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Your search for the tag 'roshar system' yielded 6 results

  • 1

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    I'm curious about the sun, it's described as white, and our sun is typically described as yellow. Is it a different type of star?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The yellowing of our sun is not actually our sun being yellow is not based on the star's actual color.


  • 2

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    So is it bigger than our sun? Smaller? If there's anything you want to throw out there I'll take it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay...I'm having to reach into my memory. This is not canon. Younger and larger, I believe it is both. Younger and larger.


  • 3

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    Do the moons relate to the highstorms at all?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The all? Sure! You'll love this. The star's age, at Roshar--Earth astronomers would say that is a star which could not have planets with life on them orbiting it.


  • 4

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    There are three planets in the system, are they all in the habitable zone? At least two of them must be … Q2(I think this was NutiketAiel?). When you say three, is it actually three in the solar system, or is it three-?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There are three planets with sentient beings on them.


  • 5

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    There are more than three planets in the solar system?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There are. With non-sentient beings. There are three planets of importance. So I didn't give you very much, you already knew … here's something. You may have heard a reading from one of those planets today.


  • 6

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    Doesn't Shadows of Silence happen in there too?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Threnody? No. Threnody is not one of the three.


    in the Rosharan system
