Spook.


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    Sirce Luckwielder

    "Can aluminum be used to destroy a Feruchemist's metalmind if the person burning aluminum were to cut his hand and place it on the metalmind."

    Brandon Sanderson

    He said that cutting the hand would probably not be enough, but that I was on the right track (I assume this means that you could pierce your hand with a metalmind, or a Hemalurgic spike and destroy it with aluminum).


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    Sirce Luckwielder

    "So each anti-investiture is like its world's investiture, but can't be effected by it. So aluminum can't be affected and destroyes Allomancy, ralkalest can't be Soulstamped, Shardblades are blunted by that one thing. Is the black filled sphere that Galivar gives to Szeth the anti-investiture to Stormlight?" When I asked this, he became much more tight-lipped and said that was an interesting theory and that I would learn more in book three.

    Brandon Sanderson

