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gwene is the Next Lanfear

by Bloody Flaming: 2001-08-03 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: Rebels vs. White Tower

Let's face it, folks, Egwene will turn to the shadow voluntarily of be turned by a circle of 13 BAs with 13 Myrdrral. The paralells betwene Egwene and Lanfear are just too many. Let's take them point by point, shall we?

1. Lanfear was LTT's lover before Ileyna. (Now, I am wondering if, when she bored the hole with Beidomon, was she already a Darkfriend, or was it after that she went over? Perhaps, though there wern't any Myrdrral at that point in time, the DO had some way of converting against the will. Either way, this will play in at the end of this theory.) Egwene was "in love" with Rand. LTT left Lanfear for Ileyna, and Rand left Egwene for Elayne.

2. Notice the similarities between who LTT and Rand leave Lanfear and Egwene for. Just the sound in the names when pronounced between Ileyna and Elayne makes me suspicious. Also, Elayne is a blonde, and so was Ileyna. From the prelude to EotW, we hear LTT say that "She will ask so many questions that you may end up telling her all you know." And, friends and neighbors, we all know that Elayne can't shut up to save her life. For proof of this, simply see any page of any chapter dealing with Elayne.

3. Lanfear is, most likely, the most skilled of all of the Forsaken in TA'R, and, coincidentally, so is Egwene. their talents seem to be almost a perfect match for each other.

4. It would make a hell of a plot twist for RJ to throw out in the next book or two. Imagine, Os'angar manages to sneak 13 BA and 13 Myrdrral into the Salidar Aes Sedai's camp, and converts Ewgene. Honestly, you don't think that RJ just threw that bit in there during Egwene's test for Accepted, and then we never hear any more about it? This concept will resurface, and soon.

Also, when an AS finally finds out that the new Amyrlin is BA, then Egwene will be ordered stilled and executed, leaving Rand to sweep in and save her. He sees it as some demented plot by Eladia, and can't let Egwene snuff it. She thinks that this means Rand still has some feelings for her, (Being on the side of the DO makes her a bit perverse and slightly insane. At least, WE hope so. :P) so she will be jealous of Elayne, starting the whole "You loved me, Rand alThor!" crap in the next series of books, called The Passenger-side Airbag of Time, and then we have the series after that, The Gearshift of Time. All of this proceded until RJ has all of the money in the world, and a mindless, drooling army of zombie slaves (ie. fans).THEN, THE AGE ENDS!!

Blood and bloody flaming ashes!!
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Tamyrlin: 2001-08-03

Now, Halima taking Egwene and forcing her to become a Black Ajah...that would be a great plot twist, especially if we didn't see it. But the correlation doesn't really work with Lanfear. Egwene is not that strongly, not even close. Egwene doesn't swoon after Rand, in fact, she is dreaming exclusively about Gawyn. There isn't much there.


cheribear: 2002-11-26

That theory doesn't match up to anything we know. it was definately egwene who fell out of love first (in the egwene/rand romance), there is no jealousy to build on - especially since egwene is very much in lust/love with gawyn. it is a horrible possibility that she could go to the DO by the 13, but gawyn would save her, rand has become too untrusting of her and would be more likely to consider her a lost cause.


Callandor: 2002-12-12

Egwene didnt get rejected by Rand she gave him up to Elayne because she didnt want to harm him. Egwene and Lanfear similarities? There are some ones but like with the TAR its almost like saying the Aiel live up to the rumors people in the world have for them (10 feet tall, fire breathing, totally savage).

It would be a great plot twist but in my mind its almost like TOO big of one. Plus I think that Arangar(sp) will be found out soon enough by someone in the rebels so I dont think he/she could bring 13 BA and 13 Mydraal into the group soon enough.


Jiana: 2003-04-12

NO WAY UNDER THE LIGHT can Egwene be the next Lanfear. First of all, even though Egwene is very strong in TAR, she's not a patch on Lanfear (not yet), and besides, Moghedien is the strongest by far, even though Lanfear claimed TAR for her own. Callandor and Tamyrlin are right, there is no jealousy to build on for Egwene and Rand. Egwene let go first, if I am not mistaken, when she and Perrin first visited the Tinker camp in TGH, or at least that is when it began. It was sort of mutual, they both realized that the world was too big for them to hold on to childhood dreams. Sure, it made them both sad, but they've both moved on, Egwene with Gawyn, and Rand with his tangle of Min, Elayne, and Aviendha. As for Egwene's Accepted test and her seeing herself being turned by the 13.... When Nynaeve, Elayne, and Egwene were held captive in the rough camp (when the Aiel came to save the day), I believe that was the intent of the Myrddraal come to take the three away, and that could be the point of the Accepted's "viewing."


araqyl: 2003-04-30

Another point to consider is that if the thoery proposed by one or more characters in the series is correct (ie, the DO will never be destroyed, simply forgotten until somebody bores into the new seamless prison) then there is no need for a new Lanfear - not for another few Ages, at least!


brigitta: 2003-12-08

no way, Egwene is the sanest one in the whole pack. (I totally agree with you on tht Elayne- theme: will she ever shut up???? also, it wouldn't hurt to grow up and face the real world, not the one her mother showed her). Of course that doesn't mean that she won't be turned, but, as everyone have said, it's a too big twist. another point- if she were to be the next Lanfear, wouldn't the previous have to be dead first? like "how noone above the age one can be GC"


Murrin: 2003-12-08

Egwene is the character who will bring that kind of thing to the story, but not by turning to the shadow.

Egwene's point, atm, apart from her own storyline w/. the Tower, is to oppose Rand. She has become very different to the person she once was - not as trusting, harder, etc. What she does not realise is that many of the things she now criticises Rand for are part of herself as well.

The point to her character now is that when Rand and Egwene finally meet again, she will be turned entirely against him, while still on the side of the Light. His old childhood love will accuse him of crimes - compulsion, etc - distrust him, and oppose his decisions. For her part in this to work, I think she needs to be in the Light, and Amyrlin.


natas: 2003-12-08

I like the idea. But Egwene is not the next Lanfear. Egwene may be turned, or at least there will be an attempted turning after she got captured, and taken to the white tower. Even if she is, she'll come back to the light once she swears on the No. 3 oath rod.

If it was the beginning of the series, I could go for this. But it's just too late in the books. It's time to start wrapping things up.


brigitta: 2003-12-10

first of all, we don't know yet, how late in the series it is, secondly, I don't think, that Egwene's ever going to take the oaths. remember the Accepted's test, where she ran around as a green sister (what is she doing now? that's right, she's fighting) yelling something about never having sworn the oaths? I truly think that all the oaths will be taken away from AS, 'cause who would like to live less than possible?


Callandor: 2003-12-10

**first of all, we don't know yet, how late in the series it is, secondly, I don't think, that Egwene's ever going to take the oaths.**

First off, we do know that if RJ says 2 more books instead of 3, that it IS late in the series, and you can get that feeling just by reading the number of referneces to things coming to a close now.

Second, Egwene will swear the 3 Oaths if she ever gets the chance.

**TITLE: Winter's Heart

CHAPTER: 10 - A Plan Succeeds

Egwene raised one hand as if to stop her, but her reply was calm and level. "There's no need to think further, Elayne. The Three Oaths, sworn on the Oath Rod, are what make us Aes Sedai. I didn't see that, at first, but I do, now. The very first day we have the Tower, I will swear the Three Oaths, on the Oath Rod."**


Stanzi: 2004-01-16

I see the similarities. Both are power hungry, and both inadvertantly put their own interests before anything else. I do not like Egwene, and never will, but I don't think she's evil...just really selfish. (She was a mayor's daughter you know, and her house was the biggest and she was the prettiest girl in town. And where Nynaeve was the strongest channeler ever, Egwene had remarkable skill that seemed to be unmatched.) So she's selfish, and it's not surprising why, given her upbringing. Lanfear didn't start off evil, but her selfishness and desire for power made her switch to the winning team. (Or so she thought.) Oh, that and everyone accusing her of being evil anyway, what with the Bore and what not. (How Eve and Pandora of Lanfear!) And Egwene herself is setting herself up for public hatred, too.