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Your search for the tag 'unmade' yielded 10 results

  • 1

    Interview: Aug 9th, 2014


    Are the Unmade and the Stormfather the same "class" of being?

    Brandon Sanderson (Paraphrased)

    Technically no, but they are on a similar level. It is a good analogy.


  • 2

    Interview: Aug 9th, 2014


    There are hints in Words of Radiance that the Thrill is tied to an individual entity that Taravangian has studied, possibly one of the Unmade. Does this have anything to do with the hints of why the Knights Radiant turned away? Were the Unmade some of those who did whatever-it-was that tore them apart?

    Brandon Sanderson (Paraphrased)

    [This is the one where he stopped me partway through asking, probably due to the wording]. Does it have anything to do with it? Yes. Is it the root cause or the primary reason? I'm not going to reveal that right now.


  • 3

    Interview: Mar 22nd, 2014


    Is the number of the Unmade fixed?

    Brandon Sanderson



    Is it ten, is it ten, is it ten, is it ten, is it ten?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Is it ten? No, it's not ten.


  • 4

    Interview: Dec 6th, 2014


    Is there some kind of connection between Szeth and Yelig-nar, the Unmade?

    Brandon Sanderson (Paraphrased)

    Hmm... Szeth has no more of a connection with Yelig-nar than anyone else does.


  • 5

    Interview: Mar 20th, 2014


    Are the Unmade actually spren as Taravangian thinks they are?

    Brandon Sanderson

    As far as anyone knows. I'm not going to answer other than that.


  • 6

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    Before the Recreance, there were three Bondsmiths. Did they all bond supersprens, or is Dalinar an exception?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They did something similar.


    Can the Unmade be bonded?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Wow...plausible. Er, possible, I should say.


    If you came up with a Radiant-like ideal, for yourself as a writer, what would it be?

    Brandon Sanderson

    What a great question! (writes the answer in asker's book).


    Does this imply that the unmade are spren?


  • 7

    Interview: Mar 12th, 2015

    WeiryWriter (Reddit)

    Hey Brandon! So glad you are doing another AMA!

    1. Could you explain a little more about Cognitive shadows? When you first mentioned the name and gave the examples of Kelsier and the Shades from Threnody you kind of gave the impression that they were kind of like ghosts. But this past December at the Orem signing you mentioned that the Stormfather and the mist were also Cognitive shadows. The first makes sense to me, I had an entire theory about that (although I argued he was specifically Tanavast's and not Honor's). The second however really doesn't make sense to me, unless it was actually the mist spirit that is the shadow and that got missed in the report (it wasn't verbatim), but even still Preservation is still alive at that point so how can he have a "ghost"? (Unless him sacrificing his mind to form Ruin's prison counts as "death" in this situation?)

    The rest of these feel free to pick and choose which ones you want to answer (I'm finding it difficult to narrow things down, so I figure I'll leave it to you to decide which ones you want answered).

    2. Are the Unmade Splinters of Odium?
    3. Is the Well of Ascension Preservation's Perpendicularity? Or at least related to it (i.e. one is in the Physical Realm but the other is in the Cognitive but are still essentially different aspects of the same "thing")?
    4. What if the Throne of Idris passed to someone who was not the child of the monarch? Like if they were the niece or nephew of the previous monarch. Their parent would not have passed on the Royal Locks to them, but if they gained the throne would they spontaneously manifest the Royal Locks? Would their children if they were born before?
    5. Does hair that is still attached to a person's head get cut if a Shardblade passes through it? If not, if that person had the Royal Locks could they change the color of the hair "below" the cut?
    6. You've mentioned there is a big Hint in Elantris, and later clarified that the hint is an Aon that Raoden mis-interprets. Is Aon Rao the Aon that Raoden mis-interprets? Is its true meaning something closer to "Investiture"?
    7. According to Peter, Mraize is from Thaylenah, does Shallan just never mention his eyebrows or is he not ethnically Thaylen?
    8. What are your current plans with regards to the Jasnah novella you wrote last summer?
    9. Honorspren and windspren have been described as "cousins"; do Cryptics share a similar relationship with creationspren?

    Anyway, thank you so much for answering any of my questions!

    Brandon Sanderson (Reddit)

    On the first question, I did not say the mists themselves were a cognitive shadow. That must have been a misunderstanding. The Stormfather totally is, though. Cognitive shadows are basically ghosts, which can take a lot of different forms in the Cosmere, but follow general rules.

    2. Yes. Good guess.
    3. You're on the right track.
    4. This will be discussed in the Warbreaker sequel, most likely.
    5. Yes, hair gets cut. It counts as dead in my mind--but not to someone who has the Royal Locks. They could only change below, as you state, and wouldn't get their hair chopped off. (I'm not 100% sure on this, but I Think I've mentioned in Stormlight before that you can cut things like shells on living animals with a Shardblade, but then it doesn't cut the flesh.)

    Lots of questions here. More to come, if I find time.


  • 8

    Interview: Apr 8th, 2016


    Ok, first one. Was Sadeas ever affected directly by Odium or an Unmade, not counting the Thrill?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Not counting the Thrill, ok uhhhhm. There are affects of other unmade around, and Odium's direct effect? I'm going to say, no, maybe some indirect effects.


    What about Roshone?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Uhhhm, no. The Thrill is the main thing that is getting the Alethi, I mean, there are others around, but it's not as obvious with that as with other things.


  • 9

    Interview: Apr 8th, 2016


    Can a Parshendi with the right mind set transform with an Unmade?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 10

    Interview: Nov 3rd, 2016


    He also signed my WoR and I asked him to write something about the Unmade (this one is quoted word by word. Can't add picture right now)

    Brandon Sanderson

    "Most of the Unmade are not what we would call sapient. But a few are different..."
