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Predictions Made About: Tinkers

Rating: 0

Rand has found The Song as of AMOL. Am I the only one who thinks this?

By minissa on 2013-02-12

Rating: 7.67

The Book of Translation holds the Tinkers' song. Maybe the book is activated by singing. Or something.

By Conniption on 2012-04-17

Rating: 4.33

I think that the song is going to be something we recognize, another signpost that tells us where we are at on the wheel. Personally I am hoping for Sir Mix A Lot.

By ghostwreck on 2011-10-24

Rating: 6.67

After discovering the song, the Tinkers will sing with the Ogier during the last battle. At the very least they will be responsible for destroying the blight, but maybe they'll also bring back the Nym.

By Whiskey619 on 2011-04-28

Rating: 4.56

The Tinkers will relearn the human half of the treesong. The Tinkers and Ogier will sing the songs together around the Tree of Life. This will cause seedlings of the ToL to grow, and Chara trees will once again be seen in every city in the world.

By False Dragon on 2007-03-28

Rating: 2.86

The Tinkers will be present at the Last Battle. There, the Ogiers and the Aiel will venture in to battle. The Aiel and Ogiers will then begin to sing two separate battle chants. Then the Tinkers will begin to sing. And then, the songs will mesh. The Ogiers singing to nature, the Aiel singing to the battle, and the Tinkers singing for life. This will be the "Song". The song of harmony and life.

By STC on 2006-08-28

Rating: 3.5

Will pass by Caemlyn and pick up the ter'angreal that can be sung into from KOD.

By ec18 on 2006-07-14

Rating: 4.56

I predict that the ter'angreal holding songs in KoD holds the song the Tinkers have been looking for and the ter'angreal will be 'opened' to play the song in the last book.

By WoTTheorist on 2005-12-01

Rating: 5.64

The song is the *human* range of treesongs. The Ogier treesongs are too deep for human voices to sing properly, but with humans and ogier, something special will happen.

By Joar Addam Nessosin on 2005-11-08

Rating: 3.18

I think the "song" is the use of the male and female halves of the power together.

By jaimi on 2005-11-08

Rating: 2.18

The Tinkers will virtauly split in two. half following Aram's way, and half the old way.

By William Seeker on 2005-09-20

Rating: 2.33

The Tuatha'an shall find the song and sing it to Rand when he goes crazy to remind him of who he is (as he saw in Rhuidean) but he will kill lots before he comes back to his senses.

By Traveller on 2005-08-30

Rating: 3

Will organize themselves before the last battle.

By NargsBrood on 2005-07-06

Rating: 4.67

I believe that before the last battle the song will be found and the Tinkers and the Ogier will work together using the song at TG to push a path through the Blight to Shayol Ghul.

By wolfbrother369 on 2005-06-23

Rating: 1.57

before TG the tinkers will become
warriors like Aram

By maelywn on 2005-04-04

Rating: 2.33

I believe that the Aiel battle/grieving song is the Tinker's long lost song. Once the Tinkers learn this, they will join w/ the aeil and fight their share at TG, singing their song.

By rand bloody althor on 2004-08-11

Rating: 3.6

i think that the song is the one where some passage sayes that the aiel, and the ogier sand while treebeard danced and sang with them to grow incredible things or something like that. i predict that they will not find it till th age of legends(the second age) or the first age comes again. remember there are 7 ages so there you go.of course good evidence would turn me.......

By matoyak on 2004-08-01

Rating: 3.29

The later books will reveal some strange art of usage of channeling ability by Tinker women. That usage will include suppressing the full ability, but will manifest in some secret "talent".

By a dragonburned fool on 2004-02-15

Rating: 5.6

The song will be found when the Aiel sing again. The Ogier (or the Stump perhaps) in all probability still remember the song just not what it was for.

By Tiassale on 2004-01-28

Rating: 2.6

The Song will be discovered when Aes Sedai and Ashaman link together as this hasnt been done since the AoL and thats when the song was lost.

By Rhuark on 2003-07-29

Rating: 4.78

I think the song that the tinkers are seeking is remembered by the Aiel. Since no aielman will speak to a tinker, they have never discovered where the song is. Now that Rand has come to change the old ways of doing things, i think the Aiel will teach the tinkers the song. This will reunite the two halves of the Dai'Shan Aiel.

By dutch206 on 2003-07-27

Rating: 2.8

The tinkers and Aeil will form the Jenn Aeil after TG

By Shadow Bane on 2003-06-12

Rating: 4.2

Randland will run out of food due to the seasons and weevils. The tinkers will sing the lost Song and save mankind

By big brother on 2003-04-21

Rating: 2.6

They will not rediscover the song from the Ogiers. Tinkers have always been welcome in Steddings and as such will have been exposed to the Treesinging already and its not it. The Seanchan Ogiers the Gardeners will still know it though :)

By Great Captain on 2003-03-30

Rating: 2.6

Rand(who already knows what the song is) will teach Perrin the song who will in turn teach the Thua'tan.

By Shadowkiller on 2003-03-27

Rating: 4.8

I believe that the Ogier will teach the Tinkers the "song" that they are searching for as it is the Ogier who used to sing the growing songs with the Aiel.

By scion2 on 2003-03-20

Rating: 6.33

I think the 'song' is just one of the songs that Aiel used to sing in the AoL, and the remembrance of this song would mean the AoL has returned. Just another song in the AoL, now it is symbolic of hope to tinkers.

By Car a carn on 2003-02-21

Rating: 6.22

I think the song the tinkers are looking for is, in fact, that song that the ogiers use to grow stuff. . .wouldnt that kinda ironically make sense?

By Nateosis on 2003-02-10

Rating: 5.75

My prediction is that the Tinkers will keep running away from violence and get destroyed anyway. Repeat until extinct.

By Janduin on 2002-12-24

Rating: 6

The Tinkers will be part of the "Remnant of a remnant" of the Aiel that survive Tarmon Gai'don. It won't be a pleasant family reunion, but the Tinkers & Aiel will learn to coexist.

By Frenzy on 2002-12-18