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Your search for the tag 'feruchemistry' yielded 5 results

  • 1

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    Could you use the Feruchemical ability to store identity to heal damage done to you in the Cognitive Realm?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um...yes, but it's gonna take a roundabout method to make that happen. But identity can be very useful for all sorts of things like this.


  • 2

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    For Feruchemy, can you only inherit that? Or is there another way to get it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You could obviously get it through a Hemalurgic spike.


  • 3

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    Yeah, but that’s kind of a different thing.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is hereditary, but it came from somewhere. [...] Which is a RAFO, but it’s not a big RAFO. There’s not something you missed in the books, or anything like that. It originally came from Preservation long ago. And there are other ways to get it, but you have not missed any major plot points regarding that. Good question.


    different thing=using a hemalurgical spike to gain feruchemistry


  • 4

    Interview: Apr 16th, 2014


    Suppose you had a Feruchemist that was also skilled in forgery. If they soul stamped themselves, would they normally be able to still use Feruchemy, and if they were able to use Feruchemy after a soul stamp would they be able to access their own metalminds.

    Brandon Sanderson

    [Paraphrased]You could do so, but it would require jury rigging in order to make it work, since the soul stamp overwrites the current spiritual aspect of a person. He then said that the accessing the metalminds would also require some amount of jury rigging.


  • 5

    Interview: Apr 16th, 2014


    If a Feruchemist using an aluminum metalmind stored their identity to zero, then filled a coppermind with all of their knowledge, would another Feruchemist with an identity set to zero be able to access the first Feruchemist's coppermind?

    Brandon Sanderson

    [Paraphrased] I'm not going to tell you a definite yes or no, this is something that needs to be saved for future books, but you are thinking along the correct lines about how identity works regarding Feruchemists.
