Search the most comprehensive database of interviews and book signings from Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson and the rest of Team Jordan.
2012-04-30: I had the great pleasure of speaking with Harriet McDougal Rigney about her life. She's an amazing talent and person and it will take you less than an hour to agree.
2012-04-24: Some thoughts I had during JordanCon4 and the upcoming conclusion of "The Wheel of Time."
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Apr, 2012
Perth, WA
SwanCon 2012
Walked along the water in Perth today. I was not attacked by a single snake, spider, or shark. Australia, you're letting me down.
Also, PRK from #swancon did indeed warn me about drop-bears. I will be sure to wear vegemite behind my ears to protect myself.
Had a very lovely dinner at Bonsai with @BrandSanderson and @mdepierres—they're fantastic guests! #Swancon is going to be awesome.
A Sense of Immersion with @BrandSanderson @mdepierres and Bevan McGuiness at #Swancon
"I wanted to tell tales about things that broke the laws of physics. Consistently."—@BrandSanderson #Swancon
Got RAFO'd on asking where the wind blows from in A Memory of Light.
Demandred will have some awesome stuff in A Memory of Light.
In The Gathering Storm, Egwene was mostly RJ, Rand mostly Brandon. In Towers of Midnight, Mat mostly RJ, Perrin mostly Brandon.
Brandon tried to get moments for every character in A Memory of Light. Egwene is ready to be bad ass in the Last Battle; her character development is done.
Perth Exclusive for #WoT counted scenes by viewpoint. Rand has the most viewpoints in A Memory of Light, not a huge margin. Others tied.
Caveat, still revising A Memory of Light, so that can change.
It's not much but Brandon S just told me that Lan has the most POVs in A Memory of Light, only just ahead of Rand. But that could change with editing.
I thought he said Rand ahead of the other main characters?
That doesn't even make sense. :s Sure, Lan is vital, but it's hard to see how the story could focus on him that much.
Confirmed it was Rand with the highest number of POV scenes in A Memory of Light (at the moment).
The Padan Fain / Mordeth hybrid will be in A Memory of Light.
Got a RAFO on how the Mordeth/Fain Hybrid influences the Black Wind.
Ask him if there is a Waygate anywhere near Lugard. We suspect that Ogier-built Shaemal was somewhere in Murandy.
Why does it matter where Shaemal is?
It only matters because of the possibility of a Waygate in Murandy, which is why I phrased the question the way I did.
It has to do with the theory that Roedran is Demandred. ;)
Okay, I'll ask that one next time!
Answer re Lugard Waygate: "*chuckles* That's clever! Anything I say will give away too much, so I'll have to RAFO that one."
Ask him if the manner of the Aiel service to the Aes Sedai in the Age of Legends was just Singing, or if it was also domestic.
As a follow-up you could ask him if female Voices were also used in non-Earthy scenarios, i.e. to enhance saidar in particular?
And ask him if non-Aiel could really have the Voice (assuming the type that enhances channeling) or if Lews Therin was just confused.
Lews Therin was confused about time and place, but what he was saying was possible.
There was more than just singing, but Brandon wasn't willing to go into it. Unsure if that was RAFO or irrelevance.
Brandon said he wasn't willing to talk much about the Voice things. I got the sense it was a subtle RAFO.