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    Interview: Feb 20th, 2015


    My question was, have you ever written a scene and had it published and then wanted to change one of your scenes?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, I have. There have been a couple of them. There’s one at the end of Words of Radiance, when it came time for the paperback I reverted to a previous version of the scene. So yeah you guys will see that when the paperback comes out. One of the ending scenes-- It’s a very minor tweak but I had done like four different drafts of this scene and I didn’t like the one we ended up with. Even immediately after we sent it in I was like “No that’s the wrong one”. So we reverted.


    Will you post that online?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, I’ll post that online when the book comes out. I’ll be like “By the way guys, Warning. There’s a change here.”


    The internet will freak out.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. The other thing is the ending of Elantris, the spatial-ness of it, and things, I got some of the math wrong. I didn’t have Peter back then. And so now that we are doing a 10th anniversary edition I actually had Peter and Isaac, who does all the maps, get together, work out the actual math. The size of the city, the size of the continent, and all this stuff and Isaac’s doing a new map and we are changing the text to now match that map. So for instance where it says something is in the original text it will actually move now that we have an actual real map, rather than my MS Paint thing that I was using ‘cause you know me and maps. So yeah you nodded, there are a lot of mathematical-- just problems. We’ve got the new map now and it all works. So I’m glad that it all actually works, once you get the math right. But like the number of steps is way off at the end of that one for instance. [To Argent/Kurk] Have you guys figured that out? Like it makes the size of the planet stupidly big.


    When is that coming out by the way?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I’m not sure, we just have to see when we turn it in. I think maybe later this year. Maybe early next year. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to get it out with one of the Mistborn books, at around the same time.
