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Interviews: Shadows of Self-BYU





Oct 6th, 2015


Salt Lake City, UT


Shadows of Self


BYU Bookstore


Shadows of Self-BYU

Shadows of Self-BYU

Shadows of Self-BYU

  • 1

    little wilson

    "Is Endowment male or female?"

    Brandon Sanderson

    Endowment is female.


    verbatim personalization


  • 2


    Could an Allomancer or Feruchemist Burn or Feruchemically Fill molten metal? Would that affect the Investiture?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Something to the effect that it would be very painful and damaging, but yes, one could Burn and Fill molten metal, and yes, it would affect the Investiture.


  • 3


    Do Highstorms manifest in Shadesmar? If so, how? A giant wall of glass beads?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, they do manifest in Shadesmar. You will need to read to find out how.


  • 4


    If one used Hemalurgy to give a fallen Elantrian Feruchemic gold, would they be able to Fill health?

    Brandon Sanderson

    (pondered for an extended period of time) No, they would not be able to Fill health.


    [here I asked whether a huge reserve would appear if they had been trying to Fill health while fallen and then were restored] No, it would not stack and then suddenly appear once they were restored. [here I began to feel I was slowing the line too much, and was trying to let Brandon move on, but the question interested him enough that he went on. The following is extremely paraphrased and my remembrance (written not too long afterward) might be affected by my tired, overwhelmed mind:] Hemalurgic spikes would do very strange things to Elantrians. You could get more from an Elantrian with a Hemalurgic spike than from most other people.


  • 5


    Someone asked for a "future quote from Harmony." Brandon said that no one had ever asked that before.

    Brandon Sanderson

    He wasn't sure if the quote would be exact, so we'll need to check back around Mistborn 9, but he wrote in the book: "It is yours." That's awesome.


  • 6


    Someone asked Brandon about Allomantic bronze detecting Feruchemy.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Brandon responded with yes, but no one on Scadrial knows how to do this (at least now). The interesting thing is that Brandon said that Allomantic bronze could theoretically detect any "Kinetic Investiture". Note that I am capitalizing Kinetic there, as Innate Investiture was. Pretty awesome to get that new term. I am assuming it is the difference between a metalmind being Invested and actually using Feruchemy, or a person having a lot of Breath and someone actually Awakening.


  • 7


    For the metal in Bleeder, is it from a Shard we know?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 8


    What series is Vax associated with?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 9


    My question to Brandon was why the Lord Ruler spiked himself. I didn't clarify initially that I meant with hemalurgic spikes.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Once I did, Brandon said he thought they were not hemalurgic but only metalminds, and Peter backed him up on that.


  • 10

    Shadow Guardian

    We know that Hoid likes to collect various "trinkets" and powers from the various shard worlds he visits. If he could, would Hoid choose to have access to 'every' magic system within the Cosmere, or are there some that he would rather avoid for any reason?

    Brandon Sanderson

    *nervous laugh* Let's just say that he's not very good at avoiding things that are bad for him.


  • 11


    If you steelpush/ironpull on a computer's hard drive, what would happen?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It would screw it up.


  • 12


    Aside from Demoux and Aslydin, are there any couples traveling throughout the cosmere? And if so, do they have any children that also worldhop?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 13


    Could Aluminum act as a sort of shield from other forms of investiture? As in, could an aluminum misting lashed to something burn aluminum and dispel the stormlight?

    Brandon Sanderson

    RAFO (called it before I asked, but I just had to ask).


  • 14


    Does being near a shard pool make it easier to worldhop?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes it does.


  • 15

    the fulgid

    It seems to be more and more apparent that different abilities are granted depending on the design of one's spiritweb. Is the design of a spiritweb, and the abilities it grants, limited to a specific shardworld, or are the designs universal across the cosmere? For example: can a worldhopper from Roshar travel to Scadrial and access previously locked portions of their spiritweb through methods such as hemalurgy?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Most abilities are free to be used across the cosmere, but some are VERY region-locked, like with Elantris. They have difficulty using their abilities outside their own country. There is a reason for this. But most are able to be used elsewhere.


  • 16

    the fulgid

    Is it possible for there to be a microkinetic who can see spiritwebs to the point that they could alter a web, granting at will new abilities that were previously inaccesible?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It IS possible that a person could exist who uses micokinesis to see spiritwebs and alter them according to their will. However, Dragonsteel is pre-Shattering. (Which I infer to mean microkinesis no longer exists post-Shattering, when other magic abilities become prevalent.)


    This question refers to the magic system from the unpublished work Dragonsteel The fulgid:Those were my only two questions. I will note that I was intrigued by his statement about Dragonsteel being pre-Shattering, and told him that I (and others) were under the impression that Liar of Partinel and Lightweaver of Rens were pre, while Dragonsteel and everything after was post. To my great pleasure he said "No, it is definitely pre-Shattering because..." and then kind of bit his tongue to stop himself from saying more, and just nodded his head. Take from that what you will, I know what I theorize from it.


  • 17


    So, I just got out of the midnight release event, and I asked Brandon what the intent of Bavadin's shard is. After conversing with Isaac, he was willing to release it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Bavadin's Intent is Autonomy.

