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Interviews: Robert Jordan's Blog: The Stone





Oct 6th, 2008





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    Wilson Grooms

    Friday was a beautiful day in the Two Rivers. There was a gentle breeze blowing inland and the sky was crystal. Perfect. Unlike the services a year ago, the laying of the ledger stone on Jim's grave was a quiet family affair. So, with apologies, I won't share the details. Jim's resting place is identified with a marker that will last for a few hundred years. I found myself thinking that his work will outlive even the marble on his grave. The stone is simple in form. It is etched with a few words which perfectly describe the gentle giant of a man that he was.....

    James Oliver Rigney, Jr.

    Born October 17, 1948
    Died September 16, 2007

    Father Story Teller
    Soldier Singer

