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Your search for the tag 'Bridge four' yielded 4 results

  • 1

    Interview: Mar 20th, 2014


    In the middle of WoR, there's a scene where Kaladin's hanging out in the barracks, and Rock kicks out an ardent sketching them. Is that the guy drawing all the pictures?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That is Nazh. You've found him. You have discovered Nazh!


  • 2

    Interview: Apr 16th, 2014


    Finally, Isaac taught us how to say Bridge 4 in Alethi,

    Isaac Stewart

    which is "vev gesheh." Vev = 4, Gesheh = bridge.


  • 3

    Interview: Apr 16th, 2014


    Did Ben or Isaac design the glyphs in The Stormlight Archive?

    Isaac Stewart, Ben McSweeney

    I did. So here's an interesting thing the-- [trolling] no I'm not going to tell you that. *lots of laughter* I think it would be a spoiler for Book 3. Bridge Four in Alethi, you guys ready? Vev Gesheh. Vev is the number four, Gesheh is bridge. When I design the glyphs, I always make sure I know how to say it in Alethi before I design the glyph.


    Is there a reason for that?


    There is a reason for that.


    Are you going to tell us what that reason is?


    Nope. The glyph writing system is just a-- You are supposed to be able to look at it and say "Hey that's-- That means bridge" but it could be elongated, it could be changed, it could be-- but the same shapes are in there and that means "bridge" or whatever else that is. The glyphs don't really relate to pronunciation. You learn them from seeing the glyph and knowing what the word is for that. But the people, the people who create the glyphs have a different process from those who read them. It can be somewhat difficult to draw the glyphs, we generally go through several iterations of different looks of things before we come up with something that we like.


  • 4

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2016



    Brandon Sanderson

    Bridge 4 are Kaladin’s Squires.
