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Your search for the tag 'shard' yielded 33 results

  • 1

    Interview: Dec 25th, 2010


    You've said that Shadesmar is the cognitive relam connecting all the worlds in the cosmere, and that Hoid is very good at using Shadesmar. Should we take this to mean Shadesmar is how he travels between the worlds? Do the other worlds have different ways of accessing Shadesmar than the way(s) the people of Roshar use?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 2

    Interview: Nov 11th, 2011


    In whose voice is the "Ars Arcanum" written? Hoid's?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I've avoided answering that question. It's either Hoid or a member of the Seventeenth Shard. That's as much answer as I'm giving anyone right now.


    Brandon has later stated that the Ars Arcana Author is not Hoid.



  • 3

    Interview: Dec 15th, 2011


    Is Thinker from the Purelake scene Demoux [from the Mistborn Trilogy]?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Demoux is indeed in that scene.

    And for those who didn’t hear, about the other one, there is a scene in the Way of Kings. People have been trying to figure out… there are some members of… there are some people there that I have hinted are from other books, and they have now figured out two of the three. I don’t think you’ve figured out the third one, and you won’t because…


    Has their book been written yet? Has their book been published?


    . Their book has not been published yet. I won’t say if it’s been written yet. Is anyone confused at what’s going on there? There is a connection between the books.


    What Brandon nearly says about "members" seems to imply that those in the Purelake scene are indeed members of the Seventeenth Shard.


  • 4

    Interview: Nov 8th, 2011


    These are things that I overheard.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Kelsier was not spiked.

    Part of the Lord Ruler's motivation for setting up The Final Empire was revenge against the people he viewed as encroaching on his people's land. He was also obsessed with creating order, which Ruin later exploited.

    The Ars Arcanum in the books were all written by one person.

    The author of the Ars Arcanum is either Hoid or a member of the Seventeenth Shard. Brandon also pointed to an annotation on the map of Elendel that's relevant to this question.

    There's just the one system in Warbreaker, and it's also a world with only one Shard on it.


  • 5

    Interview: May, 2010


    This one is a personal favor... See, for metals that have Feruchemy, this verb is "charge". A metal is Feruchemically charged. But, you've been using the term "charge" for Hemalurgic metals, too, which I think is confusing. Before HoA I called Hemalurgic metals "Imbued" metals. I humbly petition to have that be the official term, because it's just confusing otherwise.

    Bradon Sanderson

    The Seventeenth Shard members use the term of Invest for all of those type of things. However, what they use in world is different on each world. For example WoK is infuse.


  • 6

    Interview: Nov 14th, 2011

    AshleySMoser (14 November 2011)

    I messaged earlier regarding Alloy of Law appendix narrator, unaware of today's torchat. maybe you can respond in the chat?

    Brandon Sanderson (14 November 2011)

    I haven't been telling people the name of the appendix author. It is either Hoid or one of the 17th sharders.


  • 7

    Interview: Nov 19th, 2011


    The person who wrote the Ars Arcanum in Alloy of Law, is that the same person who wrote the Letter in Way of Kings.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Its not confirmed, but it's either Hoid, or someone in the 17th Shard. (However, thinking back, I'm not sure if he fully heard/understood the question, and perhaps he was expecting it to be something else. But it seems to me that if he namedropped Hoid, that he may have misunderstood the question, as it seems very likely that Hoid wrote the Letter, I dont think he'd let something slip like that. So i would count this information as rather tenuous.)


  • 8

    Interview: Jan, 2012

    Ace_of_Face (

    Who wrote the "Ars Arcanum"? Since the writer obviously had knowledge of the Cosmere I assumed that it was you making an editorial note, but then I thought that it could be Hoid (who was suspiciously absent) or Sazed or any Shardbearer... Does that make sense at all?

    Brandon Sanderson (

    The Ars Arcanum is written in-cosmere by someone, but I don't want to saw who yet.


    Hoid is indeed in Alloy of Law. He's the beggar in black that is at the wedding in chapter 5.


  • 9

    Interview: Jan, 2012

    zas678 (

    I dislike double posting, but I have one question that came up recently from your tweet. You said that there are "multiple" people from Mistborn in WoK. Does this include Hoid?

    Brandon Sanderson (

    Yes, it does.


    Are they just vague allusions?


    Vague, no. But I wouldn't say they, save Hoid, have any important impact on the events of the book.


  • 10

    Interview: Oct 15th, 2010

    17th Shard

    What is the name of the Shard which is the Almighty?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ah... RAFO!


    It's Honor, and the original person holding the shard is Tanavast.


  • 11

    Interview: Apr 17th, 2012

    Google+ Hangout (Verbatim)


    How did the whole cosmere come about?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh that's a good question, the cosmere came about because- there's really two genesis' of it. First off I'm a big fan of Asimov's work and if you know Asimov's work he tied his two universes together later in his life and I thought he did a brilliant job of it, though patching it together later in his life as he did there were certain continuity problems in doing it and I always thought "Boy, I bet he wished he'd done it from the beginning".

    So, as I started to work on things, I thought "Well why don't I try something like that from the beginning." Once again I got to see what one of the masters did and learn from them, stand on their shoulders.

    The other thing is early I realised that if I were writing mini-books then writing them all in the same series would be a bad for getting published, let's say I wrote five, I'm gonna write five books and a publisher rejects the first one. If the other four are in the same series, it's going to be very hard to convince that publisher to read book two if they've already said no to book one. However, if they are five standalone books, set in different worlds, then I can say if someone says "I liked this book but not enough to publish it," I could send them another one and say "Hey this one is different but similar maybe you'll like that." It just increased my chances.

    The problem with that is I grew up reading the big epics and I love big epics and they are the books of my heart, like the Wheel of Time. I wanted to write big epics and so I started writing a secret big epic. It started with Elantris, which is the first one that I wrote in the Cosmere and right after it Dragonsteel, which is actually a prequel but in a different universe. I started putting characters from each of these books in the other books to have what I call a hidden epic, mostly for myself, because I had all these books I was going to be selling and marketing separately. But when Elantris sold, all of that stuff was buried in there, and I said "Well, I love it, I'm not gonna cut it, I'm just gonna put it in there to see if people notice." I'm going to keep telling my hidden epic because eventually I will be telling the greater story with Dragonsteel and the third Mistborn trilogy dealing with these things and so that's where the idea for the cosmere came from, those two pieces.


  • 12

    Interview: Sep 21st, 2010

    Boomtron Interview (Verbatim)


    Will there be other crossover characters like Hoid?

    Brandon Sanderson

    There already have been.






    Can you tell?


    I cannot say more than that, I think that they’re placed quite obviously, they were not very obvious before this book, they do exist, other crossovers do exist. But none so obvious as Hoid. I think there are several obvious ones in this novel, no one has yet found them that I know, but I think once they see them- once you look closely they’re there


  • 13

    Interview: 2012

    Supahamir (19 February 2012)

    We also meet three other people who can travel between the worlds, two of whom we've met before (one in Elantris and one in Mistborn), who are apparently trying to track Hoid down.

    Brilliant, just brilliant.


    This really makes me excited to meet Blunt from Dragonsteel.

    Peter Ahlstrom ()

    Blunt is NOT from Dragonsteel. :)


    Brandon later said that Blunt is from White Sand.


  • 14

    Interview: Nov 6th, 2012


    I want to know if the Seventeenth Shard members come from all of the planets, not just Sel.

    Brandon Sanderson

    They come from multiple planets. You have seen Seventeenth Shard members from several planets already.


  • 15

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    Phantine ()

    Are there any magic systems in the cosmere that aren't shard based?

    Brandon Sanderson

    This depends on definitions. The effects of Adonalsium permeate everything, and Adonalsium is also the source of the Shards. It is possible to find a magic that isn't DIRECTLY powered by a specific shard, however, though most of these would have been set up before the shattering and would be much smaller in scope than things like Allomancy and Surgebinding.


  • 16

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    Thanatos17901 ()

    Thanks so much for all your writing, Way of Kings is the best book I've read in the last decade.

    If Sazed were to die, would he drop the shards Ruin and Preservation, or would he drop the shard Harmony?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Excellent question. The shards are now intermingled, and would take effort to split apart. He would drop Harmony. (This is what Odium feared would happen, by the way.)


  • 17

    Interview: Mar 5th, 2014


    Is the Seventeenth Shard meant to represent a specific Shardic intent?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Seventeenth Shard has a specific purpose, and the name was chosen very deliberately.


  • 18

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    The Seventeenth Shard--is their purpose limited solely to tracking down Hoid? Or is it something grander than that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, they have other stuff. It is something grander than that.


    He's just one of many priorities?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. They are very worried about what he's going to be doing.


    But there's others they're worried about as well?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. [...] So they have a task, they have goals, and they are worried that he is going to be at cross purposes to them, so they are trying to hunt him down.


  • 19

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    What shard are Cryptics associated with?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 20

    Interview: Jan 17th, 2015


    Will you tell us the Intent of Bavadin’s Shard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Intent of Bavadin’s Shard? No. But good question. Have a RAFO card.


  • 21

    Interview: Jan 21st, 2015


    Have we seen the 17th sharders from the Way of Kings interlude before?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You have seen two of them, the third is from an unpublished work that will be coming out soon in graphic novel format.


  • 22

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2015


    Can Nightblood damage or kill a Shard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Nightblood is not powerful enough for-- *weird ehhh sound*


    Is he that powerful?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Damage? Yes. How damaging? Is a subject to discussion. Nightblood contains a /lot/ of Investiture.


  • 23

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2015


    Can a Shard and its holder be separated without the holder dying?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 24

    Interview: Feb 17th, 2016


    You’ve said that Shard’s have intents, what about shard-planets, [...] pulls those shards to that planet?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, but it’s not something I’m going to talk about for a long time.


  • 25

    Interview: Feb 17th, 2016


    What is the intent of the Seventeenth Shard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That has not been revealed yet.


  • 26

    Interview: Apr 8th, 2016


    Is it theoretically possible to hemalurgically spike a shard into someone else, and if so, what would be the outcome?

    Brandon Sanderson

    A full shard? Hemalurgy could not hold that much of an invested charge. Not without something really weird happening.


  • 27

    Interview: Apr 23rd, 2016


    In Secret History, is Khriss working with the 17th Shard at that time?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Khriss works with anybody who is interested in the information that she has. She is, not a freelancer, really, she is a...She’d get along with Edward Snowden, right? She is for the good of the Cosmere in her opinion, she is providing this information. She thinks it’ll be useful for everyone. So if the 17th Shard comes to her and says “We want to know this” and she knows it, she will tell them. If Hoid comes to her and says “I want to know this”, she would tell him. So Khriss will work with anyone who she thinks their motives are...are for the good of the Cosmere in general.


    Not strictly a mercenary…?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, not a mercenary, she’s kind of a freedom of information type person.


  • 28

    Interview: Apr 23rd, 2016


    If a Shard were to heal the cracks in someone’s Spiritweb, like Saze did with Spook, and that person who was getting healed has a Nahel bond, would that break the bond?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, because the Nahel bond is already filling in those cracks, so you would have to rip it off to put something else in there.


    So the Shard wouldn’t be able to heal…?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, the Shard...Like, here’s the thing we have to get at with this, what we’re getting at, which is the question of, for instance, is Kaladin’s depression a flaw in him that needs to be healed? And that is a question for philosophers. There are certainly people in the Cosmere and outside the Cosmere that say yes, this needs to be healed, but what about somebody who’s...say, someone who is autistic, and their mind just works in a different way, and this way allows a certain bond to happen that couldn’t otherwise happen? Is that a flaw, or - is it a bug or a feature, to speak in coding terms? Is what’s up with Kaladin a bug or a feature? I know that my wife would probably get rid of her depression if she could, but it’s also fundamental in how she sees the world and who she is, would that change her into a different person? And things like this. So, I want you when you discuss this, to be very careful about treating mental illness as a flaw as opposed to an aspect of a human personality that allows certain different things to happen. Does that make sense? [Applause]


    The way I was sort of thinking, was, could Odium say, “Oh, I’m just going to fix this” and then [...]?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Right, right, yeah. If he - if there was - that is possible, but it would be hard to do without the consent of the person, but that is possible. You can fix somebody in a way that they didn’t want to be fixed, and it would ruin things.


  • 29

    Interview: Nov 22nd, 2016

    BYU Bookstore (Paraphrased)


    no question

    Brandon Sanderson

    The 17th Shard is about nonintervention, but they're not doing so great a job, seeing as they took the common cold to Roshar.


  • 30

    Interview: Oct 22nd, 2016


    Are the Ghostbloods and the Seventeenth Shard working together?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 31

    Interview: Nov 29th, 2016


    Did Demoux achieve immortality by manipulating his Connection age?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Demoux uses the same method as most of the Seventeenth Shard. That method slows aging by a lot, but doesn't stop it completely.


  • 32

    Interview: Dec 6th, 2016


    Are there requirements to join the Seventeenth Shard, and would they accept, for lack of a better term, a non-enhanced member?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes and yes. Well, um, Baon is not Invested.


    Well, what would they not like? We know they don’t like Hoid, and what he’s doing, but…

    Brandon Sanderson

    They do like what Khriss is doing, alright? This is an acceptable thing to them.


    What about when people start integrating themselves in [a] culture, is that gonna make problems?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They would prefer that people didn’t do that.


    So not Vasher?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Vasher is very far from being the Seventeenth Shard! VERRRY far. [laughter]


    Is it fair to say that they are a community of scholars?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They are a community-- well they are not all scholars, so I wouldn’t say that. I would say they are interested parties who do not want any planets to get destroyed.


    So they’re the Apocalypse Guard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They aren’t really able to prevent these sorts of things. They’re like...Oh what are they called in DC...But those guys are powerful though, so it’s not like that, but you can imagine it’s something like that, right? We’re watching, studying, we’re investigating and we’re trying to prevent... They’re like Starfleet right? They’ve got some Starfleet stuff right? We’re gonna go research and study these people, but we shouldn’t be involved. It’s less about Prime Directive, and more about what it’s something to do that it exacerbates the conflict between the Shards. The Shards split up for a reason, is what they think, and they should continue to be split up, and we should not dabble in bringing them back together.
