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An Hour With Harriet

2012-04-30: I had the great pleasure of speaking with Harriet McDougal Rigney about her life. She's an amazing talent and person and it will take you less than an hour to agree.

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Interviews: Twitter 2009-2010 (WoT)









Brandon Sanderson on Twitter

Brandon Sanderson on Facebook

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    For a complete catalog of Brandon's tweets, visit the Twitter Portal at Brandon's website. See also the TOM Writing and Editing Process page for more WoT tweets from 2009-2010.

    Brandon Sanderson (17 November 2009)

    Re: Mesaana. People have been misquoting me a lot on this one. Early in the tour someone claimed to have a quote where RJ said...

    Brandon Sanderson

    ...that her alter ego hadn't been seen. This shocked me, since I thought she had been. I have been waiting until I got home to check it out.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The only thing official I have said is that someone claimed RJ said on the Knife of Dreams tour that she hadn't been seen, and can say nothing until...

    Brandon Sanderson

    ...I am off tour and can research old RJ interviews to find if I've missed something. I think it likely the person was mixed up.

    Brandon Sanderson

    (later) Word from Maria: RJ said we HAVE seen Mesaana's alter ego on screen.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That's good. The guy from DC had me worried. I thought I'd known from the notes exactly who Mesaana was, and that she has been on screen...


    Robert Mee, the guy who provided the original quote from RJ confirming that Mesaana had been on screen, told me in an email that he might have been the one to cause all of this confusion since he misremembered the quote when he talked to Brandon. He's probably right, as he saw Brandon in Bailey's Crossroads on Nov. 4, and the confusion first showed up a few days later. He sends along his apologies to everyone!


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    Brandon Sanderson (19 November 2009)

    Okay, time to post about Cyndane for you Theorylanders. I have been discussing with Maria all day. She and I have different opinions on...


    ...some things in the notes, but she has convinced me that she is right. I believed that there were some...issues with her power level.


    Dark One playing tricks to keep everyone guessing. But Maria convinced me her Power really is what it seems. So you can disregard my...


    ...comment about her being really really weak and stick with the word I used earlier: "weakened."


    This is what you get for asking about things that we are still picking apart the notes regarding.


    ;) You know I love you, Theorylanders. (Even if I sometimes feel like I'm surrounded by a pack of wolves when talking to you.)


    Brandon had indicated in The Gathering Storm signing reports that Cyndane was 'much weaker' than Lanfear. However, Graendal indicated in The Path of Daggers that Cyndane was, while weaker than Lanfear, still stronger than her, so we knew she wasn't that much weaker. It's still up in the air after Towers of Midnight as to why she wasn't drained as much as Moiraine. The Eelfinn claimed that they killed her by draining her too quickly, but Moiraine thinks that someone came for her. Anyway, we badgered Brandon about it, so he cleared up the confusion.


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    Brandon Sanderson (30 March 2010)

    Calling WoT derivative of Tolkien is like calling Tolkien derivative of Beowulf. True, but missing the point entirely.


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    Brandon Sanderson (26 May 2010)

    Blast. Where did I put my copy of New Spring? (Grumbles and goes up to search his library.)


    Found it. You know, I like New Spring, but I really don't think people should start with it. It reveals too much about Moiraine and Lan.


    In response to questions, I'm thinking New Spring is best read after Book Four. That's a good place to gain context on Moiraine.


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    Brandon Sanderson (21 June 2010 (Facebook))

    A fanmail tonight includes a request for Gawyn to die, and Egwene to hook up with Galad. At least it's not another begging for Rand + Egwene.


    Wow. I did not mean to start an epic Gawyn/Galad/Egwene/Rand thread on my Facebook, but I appear to have done so.


    Some interesting reading if you're thinking/talking about Gawyn as a character can be found here: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight—Wikipedia

    (from the comments)

    One other way to think of it is thus: The Wheel will keep on turning, and the Age that we live in (or like unto it) will someday arrive. Legends from what is happening in these books will have survived, and become the Arthur legends during our day. Or, in other cases, stories of other characters have survived in other mythologies. (Look up the Slavic god Perun sometime.)

    Perrin is not a god, nor is Gawyn the knight of that story I linked. But perhaps someone who lived long ago, in another Age, gave birth to rumors about a young nobleman who made a mistake, and bore the weight of that sin for the rest of his days. And that gave birth to stories, which in turn inspired a poet to write a tale.


    The writer of the fanmail in question posted and elaborated at 13th Depository.


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    Austin Moore (7 July 2010)

    You mentioned that something important happened between books 4-6 that people missed.... Can you elaborate anymore on that?

    Brandon Sanderson (7 July 2010)

    Only thing I'll say is that I'm sure at least one person has guessed what it has to do with. (They emailed me.)


    Brandon was probably aware that Callandor had correctly guessed what it had to do with on Theoryland, since Peter likely told him that we had accidentally disqualified it by way of misinterpreting his statement that we were 'not on the right track'.


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    Jay (8 July 2010)

    Will we see the Dark One in WoT? Will he walk the earth and physically fight with Rand & Co?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 July 2010)

    I can't tell you for certain about the Dark One. There WILL be a confrontation, though.


    The last seals will be broken.


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    Felix Pax (8 July 2010)

    Are readers going to be able to figure out timing of events in Towers of Midnight based on the moon references, feasts et al.?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 July 2010)

    I think they will. It's going to be tricky, though.


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    Timee (8 July 2010)

    Will you also work on the other two prequels?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 July 2010)

    If Harriet wants to do them, I'd have trouble saying no. I am very involved with this world now.


    It would be almost as hard to let someone else do it as it would be to let them do a Mistborn book.


    But Harriet and Tor seem more interested in the Outriggers right now. We'll see.


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    Shivam Bhatt (14 July 2010)

    Out of curiosity, do you have a list of the sundry unsolved mysteries in the books? Or untied threads and references?

    Brandon Sanderson (14 July 2010)

    Yes, I do. And, I even have a list of ones Mr. Jordan was planning not to answer or reveal.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Mr. Jordan listed some mysteries in the notes that are NOT to be solved. Perhaps you should try to guess which ones.


    Are they not explained, or are they explicitly noted to refrain from releasing the solution?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Some of each. There's one that I really wish I knew, but he didn't tell anyone, and said no answer is to be given.

    Brandon Sanderson

    As for the mysteries, there are indeed some that Mr. Jordan did not reveal in the notes. All he said was: "This is not revealed."

    Kyle Litka

    A lot of mysteries or just a few? And any major ones (without going into specifics, I know you can't)?

    Brandon SANDERSON

    No major ones, in my opinion, except for a couple of unresolved plot threads he had been saving for the Outriggers.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I can't say much more about mysteries. I've said before that all major plotlines have resolution. Unresolved things are smaller.

    Brandon Sanderson

    If I have my way, the notes Mr. Jordan [left] will be printed after the series is done. At least in part.


    Are the unanswered mysteries at least interesting, or are they like, "who made the baked ham in book 4!"?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Some are very interesting to me.

    4th Age

    Are there also some that ARE revealed in the notes, but have an added "but this doesn't go into the books."?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, there are, at least in implication. Many of these have to do with things I think he was reserving for the Outriggers.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, I will push for that to be in the notes we release, if the Outriggers aren't written.

    Brandon Sanderson (15 July)

    I'm afraid I'm not allowed to show any of the notes right now. Maybe after A Memory of Light. Some may go in the encyclopedia Harriet is doing.

    Callandor (17 July)

    Is the identity of who ordered the attack on Demira Eriff a mystery with an answer? My money is on Taim but surprises are fun.

    Brandon Sanderson (19 July)

    I'm not going to say which ones. But it's good to hear what people are curious about.


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    Brandon Sanderson (14 July 2010)

    Re: The Outriggers novels. I've posted about this on my website. Short answer is: It's up to Harriet, but probably not.


    Has there been any further discussion of the outriggers between you and Harriet?


    There has not. Just the original "What do you think?" discussion. Basically, we decided to shelve it until A Memory of Light was done.


    I noticed that you mentioned the Outriggers that Mr. Jordan was planning... Are you planning on writing those as well?


    Short answer: Probably not. Longer answer: We'll decide after A Memory of Light is done, but are hesitant.


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    sykoone (14 July 2010)

    One unsolved mystery=is Thom Elayne's real father?

    Brandon Sanderson (14 July 2010)

    I'm pretty sure Robert Jordan said that Thom was not her father. I wondered that myself for years.


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    Alaric (14 July 2010)

    You've been quoted saying Rand and Egwene will get about the same screen time [in Towers of Midnight] as Mat and Perrin in The Gathering Storm. Is this the case?

    Brandon Sanderson (14 July 2010)

    That is correct. Though it might be a tad more. This book will be longer, and a lot of that is some extra Rand/Egwene.


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    Stephan van Velzen (14 July 2010)

    Most of A Memory of Light was written by Robert Jordan, right? So that book will go faster? Or is that wishful thinking on my part?

    Brandon Sanderson (15 July 2010)

    About the same as he did on The Gathering Storm, I'm afraid. Lots of notes, few finished chapters. (He did write the ending, though.)


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    Matt Eitner (17 July 2010)

    Will we ever find out why there were blue flashes when Thom fought the Myrddraal at Whitebridge while Rand and Mat fled?

    Brandon Sanderson (19 July 2010)

    I believe Robert Jordan said something along the lines of "Thom's knives are special."


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    HBFFerreira (18 July 2010)

    Was the attempt on Rand at the end of The Path of Daggers caused by Torval learning his plan to cleanse the taint? Did Moridin order it?

    Brandon Sanderson (19 July 2010)

    RAFO, though that is the best theory I read before I became involved in this. It's very credible.


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    Gregg Fox (19 July 2010)

    Did RJ have a strength scale for each of the Five Powers for each channeler (similar to the one for overall strength)?

    Brandon Sanderson (20 July 2010)

    Not that I've seen. Now, there could be something in there I haven't seen.


    But the list I have indicates power level and, in some cases, what they are strong/weak at. Not a full list of all five.


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    HBFFerreira (20 July 2010)

    The Gathering Storm: Rand's dark aura was an effect of channeling the True Power, right? Winter's Heart prologue: didn't Taim cast a similar aura?

    Brandon Sanderson (21 July 2010)

    You're the first to notice that that I've seen.


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    Alaric (20 July 2010)

    Should we expect Towers of Midnight to be as predominantly dark in mood as The Gathering Storm was?

    Brandon Sanderson (21 July 2010)

    Well, the Last Battle is close, so things aren't getting brighter. There's a reason Mr. Jordan named the last volume A Memory of Light.


    But won't Rand be a bit more 'light' since the last chapter of The Gathering Storm?


    RAFO. (But chances seem good.)


    That being said, will Towers of Midnight still have its bright moments, like Rand recovering his sanity and will to live at the end of The Gathering Storm?


    There will be those, of course.


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    Simone Coombes (20 July 2010)

    Is it significant that Nynaeve (in The Great Hunt) channels during the test for Accepted and does not burn out?

    Brandon Sanderson (21 July 2010)



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    yoniy0 (21 July 2010)

    Did you end up finding space for those 50k words on Pevara in Towers of Midnight? If not, is there a chance we'll see it before November 2nd?

    Brandon Sanderson (22 July 2010)

    Got two chapters of it in. Decided I could juggle the timeline, maybe, to get the rest into A Memory of Light.


    See here for more info.


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    Erik Wetter (28 July 2010)

    Quick, and, perhaps, rather rude question: was Mattin Stepaneos simply forgotten about in The Gathering Storm?


    His presence in Knife of Dreams implied that he'd play some role in the story, yet he's not even mentioned in The Gathering Storm. Just need to know.

    Brandon Sanderson (28 July 2010)

    Nope. I thought about referencing him, but found it distracting. He isn't forgotten.


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    Mick Wick (28 July 2010)

    Is it possible for us readers to figure out Demandred's identity with the information we already have?

    Brandon Sanderson (28 July 2010 (Facebook))

    And now, Theoryland is holding its breath. I think I might have actually answered on tour. I'm not sure what RJ said on the matter, but...


    I will say only this: There ARE clues. I think it could be figured out. Maybe. It's much, much harder than Asmodean's killer.


    Obviously, I must be tight-lipped. Can it be figured out: Yes. Will it make you smack your heads & say "I should have seen it!" Probably not.

    (from the Facebook comments on Brandon's first tweet)


    Brandon, you are such a tease........ but I will "RAFO". but still it's a tease.


    Sorry. Inherited that from RJ. Still, it wasn't totally a RAFO. It was a tad more than that. I do see from Tamyrlin's post that RJ confirmed that you could figure it out.


    Sort of. There was room in RJ's comment for the interpretation that we should be able to figure out that Demandred is simply Demandred. You have made it more clear. Not that we are complaining.


    Ah, I see. Well, let me add the official clarification onto what I've said: Basically, I'm not merely talking about "Alter Ego" here when I reply to the "Figure out Demandred's Identity" question. I look at that question as a larger "What he's been up to, what he's been influencing, where he's hiding" that sort of thing.

    Why make this distinction? Well, it's because of things that (likely) others have figured out already. Demandred hasn't been in-guise in the books at least up to Knife of Dreams. So energies focused on "exactly who is he" would be pointless, to an extent. If he is indeed imitating someone, you haven't seen that someone through most of the series. At least not in person. You may have seen them now, but if so, they haven't been on-screen for long.

    So, what I'm saying is basically this: There are clues as to what Demandred is up to. You could figure that out. I think it would be hard, but not so hard that someone won't guess it. (And, knowing WoT fandom, someone probably has.)


    Brandon later verified that Demandred does indeed have an alter ego.


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    Shivam Bhatt (28 July 2010)

    There's no way in hell that Demandred ISN'T Taim.

    Brandon Sanderson (28 July 2010)

    Except, you know, RJ saying five or six times he wasn't...


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    Josh Clover (28 July 2010)

    What's the last word of the book?? [Towers of Midnight]

    Brandon Sanderson (28 July 2010)

    I will give you the full last sentence: "The end of the Thirteenth Book of the Wheel of Time." Never say I never give you guys anything...


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    Stephan van Velzen (28 July 2010)

    Are you going to point all the hints out in more detail after A Memory of Light? Or am I being a lazy fan now? :P

    Brandon Sanderson (28 July 2010)

    I will be much more free of tongue then.

    Jeff Edde

    When WoT series is finished, will you feel more inclined to share WoT details that didn't make it to the books?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, I will.


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    yoniy0 (29 July 2010)

    Did you consult Maria before deciding Egwene shall attempt to fall fleeing raken? Would she be able to do so Bounded?

    Brandon Sanderson (30 July 2010)

    I'm a little confused at what you're asking. Do you mean "Fell?" And what do you mean by Bounded?


    Sorry. There has been some discussion around the Third Oath and Egwene attacking retreating raken...


    I was asking if you think she could have done the same now, after taking the Oaths (and whether you asked Maria to weigh in).


    We did talk about this. I think it's iffy. Depends on Egwene's mindset. I don't think most Aes Sedai could have done it.


    In fact, it's good her circle was with those who hadn't taken the Oaths yet...


    I think Yoniy0 meant 'would Egwene be able to kill (fell) fleeing to'raken were she bound by the Oaths?'


    I don't know that she would have been able to. Depends. The Oaths depend on how you view what you're doing.


    Elaida got around them (or to the side of them) by convincing herself Egwene was a Darkfriend.


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    Jacob Wallace (29 July 2010)

    Will we ever learn any more of this "Army of the Night" the Seanchan fought?

    Brandon Sanderson (30 July 2010)

    RAFO. Sorry.


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    Brandon Sanderson (29 July 2010)

    Lol. In making comments on Towers of Midnight, Maria referenced The Eye of the World...and found an as-of-yet uncaught mistake.


    Oh, and I think the error Maria caught in The Eye of the World was a line saying Lan's homeland had the "hundred lakes" and not the "thousand lakes."


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    Corbin Henderson (29 July 2010)

    If you die, who would ask to finish the series for you?

    Brandon Sanderson (29 July 2010)

    WoT? Wouldn't be my choice, it would be Harriet's. But I think Tad Williams would do an awesome job.


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    Azral Hanan (29 July 2010)

    Are the taint and the True Power the same?

    Brandon Sanderson (29 July 2010)

    No, they are different.


    Can Mashadar destroy True Power and True Power weaves like it destroyed the taint?




    If there was no Cleansing would the taint eventually run out as it's used by men who go insane & die ad infinitum?


    I don't think it'd run out. But that's a "Brandon's mostly sure, but hasn't checked the notes."


    Did Mr. Jordan list out what the True Power can/not do relative to the One Power? Are there limits to both?


    RAFO. Maybe we'll put some of that in the encyclopedia. They are certainly different. Towers of Midnight has some hints.


    Mashadar is gone, isn't it? Would it really hurt to say whether the True Power would be affected?


    Have we ever confirmed that Mashadar is dead? :)


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    Terez (30 July 2010)

    Does Min's comment to Corele mean that the Dark One can subvert her viewings BEFORE the Pattern is destroyed?


    Asked in reference to the viewing that Elza would serve Rand. Or did it simply not imply she would serve forever?

    Brandon Sanderson (30 July 2010)

    Elza did serve Rand, in her own way. It did not mean forever. That was not a subverting of the viewing. (Or wasn't meant to be.)


    Thanks! That's what I thought but some will still say you didn't answer the original question lol. It's Theoryland.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Robert Jordan taught me to give Aes Sedai answers.


    Fair enough. :)


    There is one case in which I suspect that RJ gave an Aes Sedai answer and the reporter may not have gotten it exactly.


    Q: Was Else always Lanfear? RJ: No. Else did exist as a separate human but was played by Lanfear after Else was expelled.


    Strange, because of the personality 'Else' showed, and the Tear trap being Mesaana's trap, not Lanfear's. Any comment?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Maria Simons

    (later) I cannot find anything to clarify the question.


    PS, thanks for taking time to do Q&A here. Far superior to tour reports, since the Aes Sedai answers are direct from you. ;)


    ...not to mention the quick responses, and the fact that you have more time to think the answers out. You are awesome!


    By the way, not knocking the tour reporters. They rock; we have a lot of good stuff because of them.


    I am just reminded of Tam. 'Tell me what she said. Her exact words, mind, just as she said them.' And Thom too. :)

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sure. Of course, I'm not convinced half of Theoryland hasn't joined Twitter only to follow/question me...

    Brandon Sanderson

    When I'm on tour, do be aware that I don't have notes handy and I'm usually very tired. All answers are suspect.


    As for stalking you...someone has to do it to keep the Q&A organized, and I elected myself (also before you came along).

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ha. Just seems that I get a surprising number of tweets from people with no profile picture, and who are only following me. :)

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't feel stalked at all. This is how I use Twitter, and I'm happy to answer questions.

    Matt Hatch

    No profile pics and only following you? That sounds like my twenty other Twitter accounts...


    Min and Cadsuane told Corele that she sees pieces of the Pattern, but if the Dark One destroys the Pattern as he aims to do, then her viewings will be irrelevant. Those that are in reference to things after the Last Battle will only come to pass if they prevent the Dark One from destroying the Pattern. Some took this to mean that Shaidar Haran (essentially, the Dark One) subverted Min's viewing that Elza would serve Rand when he ordered Elza to help Semirhage torture and control Rand.


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    Mick Wick (30 July 2010)

    You said you were surprised when you found out who killed Asmodean. Who did you think was the killer before you read it?

    Brandon Sanderson (30 July 2010)

    Problem is, I'd read SO many theories by that point that my head spun. I can't say who I thought, or it would rule them out.


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    Austin Moore (30 July 2010)

    Who would you say is your favorite Forsaken? And that's coming from you as a fan more than you as the writer.

    Brandon Sanderson (30 July 2010)

    Hmm... Ishamael/Moridin.


    Who's second strongest Forsaken after Moridin? Some say Demandred some say Aginor. Did RJ say in his notes?


    It IS in the notes, very explicitly. As for your answer...I'll see if we can get that in the Encyclopedia.


    The BWB says that Aginor was second-strongest of the male Forsaken. It also implies that Demandred is somewhat lower on the list than some fans expect, but since the Forsaken are all very close, it probably doesn't make as big a difference as some imagine.


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    Azral Hanan (31 July 2010)

    How does Hatred turn into a blood-sucking mist that destroys energies derived from the Dark One? Will we get a detailed explanation?


    Also, will we get a glimpse or further details and explanation on Mordeth's 'unnatural' assassins?

    Brandon Sanderson (31 July 2010)

    This is not something I'm at liberty to explain. I'll suggest it for the Encyclopedia.


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    Brandon Sanderson (1 August 2010)

    If I post on Twitter, consider it fair game for reposting. ... Note: I'm not 100% accurate all the time.


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    Leth Filorn (1 August 2010)

    If Rand goes to Tel'aran'rhiod in the flesh, imagines himself a new hand (or a new body like Lews Therin's), and then walks out, what happens?

    Brandon Sanderson (1 August 2010)

    It wouldn't go with him, I'm afraid. Towers of Midnight gives some hints on why, actually.


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    Luckers (1 August 2010)

    I was wondering—why didn't Amys and Bair contact Edarra in her dreams when they were looking for Tam?

    Brandon Sanderson (1 August 2010)

    There's a reason. Towers of Midnight may shine light on that.


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    Rob Trotter (1 August 2010)

    Any chance you could clear up Sulin in The Gathering Storm? Was her appearance a typo or deliberate (Varied answers exist on the web)?

    Brandon Sanderson (1 August 2010)

    Sure, you guys deserve an answer on this one.


    Sulin began life as a simple typo. When I saw it, I shrugged, and had a good reason. Maria thought that reason would not work.


    So we decided to retcon it out. Mistake was mine all along. Really nothing special to report there, I'm afraid.


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    Mick Wick (1 August 2010)

    When and why did Moiraine go to the Green Man for the first time? Would we have learned about it in the third prequel novel?

    Brandon Sanderson (1 August 2010)

    I can't say specifically, I'm afraid. As a fan, I assumed it was likely.


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    Shivam Bhatt (1 August 2010)

    Will we ever find out what happened to Juilin Sandar, or the guys from Shienar, who haven't been seen since like book two?

    Brandon Sanderson (1 August 2010)

    Juilin was in The Gathering Storm. He's still with Mat. Uno and company are in Egwene's army. They appear once in a while.


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    Matt Hagerman (1 August 2010)

    Is it harder to write a novel with the amount of detailed notes Mr. Jordan left as opposed to creating the world yourself?

    Brandon Sanderson (2 August 2010)

    Some parts are harder, some parts are easier. The notes mean lots of research before I can write some scenes.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That slows me down a lot. But Mr. Jordan was a master worldbuilder, so—in some ways—it is easier. Hard parts have been done.

    Austin Moore

    For WoT specifically, is it tougher to write the good guys or the bad and why?

    Brandon Sanderson

    In WoT, I'd say the bad guys. We've seen fewer viewpoints from them, so it's tougher to research them, figure them out.

    Brandon King

    If you could be from any nation in Randland, which one and why?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Malkier, I think. Though others ask me this question, and I think my answer changes. I just think the Malkieri are awesome.


    The last Q&A was found later and added here for date proximity.


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    Azral Hanan (2 August 2010)

    Why is the Dragon 'one with the Land'? Is it just due to him being ta'veren or is there more to it?

    Brandon Sanderson (2 August 2010)

    More to it. More about being the Dragon than being ta'veren. Who he is.


    So it's more than a title or being ta'veren and Hero of the Horn? The Dragon plays its own unique role in the Pattern?


    Note that Prophecy says that the Dragon specifically is reborn time after time.

    Azral Hanan

    RJ said the soul is immortal. But Hopper says dying in the Wolf Dream is likely permanent. Is Hopper wrong?

    Brandon Sanderson

    RAFO, for now. Ask again after the last book is out.


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    Andrew Leston (7 August 2010)

    I believe I've figured out who Demandred is based solely on Lord of Chaos. Is this possible?

    Brandon Sanderson (7 August 2010)

    It MIGHT be possible. I honestly can't remember where all of the clues are.


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    Austin Moore (9 August 2010)

    Have you seen any theories online about the ending of WoT that were right?

    Brandon Sanderson (9 August 2010)

    Yes, I have.


    Of course, 'the ending' is a rather broad category that could include anything at all about the Last Battle, Rand's death/resurrection, Shayol Ghul, the sealing of the Bore, etc.


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    Felix Pax (10 August 2010)

    One of Tuon's Conflicts, is will she 'protect' the Tinkers from harm and keep her word? Or is Tuon loyal to the a'dam?

    Brandon Sanderson (10 August 2010)

    Tuon is loyal, so far, to the a'dam. In her mind, leashing Tinkers who could channel would be 'protecting' them.


    Now, how that might change based on interactions with Aes Sedai—and the true secret of sul'dam—is still uncertain.


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    Felix Pax (10 August 2010)

    A Question: I'm curious, how did Elyas escape Tar Valon and Blacks in the Red Ajah? Did Ila, Raen, Luca help him? Laras?

    Brandon Sanderson (10 August 2010)

    Going to have to RAFO anything about Elyas.


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    Terez (10 August 2010)

    I thought of a Lan question. Did Elyas really teach Lan anything about the Blight? Or was that a TEOTWism?


    I have a feeling you are going to MAFO that. Does @MariaLSimons play Magic? Surely we can bribe her with something.

    Brandon Sanderson (10 August 2010)

    I've never questioned that one, so I haven't thought to ask about it or look it up. Is there a reason I should wonder?


    Only that Lan was practically raised in the Blight by the Malkieri. Wouldn't think Elyas could teach him much about it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is a good point. I'll go ahead and do as you said and MAFO that one. You might be right; might be an EoTWism.

    Maria Simons

    I can’t find anything to clarify this, either. I will just offer up anecdote: I have been reading WoT for 22 years, and went to work for its creator over 17 years ago. I could be said to live and breathe The Wheel of Time. But Terez has taught me much about WoT. It could be a TEOTWism, or Lan could have been thinking of some very specific things that Elyas shared that he found helpful.


    I thought about asking how Elyas could teach Lan anything about the sword, too, but I figured the Blight bit was the most incredible. TEOTWism: this was stolen from the fandom for Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen series. The first book of that series is called Gardens of the Moon, and in that fandom, details that are particular to the first book—details that cause continuity issues later in the series—are referred to as GOTMisms.


  • 49

    Brandon Sanderson (10 August 2010)

    @FelixPax You post some curious things. Tell me, did anyone ever ask RJ anything about Ila?


    Ila is a very mythological name, though. I suspect you are right about its origins.


    Though remember, not all of the names are intentionally from mythology. Some just felt right to him, so he chose them.


  • 50

    Austin Moore (10 August 2010)

    One thing that confuses me about Asmodean's murder is that RJ said most people who emailed him were wrong. Surprising?

    Brandon Sanderson (10 August 2010)

    No, not surprising. Even if one of the common theories is right, then most people emailing are wrong.


    For sake of argument, suppose a popular theory is correct. The fact that there are hundreds of theories...


    ...means that even if 1/3 of people choose the right theory, 2/3 pick one of the other many theories.


    So whether it's a common theory or an obscure one, most people emailing are wrong.


    Hundreds? There are less than 10 viable suspects I think, LOL. Maybe 15 if you stretch it.


    You are probably aware that RJ was willing to eliminate a suspect for Asmodean at two times: in 2001 and in 2005.


    In 2001 he eliminated Rand on a general question; in 2005 at DragonCon he eliminated Fain from a list of suspects.


    I think it is time for one more! With only 1.5 years to go, it would be nice to have it narrowed down one more time.


    This with knowledge that you'd probably have to ask permission, and that it would be the last time before the reveal.


    The new list should probably be: Lanfear, Graendal, Aviendha, Taim, Slayer, Moiraine, Sammael, Moridin.


    I don't think anyone seriously argues anyone else, though I could be wrong.


    I will ask if I can eliminate one, just for you.


    Lol. Well, I guess there IS a faction that doesn't care:


    For Asmodean's killer revelation, will it just be an outright name or will it be explained how it happened and such?


    Afraid that's a RAFO.


    @Brandon Sanderson and Team Jordan: please don't rule out anyone who could have killed Asmodean.


    Ha. But so many are begging for an elimination. And it has been years.


    He never did eliminate a suspect because it was revealed in Towers of Midnight, which he was of course not at liberty to tell us before the book came out. (We knew he wouldn't do an elimination in that case; we only wanted one if we were going to have to wait until A Memory of Light came out to find out who killed him.)


  • 51

    James Luckman (11 August 2010)

    Do you know what the population of the Westland/Waste/Seanchan are respectively?

    Brandon Sanderson (12 August 2010)

    I have estimates.


  • 52

    Azral Hanan (11 August 2010)

    Are the Chosen aware of Taim's existence? They never address him even in their thoughts.

    Brandon Sanderson (11 August 2010)

    RAFO. (You totally knew I was going to do that.)


    In Kisman's POV (WH 22) we learn that Demandred ordered the renegades to kill Rand, but not to tell anyone of the order, including Taim. And of course, we know that Aginor/Osan'gar/Dashiva was aware of Taim.


  • 53

    Jacob Wallace (11 August 2010)

    In Lord of Chaos, second chapter, Taim gives Rand a prison seal, the seventh from my count. Does anyone know that all seven have been found?

    Brandon Sanderson (11 August 2010)

    RAFO. :)


  • 54

    Jaron Frenk (11 August 2010)

    When [Towers of Midnight] is done, how far along are you with A Memory of Light? (How much is already written?)

    Brandon Sanderson (11 August 2010)

    Only the parts Mr. Jordan wrote. I haven't done anything for A Memory of Light yet.


  • 55

    Andrea Millhouse (12 August 2010)

    On a scale of 1-10 how important will Bayle Domon be to Rand in the last two novels?

    Brandon Sanderson (12 August 2010)

    I would say on a similar level to what he has been before.


  • 56

    Terez (11 August 2010)

    Are there actually Warders and Aes Sedai guarding the Blight at all times? Or is that another TEOTWism?

    Brandon Sanderson (11 August 2010)

    Well, there are Aes Sedai and Warders staying with most Borderlander monarchs.


    I would say that yes, they are up there guarding. There are a disproportionate number, it seems, at times.


    Morgase had one Aes Sedai, as did Berelain, to give advice. Borderlanders often have more.


    In the prologue of The Path of Daggers, 'Deceptive Appearances', it is made relatively clear that Paitar, Ethenielle, and Easar only had one advisor each.


  • 57

    Azral Hanan (11 August 2010)

    Is Elan Morin a Dreamer/Dreamwalker?

    Brandon Sanderson (12 August 2010)

    That's an excellent question. But I don't know if I'm allowed to answer. Remind me again when the deadline is past, and I'll see.


    Brandon indicated later that there is one male Forsaken who is a Dreamer, which most likely means Moridin.


  • 58

    Ernie (11 August 2010)

    What is your favorite color?

    Brandon Sanderson (11 August 2010)

    Oh, it depends. I do like deep reds and blacks a lot.


  • 59

    Sam Nye (11 August 2010)

    Can you tell us if Towers of Midnight will include any new maps of cities?

    Brandon Sanderson (11 August 2010)



    Cool! Any chance you can tell us which one? ;-)


    That would end the speculation. ;)


    (It was Maradon.)


  • 60

    Austin Moore (12 August 2010)

    You mentioned that the ending of Towers of Midnight is a heartwrencher. I'm gonna assume that we'll need tissues then?

    Brandon Sanderson (12 August 2010)

    Some of the betas did need them at places.


  • 61

    Terez (12 August 2010)

    Due to the prologue split, is most of the Towers of Midnight prologue chronologically before most events in The Gathering Storm?

    Brandon Sanderson (12 August 2010)

    A good chunk is. But it depends on which pieces of The Gathering Storm you're talking about...


    Thanks! I figured, before everything but the prologue and earliest bits of The Gathering Storm, except maybe the scenes you added for Towers of Midnight?


    Can't say more on the prologue. But you're on the right track.


  • 62

    Michael Cockrum (12 August 2010)

    Why doesn't anyone in the Two Rivers realize how famous their tabac is?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 August 2010)

    Guess it's because it's plentiful to them, so they take it for granted.


    It probably mostly has to do with isolation. There's an implication that they could probably charge a lot more for it, if they were inclined to do so; no doubt Faile and Perrin will argue about that at some point (assuming they survive).


  • 63

    Luckers (12 August 2010)

    Is it possible to force someone (a learner) to start channeling?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 August 2010)

    Almost anything is possible, under the right circumstances.


  • 64

    Leth Filorn (12 August 2010)

    How does the Oath Rod work? Does it accelerate the aging irreversibly, or add years that you get back upon Oath removal?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 August 2010)

    A good question that people in world don't know the answer to yet, and only time will tell.


  • 65

    Máté Csarmasz (13 August 2010)

    Does Tear's name have anything to do with the English word (tear), or is it a coincidence only?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 August 2010)

    Robert Jordan said he got names from mythology or, sometimes, they just sounded right. It might have just sounded right.


  • 66

    Leth Filorn (13 August 2010)

    Could thirteen Aes Sedai linked shield Rand while he was channeling using Callandor? What about with Choedan Kal at full power?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 August 2010)

    I think I'm going to MAFO those. (Which means email me, say I said I'd ask Maria, and we'll add them to her list.)

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm pretty sure of the answer, but I don't want to take the time to sort though the notes and look it up for certain while editing.

    Maria Simons

    I really don’t think so, for either, but I cannot find it specifically stated.


  • 67

    Austin Moore (13 August 2010)

    Has anyone personally written to you with an Asmodean's killer theory that was 100% correct?

    Brandon Sanderson (14 August 2010)

    You know, people don't usually write me with theories. Well, some do—but only the really, really odd ones.


    Can you at least say anything about how us readers could try and figure out Asmodean's murder? Timing, motive, etc?


    The thing is, people have already discussed this to death. They've found the clues, they've got the right rationale.


    The question is WHICH clues and WHICH rationale are you going to believe.


  • 68

    Austin Moore (13 August 2010)

    How long do you think A Memory of Light will be in comparison to The Gathering Storm and Towers of Midnight? Can you estimate yet?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 August 2010)

    My guess? Similar length. I don't know yet for certain.
  • 69

    Shivam Bhatt (13 August 2010)

    Do you ever feel that you're sharing too much info with all these updates?

    Brandon Sanderson (13 August 2010)

    Don't know. I worry about it mostly for Harriet's sake. I try to reign myself in, actually. I'd probably share more...


    ...but I don't want to make Harriet uncomfortable. This isn't my world, it's hers.


  • 70

    Andrea Millhouse (13 August 2010)

    Compared to the A Memory of Light note content and detail how much was left for the remaining two prequels? Were they as detailed?

    Brandon Sanderson (14 August 2010)

    There are lots of notes for everything. But RJ did not leave any scenes written, which is a big difference.

    MAGGIE MELCHIOR (13 August)

    Will you ever give us annotations for WoT like you did for your other books? Or would Harriet & Co. say no?


    This isn't likely to happen, as I don't think Harriet would want me to do it.


    However, a book length work of annotations plus some of Mr. Jordan's notes might be possible. It will be up to Harriet.


  • 71

    Brandon C. King (14 August 2010)

    Do you think Towers of Midnight is better than The Gathering Storm, A: as an author, B: as a fan? WoT fans will buy it regardless...

    Brandon Sanderson (14 August 2010)

    I'll have to think about that one more. They are very different books. It's like comparing Book 4 and Book 1.


    Both are strong. But they do different things. One is focused, the other has more scope. But both are good books.


  • 72

    Amy Farmer (14 August 2010)

    Was Semihrage's "kitchen girl" quote in Lord of Chaos prologue significant in terms of who killed Asmodean?

    Brandon Sanderson (16 August 2010)

    I'm going to RAFO that one out of principle, because it's about Asmodean, but I'll answer it eventually, once the books are out.


  • 73

    Felix Pax (14 August 2010)

    Will Nynaeve shave her head, and lose the braid? A la, Empress Fortuona style?

    Brandon Sanderson (16 August 2010)

    Ha ha. One I can answer. No. She will not.


  • 74

    Felix Pax (16 August 2010)

    Should not Rand recall now, who Nynaeve was in 'past lives' post The Gathering Storm "Veins of Gold" chapter?

    Brandon Sanderson (16 August 2010)

    Rand might have known Nynaeve in a past life, if she lived when he did. But he might not recognize her in a different body.


  • 75

    Matthew Soddy (14 August 2010)

    Do you know if there are any plans to release another bundle of the WoT books? Like they have for 1-9? (3 book bundles)

    Brandon Sanderson (16 August 2010)

    Yes, they probably will. My three, at the least. Maybe a five book of the last ones?
  • 76

    HBFFerreira (15 August 2010)

    Noal Charin: was he drawn to Mat by the pull of a ta'veren, or was there something of a "Hero to Hornsounder" pull as well?

    Brandon Sanderson (16 August 2010)

    You're making assumptions about Noal that have not been clarified in the text. ;)


    On a more serious note, total RAFO on whether Jain is/was/will be a Hero. It's been talked about for years and years.


    And I suspect that it will continue to be a source of discussion for some time. ;)


    Well, it's such a common assumption that I didn't even realize it hadn't been stated as true yet. :-p


    But while I'm assuming, I take it that Noal's past may be one of those things Robert Jordan didn't intend to reveal. :-p


    RAFO on what RJ would or wouldn't reveal. :)


    I wonder "when" will Farstrider's real background be exposed to Mat, Thom?


    At least four people should know who Farstrider really is: Loial, Elder Haman, Elder Arent, and Speaker Covril.


    Two other characters might know who Farstrider really is too: Birgitte from Ebou Dar, and Luca from Shangtai.


    Obviously a bunch of other older characters have a chance of recognizing Noal as Farstrider in Caemlyn too.


    Continues whistling and walking the other direction.


  • 77

    HBFFerreira (15 August 2010)

    Masema: was he being manipulated by a Forsaken from the start? His dealings with Suroth, and him not wanting to go to Rand?

    Brandon Sanderson (16 August 2010)

    Masema was not manipulated from the start, but once he was noticed as a potentially useful tool.


    Both his dealings with Suroth and his mistrust of Perrin in The Path of Daggers were Forsaken-induced, right?


    Influenced at the least. Depends on how you view induced.


    This question was explored further here.


  • 78

    HBFFerreira (16 August 2010)

    Elayne and Rand's babies... Calian and Shivan?

    Brandon Sanderson (17 August 2010)

    RAFO ... on Elayne's babes. :)


  • 79

    Austin Moore (16 August 2010)

    Who is nastier in your opinion between Padan Fain and Isam/Slayer?

    Brandon Sanderson (17 August 2010)

    Nastier? Fain. But I think Slayer is cooler.


  • 80

    Jeff Edde (16 August 2010)

    What does the end look like? Does Shaidar Haran make an appearance? Moiraine alive? Any time travel to the Age of Legends?

    Brandon Sanderson (17 August 2010)

    You totally know I'm going to RAFO those. :)


  • 81

    Olly McKnight-Lange (16 August 2010)

    When is Towers of Midnight released, October? Can you post a chunk on here early?

    Brandon Sanderson (17 August 2010)

    November 2nd. And I'll try to post some early.


  • 82

    Anthony Platts (16 August 2010)

    Did Mat break the treaty with the Aelfinn/Eelfinn when he asked the four questions in The Shadow Rising....any consequences??

    Brandon Sanderson (17 August 2010)

    RAFO. :)


  • 83

    Terez (16 August 2010)

    Are there many themes in WoT that will only become clear as we read the final two books? Things going back to early books?

    Brandon Sanderson (17 August 2010)

    I think so.


  • 84

    Brandon Sanderson (17 August 2010)

    Q: When do you start A Memory of Light? (Asked with a smile, but with real curiosity too I'm sure.)


    A: I start it January 1st. I'm taking four months to relax my brain and work on something else, to refresh myself and keep creative.


  • 85

    Ted Herman (29 September 2010)

    Was Rand's super balefire beam palace sized or a narrow beam?

    Brandon Sanderson (29 September 2010)

    Not palace sized.


  • 86

    Matthías Páli (8 November 2010)

    Who is your favorite character, and why?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Perrin, because I feel like him most of the time.


  • 87

    Candice Haase (8 November 2010)

    One thing our family is looking forward to is the compendium when the story ends. Will you be helping?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    It is mostly Harriet/Maria. But I have some requests I plan to put in. :)


  • 88

    Kozza Bambuda (8 November 2010)

    Is there specific reason for the WoT team's and your seeming reluctance to possibly pursuing outrigger novels?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Because we don't want to exploit Robert Jordan's name. Doing books he told us to do is one thing.


    Doing more is troubling. There's nothing wrong with Outriggers; I'm not worried about them.


    I'm worried that it will be harder to stop after doing them, and I feel it WOULD be wrong not to stop then.


    Any plans for the other WoT prequels?


    As of right now, no plans. We are hesitant because we don't want to exploit RJ's legacy.


  • 89

    Matt Hatch (8 November 2010)

    Did Verin know the weave to hide her channeling ability from being detected by another female channeler?

    Maria Simons (8 November 2010)

    Sneaky sneaky Verin knew a lot. And that's all I have to say at the moment.


  • 90

    Ted Herman (8 November 2010)

    Is Taim a Darkfriend?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Wow. I could really blow things up with that one, eh? I'll be safe and RAFO.


  • 91

    Shivam Bhatt (8 November 2010)

    Do you think you'll actually be able to wrap up the story in A Memory of Light? Seems like a lot of endgame threads still open.

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    I have no plans to split the book again. I am 2/3 through the outline. Anything can happen, but it looks like one.


  • 92

    pmisir (8 November 2010)

    Re: A Memory of Light, I hope there'll be tons more Tuon/Seanchan?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    There will be more than there was in Towers of Midnight.


  • 93

    blindillusion (8 November 2010)

    Is there going to be any chance of fans getting their names in A Memory of Light?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Yes, there will be. Next spring, hopefully, another charity gig.


  • 94

    Paige Madison (8 November 2010)

    What was your first reaction after you find out how the story ended?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Satisfaction. It ends well. It didn't knock me off my seat, like some things in outline, but it was wonderful.


  • 95

    Ty Margheim (8 November 2010)

    Are the prophecies competing a la The Belgariad (by David Eddings), or are they complementary?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Not competing like The Belgariad, and certainly not intelligent like in The Belgariad.


    Some may be interpreted wrong, others may be recorded wrong, but there is not a this/that nature to them.


    The questioner is probably referring to the dark/light prophecies, as this makes the best comparison for Eddings. Brandon is saying that they will all be fulfilled, whether dark or light. (The Seanchan prophecies are another matter altogether, and Brandon was hinting at this in his last tweet; there is good reason to believe that the Seanchan prophecies have been corrupted.)


  • 96

    Brian Cayen (8 November 2010)

    I can't figure it out....what was the "little thing" that was missed [from books 4-6]?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    End of [Towers of Midnight] Chapter 55.


  • 97

    Matthías Páli (8 November 2010)

    Will we see more from Shara or the Land of the Madmen?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    RJ said there would be no major action in Shara. He was uncertain on Madmen.


  • 98

    Spencer Pranger (8 November 2010)

    Why is Hoid trying to restore the Pattern?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Lol. Hoid has no involvement in anything WoT. :)


  • 99

    Matthías Páli (8 November 2010)

    How many rounds are there in the Age of Legends game sha'rah?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)


    Maria Simons

    I can't answer that MAFO off the top of my head.

    Maria Simons

    (later) I don't know.


  • 100

    sleepinghour (8 November 2010)

    Who is the best swordsman in WoT right now? Lan, Galad, or Gawyn?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Lan. Then Galad. Then Gawyn. Gawyn is luckier than he thinks he is.


  • 101

    Shivam Bhatt (8 November 2010)

    [Towers of Midnight] Chapters 48-49.—was that all in Jordan's notes? So so sad and dark!

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    I'm avoiding answering questions about what was specifically in the notes and what wasn't, for now.


    Ok, well, can you comment on your own feelings of those chapters, as a fan?


    Awesome but very disturbing. As a fan, they're discomforting.


  • 102

    Ashiya Kapadi (8 November 2010)

    Who on earth is Nakomi?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    RAFO. :) I'm leaving that one open to interpretation.


  • 103

    John Lewis (8 November 2010)

    Where those fellas in red veils? Human or Shadowspawn?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    RAFO. :)


  • 104

    blindillusion (8 November 2010)

    Will A Memory of Light be centered on Mat? Rand had The Gathering Storm and Perrin had Towers of Midnight.

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    It will be pretty equal.


  • 105

    Brian Cayen (8 November 2010)

    You've said in the past that Aviendha's voice was one the hardest for you to this still the case?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    It still takes the longest to prepare for, but it is no longer as difficult as it was.


  • 106

    Linda Sandström (8 November 2010)

    Are Aviendha's children conceived naturally or are they a consequence of something Power-related Rand and Aviendha do together?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    RAFO. :)


  • 107

    Luke Piper (8 November 2010)

    Which character kept you up at night worrying the most?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Rand. In both books.


  • 108

    Jeff Edde (8 November 2010)

    The names for kids in Aviendha's vision: Were they from the notes for Outtrigger books? Or written up by you?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    I'll answer that specifically after the books are all out.


  • 109

    Matt Williams (8 November 2010)

    Was the fog in A Crown of Swords during the fight between Toram Riatin and Rand a bubble of evil or did Fain control the fog?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)



    The glossary entry for Daved Hanlon in TPOD says that it was a bubble of evil.


  • 110

    Matt Hatch (8 November 2010)

    Was Asmodean killed with balefire?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    I will see if I can give additional details. I'll ask Maria and Harriet for their read.


  • 111

    Ty Margheim (8 November 2010)

    What did we miss that would have told us who killed Asmodean?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    I don't think people missed it. RJ said it was obvious, and many guessed it correctly. So I'd say they got it.


    If you ask on a fan site, they can get you the 'Sherlock Holmes' style investigation of the subject. It is right.


    RJ was joking when he said it was 'intuitively obvious'.


  • 112

    Xarra (8 November 2010)

    You said at a book tour that we'd seen Demandred lots already—is this true? Has he been 'on screen' in Towers of Midnight?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    I was being jokey on that one, meaning the times he's appeared as himself or been referenced as himself.


    I have not answered if we've seen him 'In disguise' yet. Or I didn't intend to. Might have sounded that way.


  • 113

    Matt Hatch (8 November 2010)

    Is Logain working for Demandred?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    Oh, you KNEW I was going to RAFO that one. :)


    How often does Demandred contemplate killing Moridin?


    Less than the other Chosen. He is focused on Rand. He contemplates Moridin, but mostly he wants Rand.


  • 114

    Adam Stillwaggon (8 November 2010)

    Who was bringing the Trollocs through the Portal Stone to attack Perrin and the Whitecloaks?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)

    RAFO. :)

