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Interviews: NY ComicCon Report - Ted Herman





Oct 15th, 2011




New York, NY


NY ComicCon


Ted Herman



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    Ted Herman

    HCFF report—NY ComicCon, October 15, 2011

    After a couple of signings at the NY ComicCon today, Brandon was kind enough to indulge my HCFF curiosity, though some of the questions will need follow up from the amazing Maria.

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    Ted Herman

    Will we see more abut the Amayar/Time of Illusions prophecy?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Possibly in the encyclopedia.


  • 3

    Ted Herman

    How did Fain know that the ruby dagger was in the White Tower, since last he knew it was in Falme, and now it is thousands of miles away (when he was in Emond's Field)?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He has a super detection ability for the dagger, like the Warder Bond, so he can know direction and distance.


  • 4

    Ted Herman

    Why did Fain say he had to go to Caemlyn first before the White Tower, though he actually went to the White Tower then Caemlyn (as least as far as we see in the books)?

    Brandon Sanderson


    Maria Simons

    The next time we see him he is in Tar Valon, it is true, but that doesn't mean he didn't stop by Caemlyn on the way. He could have gone to Caemlyn before Tar Valon, although the timing would be rather tight, I think. There are other possibilities: he intended to go to Caemlyn, somehow learned Rahvin was there, and decided to skip that for the time being. Or he intended to go to Caemlyn, but his baser instincts prevailed and he decided to get his dagger first. I can't find a solid answer.


    He might have gone to Caemlyn to use the Waygate there, which gives more leeway on the timing. His intention might have been to bring word of the "rebellion" in the Two Rivers: ["We ride for Tar Valon," he snapped. Hard riding, to beat Bornhald to the ferry. Manetheren's banner, raised again in the Two Rivers after all these centuries. How the Red Eagle had harried him, so long ago. "But Caemlyn first!" Scourge them and flay them! Let the Two Rivers pay first, and then Rand al'Thor...] (The Shadow Rising, Chapter 56)


  • 5

    Ted Herman

    Was Norla in the Kin and where did she get her paralis-net?

    Brandon Sanderson



    Norla is the 'toothless wilder' in the Black Hills from who Cadsuane earned her hair ornament ter'angreal [WH34, COT23].


  • 6

    Ted Herman

    Would an a'dam function in Far Madding?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, but the damane could not channel.


  • 7

    Ted Herman

    Would a circle be broken by entering Far Madding or a stedding?

    Brandon Sanderson

    75% chance of no. It would be like using a Well and entering those locations (which would work).


  • 8

    Ted Herman

    What makes a body suitable for a transmigrated Forsaken besides channeling ability?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Dark One looks for certain things that are not available in just any body, and we will see an illustrated example of this in A Memory of Light.


  • 9

    Ted Herman

    Does Elayne know who Rand's father is and that he killed her grandfather Laman?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is not confirmed that Janduin killed Laman.

    Ted Herman

    Do Aviendha or Rand know that Laman was Elayne's grandfather (re: the sword that Aviendha gave to Rand to discharge her toh)?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Aviendha probably didn't know but Rand definitely did.

    Ted Herman

    ETA—these topics were to be included in possible prequels.


    The reply is correct that it has not been confirmed that Janduin killed Laman. However, Laman was not Elayne's grandfather since Laman died childless [NS5].


  • 10

    Ted Herman

    Did Mordeth go to the Finns?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 11

    Ted Herman

    What would happen if a Tinker went into the Rhuidean glass column ter'angreal?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I need to check if RJ ever answered what would happen if a non-Aiel went into the ter'angreal.

    Ted Herman

    ETA: RJ stated in the Crossroads of Twilight 'Glimmers' Ebook Q&A that a non-Aiel would not see anything, and nothing would happen to them.
  • 12

    Ted Herman

    Did Nynaeve realize that Suroth was a Darkfriend from their meeting in Falme, and if so, why didn't she warn Rand after he got the invitation from her?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is possible that she didn't connect the dots from the note to the long ago meeting, possible brain freeze, MAFO.


  • 13

    Ted Herman

    Why didn't the Seanchan invade Ghealdan?

    Brandon Sanderson

    MAFO. Brandon replied that it may be due to all the problems caused by Ituralde's raids, and possibly the issue with Galad's desertion as well.

    Alan Romanczuk

    Their plan was to push east quickly through Illian and eventually sweep north into Andor and beyond. Ghealdan was not a military threat to them for the time being, and it would fall easily to them once they had consolidated control of the southeast. There are only so many fronts on which an army wishes, or should wish, to fight simultaneously, even an army of great strength. History is littered with the corpses of generals who made that mistake.


  • 14

    Ted Herman

    Also, I was wearing my Theoryland shirt and someone actually asked to take a picture of the HCFF logo on the back of it.