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Your search for the tag 'Elsecallers' yielded 6 results

  • 1

    Interview: Oct 9th, 2015


    I asked Brandon to sign my two books with "tell me something about the Order of Elsecallers" and "tell me something about the Order of Willshapers."

    Brandon Sanderson

    He responded "Turning stone into putty is fun!" and "Popping in and out of Shadesmar is fun too!"


  • 2

    Interview: Apr 2nd, 2015


    On a similar note, since Elsecallers can physically go to Shadesmar and have access to Transportation surge, can all Elsecallers worldhop?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, that is one of the Elsecaller powers.


    The most interesting thing about this is that, depending on the number of people in the Elsecaller order, there may have been quite a few Worldhoppers from Roshar throughout history. i'm surprised they weren't more Cosmere-aware if that was the case, but maybe they always just stuck around Roshar? I wonder how many Elsecallers are on other planets....


  • 3

    Interview: Apr 2nd, 2015


    In hindsight this seems like a really obvious question now (laugh), but I think it's really interesting that Elsecallers can travel to other planets too--we didn't know that before.

    Brandon Sanderson

    There are hints in the names on the map of Shadesmar.


    Since getting this answer I found out a few more things about this on the 17th Shard. It looks like previous WoB confirmed that there are hints in the names of things on Shadesmar somewhat related to Worldhopping, and we also know that the Expanse of the Densities is a planet that we already know. He could be alluding to those tidbits with this answer, who knows.


  • 4

    Interview: Nov 29th, 2016


    What kind of spren is Ivory?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 5

    Interview: Dec 3rd, 2016


    Is Niccolo Machiavelli's political theory, the ends justify the means, incompatible with the Knights Radiants' First Oath?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No. Although many of the Orders of KRs would find Machiavelli's theory that the ends justify the means incompatible with additional Oaths and/or values of that Order, there are some Orders who could accept a Machiavellian. Brandon said that the Skybreakers where a Machiavellian could find a home.


    As Brandon was signing my books, I asked if the Elsecallers would also accept a Machiavellian.

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 6

    Interview: Dec 6th, 2016


    Can Elsecallers move without perpendicularities on other worlds?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, they can.
