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Your search for the tag 'Brandon on video games' yielded 4 results

  • 1

    Interview: Jan 7th, 2015


    Favorite video games?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Dark Souls series, I started on Demon Souls when it was actually hard, but I like them all. I like the level design, I like that they’re not coddling you. I’ve always loved the Civilization games, I play those quite extensively. In fact when I was in college I spent many a long night in my friends room playing Civilization, until he was like “Go to bed”. I just played Skyrim, i tend to wait a few years on those games so I can get mods and things l like. I thought Skyrim was the best of the Elder Scrolls games, I’ve played them all since Daggerfall and they fixed a lot of the problems like the leveling was always bad and some of the dungeon designs were so repetitive. This one they fixed all that and I had a blast.


  • 2

    Interview: Feb 25th, 2016


    I heard somewhere that you were trying to find time to play Bloodborne?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I did play Bloodborne. I liked it.


    It was hard for me, man. [... just with the patch?]

    Brandon Sanderson

    Get the axe, the big axe, take it to its big thing, learn to use the [charge?] attack, spin around and hit things before they get to you. And then you'll be fine.


    Right on. I'll get back to it.


  • 3

    Interview: Feb 25th, 2016


    Are you doing any video game work these days? I know you did some work with Infinity Blade stuff.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm actually going to LA to hear some pitches on video game stuff on Monday, so yes, but I haven't yet been able to get anything made. So we shall see if it ever happens. I've helped the Infinity Blade guys with their next game also, just as an advisory position thing. That's been fun. Their next game's going to be awesome.


  • 4

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2016


    Do you want your books to be video games?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. (Looks like Birthright isn’t happening)
