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Interviews: Brandon Sanderson's Blog: Release party NOW (and live feed)





Oct 26th, 2009




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    Peter Ahlstrom

    Hi, Brandon's assistant Peter here with a quick update. Brandon is currently ensconced deep within the BYU Bookstore signing and numbering all their copies of The Gathering Storm in preparation for the release in a little over two hours. If you're anywhere near Utah Valley right now, consider heading over there to take part in the fun. The Storm Leaders headed up by Tamyrlin of WoT fansite Theoryland are working the crowd and handing out freebies. They've also set up several ways you can follow the release party from afar: they're tweeting at @MidnightRelease and they'll have a live webcam feed starting around 10:00. (If you're nowhere near the BYU Bookstore right now but still want to see Brandon and get your book signed, check out the full tour schedule.) The wait is finally over!
