emandred is "Alive and Well" in Shara
by Weird Harold: 2003-03-25 | 6 out of 10 (4 votes)
I'd like to present a case for Demandred being anonymous and in control of Shara. Since Demandred is clearly NOT Taim, then there are no military forces left in the Westlands that would attract and hold Demandred's attention. My basic assumption is that Demandred sees himself as a General and would not tolerate a position that did not put him in Command. His "penchant for using proxies" claimed by Sammael is characteristic of a General's normal practice of "delegation of authority" and sending subordinates to execute his plans.
Other theories have kindly provided quotes and viewpoints that helped shaped this theory and it is basically an extension of WinespringBrother's theory Demandred is still unknown.
From Demandred's Identity Still a Mystery by WinespringBrother 2002-11-21:
WH: Chapter 35: "Suddenly he saw people off to the right ahead of him through the trees, and sheltered behind a rough gray trunk. A bald-headed old man with a fringe of white hair was limping along between two women, one of them beautiful in a wild way, the other stunning."
"Later: "That tottering old man was an Asha'man! And at least one of the women must be what passed for Aes Sedai in this time, and joined with the fellow in a ring."
Therefore, in conclusion, Demandred must be based in Shara, or Seanchan, or among the Seafolk, or elsewhere with a zero population of ageless looking Aes Sedai.
I think the insular nature of Seafolk Society makes attaining any influence by any means other than compulsion very difficult, so that possibility can probably be safely eliminated without specific evidence to the contrary.
Demandred's Identity Still a Mystery Tamyrlin 2002-11-21:
"We know that Semirhage is with the Seanchan, so I would doubt that he is sharing time there and we know he uses proxies. But where does this guy hang out that he would never be familiar with agelessness?
Great idea, anyone see any reason why Demandred wouldn't have noticed the ageless look ...?"
"People see what they expect to see" -- a cliche that applies to Demandred's recognition of Flinn, and the Aes Sedai linked with him. None of the Forsaken expected Rand to have back-up at the Cleansing and all of them express surprise of some degree that there is anyone else around. From his description of the AS as "beautiful" and "stunning" it's also possible that it wasn't their *faces* he was looking at. ;)
More on the Seanchan connection later.
WinespringBrother 2002-12-27:
"In short, Taim is a war veteran after Dumai's Wells and the Seanchan battles. Demandred seems to have no tactical sense whatsoever."
Re: Demandred's Identity Still a Mystery
Demandred was one of LTT most successful generals in the AOL. Granted that it was a different time, but he is still a general at heart.
The BWB specifically says that Demandred was second only to LTT in strategy and *tactics.* His thoughts at the Cleansing do indicate he has little practical experience in applying them, but he does understand tactics.
Demandred's status as the Shadow's Premier Commander is overlooked in assessing possible locations for him. He is the AOL equivalent of one of the "Five Great Captains" of the current age, and that dictates certain conditions he would absolutely require in the guise he chooses -- certainly one condition he would NOT accept, IMHO, is any position subordinate to Rand, even as a deception.
From "New Demandred Theory" by Jasin Natael 2001-01-26"
In Lord of Chaos, Sammael and Graendal meet at her place in Arad Doman. (Lord of Chaos, Threads Woven of Shadow, paperback page 179): [CH: 6]
"Events to the south had Demandred's mark all over them. Demandred had always liked using proxies. 'Tell him to be careful. I won't have him or his friends interfering in my plans.' ...'"
This would indicate that the events in question are either to the south of Graendal's place, or to the south of where Sammael came from. Since we know Sammael was holed up in Illian, that means the south of Graendal's (she is in Arad Doman). ...
Jasin has produced a quote in support of his theory that is IMHO a Red Herring, but in the same scene there is an obvious attempt at a Red Herring that is the true clue.
From "New Demandred Theory" by Jasin Natael 2001-01-26"
"So what's that leave us with? Emond's Field, Ghealdan, and Amadicia."
I believe that Demandred is controlling Masema, The Prophet. ... Besides, this is the sort of surrogate that Sammael was talking about in LOC when he said Demandred liked using proxies.
In LOC, there are only two developments that could have "Demandred's stamp" on them, and all of the possibilities from previous books are six to nine months over and done with. Sammael is obviously thinking of *current* events to the South. Events in the Two Rivers, Ghealdan and Amadicia can be eliminated from consideration by the timing.
One possiblity is the Seanchan occupation of Tanchico and Tarabon. It is a master-stroke in a Strategic sense and something to be expected of a "Great Captain" class commander. However, we are given ample evidence that the Seanchan have native borne "Great Captains of their own -- Banner General Furyk Karede, Air Captain Abaldon Yulan, Banner General Miraj, et al. -- and Sammael could easily mistake Strategy and Tactics designed by one of them as being "Demandred's touch."
Demandred *could* be the "controller" of the Seanchan at this point in the story, because Semirhage has not arrived on scene as Anath. However, Suroth is never depicted as having a male advisor -- all of her military commanders are clearly native Seanchan. If Demandred is involved, his presence is well hidden.
The Second possibility is the buildup of Rand's forces in the Plains of Maredo -- Technically Southeast instead of South, but important to Sammael's base in the South, Illian. Again, these are actions planned and executed by a modern Great Captain (or two -- Bashere and Mat) and easily mistaken for "Demandred's touch.
Masema's Dragonsworn can be dismissed as Demandred's touch, IMHO, because not even Masema has any control over them unless they're in his immediate presence, except in a very general sense. This is NOT the mark of a Great Captain's touch. It IS a situation any good general would abhor because of the unpredictable nature of the "force" involved. *Good* General's prefer, and try to mold, forces that follow orders unquestioningly and don't act without orders. Masema and the Dragonsworn are the exact opposite of "Demandred's Touch" on events.
Masema's Dragonsworn bear Mesaana's touch if they bear any Forsaken's touch at all -- refer to the BWB description of Mesaana and "Mesaana's Children" in the AOL.
Re: New Demandred Theory Tamyrlin 2001-01-26:
"I wonder if Demandred is watching from the "sidelines", and doesn't have a specific "identity"."
I personally don't believe we have met Demandred's alter ego, except as a passing mention of some random person on the street.
Re: New Demandred Theory Janstince 2003-02-27:
There is the whole matter of Suroth's note, and she is a Darkfriend, as proved in TGH. My guess is that Semirhage and Demandred are working together with all this, ...
Suroth's first involvement was in a deal with the BA to take Egwene and Nyneave to Seanchan -- a Mesaana connection? Her carte blanche given to Masema comes after Semirhage's arrival on scene, but is with someone possibly connected to Mesaana.
To me, all signs of Forsaken involvement with Masema and the Dragonsworn point to Mesaana -- possibly without the knowledge and consent of the other forsaken and part of her current troubles with Shaidar Haran.
Since logical alternatives to Demandred's involvement with "events to the South" or the Seanchan -- the plans of native Great Captains -- there is the matter of the other Red Herring in Graendel and Sammael's meeting: The Sharan Rulers in Graendal's collection.
Graendal obviously believes she is attempting to deceive Sammael and directing his attention to Shara on a wild goose chase. Sammael wonders why she would try such an obvious ploy.
However, in LOC CH 17, Rhuarc reports to Rand that there is "fighting in Shara, where fighting hasn't happened since the Trolloc Wars."
I propose that, as of the beginning of LOC, Demandred had not settled in one place and Graendal's acquisition of the Sharan Rulers created a situation where a Great General could establish a power base. There has been no further mention of fighting in Shara -- suggesting it was short-lived, a mark of a Great General's campaign -- and someone is again in firm control of Shara.
There are cultural difficulties that Demandred would have to overcome in Shara, but I don't believe they're insurmountable. It's possible that Demandred simply made a gift of the Sharan Rulers to Graendal or manipulated her into taking them when he had built a power base in Shara and was ready to take over.
Given the lack of any unexplained military genius being displayed in the Westlands, Shara, with it's Ayyad channeler breeding program, and recent unexplained fighting is the perfect place for Demandred's base of operations. It also provides a possible source for the "missing dreadlords" so many people wonder about.
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Tamyrlin: 2003-03-31
Okay, so you had to establish Demandred's placement after FoH because of Lanfear's statement in regards to Demandred's whereabouts. And I am still of the opinion that the "to the south" comment and "proxies" comment make the case that Demandred is not interested in getting involved on a governmental level. Now, I can believe that Demandred is using Shara to create an army of Dreadlords, and that is an interesting angle to push because Jordan mentioned in an interview, if I remember correctly, that he wasn't going to visit Shara or the land of Seanchan in any more detail than a possible minor mention similar to Rand's rondevue with Aviendha. Does Demandred really have time to rule a nation, or are you suggesting that he simply set up a ruler that he controls?
Weird Harold: 2003-03-31
Tamyrlin, my basic assumption here is that Demandred is a Great General and that is a basic part of how he views himself. Generals need armies to lead -- that's what generals do and are for.
Generals also have subordinates to take care of the minor details -- like ruling a nation -- and carry out the General's grand strategies.
Shara is the only place with any unexplained fighting where a general without an army could do what it is that makes them a General.
The BWB hints strongly that the Ayyad are the power behind the Throne, so co-opting the Ayyad leadership to place a proxy on the Throne to replace Graendal's pets wouldn't be all that difficult or take too much of Demandred's time.
Callandor: 2003-03-31
Has anyone thought of the Land of Madmen? Thats definately to the south, male and female channelers in control there but its doubtful since its really only been briefly mentioned in the BWB. I actualy like the idea of Demandred in Shara and then it could give the importance of Noal with Mat since hes basicly the only person with good knowledge of the Sharans even though he is kinda loony ;-).
Weird Harold: 2003-04-01
Yes, I did consider the Land of the Madmen. I didn't consider it for long, because a society basedon anarchy is not the sort of place a General would be interested in except as a Strategic and Tactical challenge.
It has a couple of other disadvantages as well: Distance/Separation from the main continent, investment of time required, and RJ's reported comments that the LOMM isn't going to be a factor in the story.
Silverwolf: 2003-04-02
One problem with all of this is that nowhere in your theory do you say where Demandred "spread chaos" in LoC. He had received that command from the DO and, to judge by his comments at the end of LoC, he carried them out.
I'll admit that Masema doesn't have control over all of the dragonsworn--far from it. However, he does have control of a sizeable force, and the rest are "spreading chaos" and committing crimes in Rand's name (making him a lot less popular). Since Demandred has always been jealous of LTT, this sounds like something he might have planned.
Also, someone else pointed out that RJ had said that Shara wouldn't play a major part. Nice theory, I just don't think it works out.
Great Lord of the Dark: 2003-04-02
2 quick points:
Shienar also had unexplained fighting, that quieted down for some reason. Shienar is south of Shayol Ghul, presuming that's where the discussion took place.
Carridin's men are also "Dragonsworn" though maybe or maybe not actually among Masema's followers. Regardless, any bad thing they do gets tagged on Masema. Hmmm, unless Masema or one of his top aides reported to Carridin and carried out butchery and evil under his orders...
So does this mean Demandred has nothing to do with the Prophet?
Weird Harold: 2003-04-02
Silverwolf asks, "... where Demandred "spread chaos" in LoC."
Gaining control of Shara wouldn't necessarily limit Demandred's actions to Shara. I don't know exactly what chaos he was behind, although I suspect it had to do with aiming Rand at Sammael in Illian.
Silverwolf says, "I'll admit that Masema doesn't have control over all of the Dragonsworn..."
Masema is the exact opposite of what Demandred's personality and self image would lead to him to get involved in. "Generals" prefer order and reliable troops, and Masema's forces are anything but orderly and reliable.
Silverwolf says, "Also, someone else pointed out that RJ had said that Shara wouldn't play a major part.
IIRC, RJ said, "no major action will take place in Shara or on the Seanchan continent" That does not preclude the participation of Sharans in the story. Events in Shara have been, and are likely to remain, "off-screen" and for the most part unresolved. One hundred or even a thousand Sharan/Ayyad Dreadlords aren't really a "Major Part" for Shara in the story-line -- they may never actually be identified as being Sharan when or if they appear.
Great Lord of the Dark noted, "Shienar is south of Shayol Ghul, presuming that's where the discussion took place."
Sammael's conversation with Graendal took place at her estate in Arad Doman where she could show off her "pets"; Sheinar is East-Northeast from there.
Great Lord of the Dark also noted, "Carridin's men are also "Dragonsworn"..."
But we know the source of Carridin's orders; Pedron Niall, driven by "Ordieth's" contagion and not Demandred's work.
Great Lord of the Dark asked, "So does this mean Demandred has nothing to do with the Prophet?"
IMHO, any "General" would deplore the Prophet and his forces and would refrain from destroying them only by the direct orders of a higher authority. The Prophet fits Mesaana's style much more than he does Demandred's; if any of the Forsaken are involved with him at all. I think they're probably NOT directly involved with Masema. They're just cheering him on and frustrating attempts to deal with him and his followers.
FWIW, I arrived at Shara as Demandred's base of operations simply because I can't find any other signs of the touch of a "General" or "Great Captain" anywhere else in the world that can't be accounted for.
He's probably behind the "unnatural quiet" in the Blight, but I can't see him making that his base of operations because of the stress placed on his abilities as a General -- Trollocs are only slightly more organized and reliable than Masema's Dragonsworn.
Elder Haman: 2003-04-03
You're basing alot of your theory upon your own personal assesment of Demandred's charactor. Furthermore your assesment of Demandred is based on your assessment of what a "Great General" does and does not do. This is a shaky foundation, and leads you into several flawed arguements.
Lets consider what we know about Demandred- He's the "almost" LLT. He likes to use proxies. He was the 2nd greatest general from the Time of Legends (2nd to LTT of course). He's allied with Semirhage and Messana- and, from his meetings with them, appears to be the tenative leader of the three, (though that may just be because the others let him take the risks). Demandred is a gambler, (correct me if I mistook this one).
Now these are my own thoughts on Demandred's character- He's a "big picture" person, he thinks at the level of Rand/LTT. Consider the other Forsaken- Ishamael is certainly a big thinker, but he's a philosipher type, what's going to happen 3000 years from now kind of stuff. All the other Forsaken are concerned primarily with their own plans, and appear to focus on their immeadiate surroundings- Not the big picture, (they do think about the big picture, they're not dummies, but they handle the big picture by splitting it into small problems that they deal with- Thus their plans are often outdated by other events before they come to fruition).
Perhaps a better way to explain this is to compare it to chess- A chessmaster plans for the checkmate. Lesser players first eliminate their opponent's pieces until the battle becomes simple enough for them to see a checkmate. Ishmael, Rand, and Demandred, (and possibly Perrin), are masters- all the others are lesser players. The difference amoung the three is patience. Ishmael is the slow, jocky for position type player- ready to wait an age or two... or a dozen, until he gains clear advantage. Rand/LTT and Demandred are the daring, agressive types, they want to win quick and win big- they want the game over.
Now, how does this more detailed assesment help us assertain Demamdred's actions? First, while a good general would not want to lead or depend on a force similar to Masema, a great general would use him- to sow disention within Rand's forces perhaps? A chessmaster knows that a pawn can be as deadly as a queen if it's in the right position. Furthermore, I think Sammael's comment refered to the Seanchan- Sammael wanted assurance that they would not attack Illian, (an obvious next target for the Seanchan).
You say that Semirhage is controlling the Seanchan, and Masema looks more like the work of Messana- perhaps, but who is in league with them?
You say that the Seanchan have their own generals- but they are nothing compared to Demandred. Rand/LTT and Demandred are completely beyond the level of the "great generals" like Mat or Bashere. The Seanchan generals are some of Demandred's proxies. Semirhage and Messana could even be considered Demandred's proxies- and thus their proxies are his proxies.
This is similar to how Mat, and Perrin, and Bashere, and Elayne, and even Egwene and Taim and Rand's proxies. He's useing them all- even if they don't realize it.
I think the main flaw in your reasoning is you're taking a too limited view of what a great general is.
Anubis: 2003-04-03
I guess you would consider me to be a "lesser player" i will sacrafice queen for queen, etc, because i know i can win, and i like to achieve TOTAL dominance. i usually achieve checkmate by accident when i am moving my pawns up to become queens after i have wiped the board. though ishy tried my tactics and he wasnt good at it so he didnt win, now hes trying another way.
Weird Harold: 2003-04-04
Elder Haman said, "Furthermore your assesment of Demandred is based on your assessment of what a "Great General" does and does not do."
I will add one other "further" to your assesment of the primary basis for rejecting severl of the possible options -- I'm retired Military and have 21 years experience with Generals (and other high ranking officers) to base that assesment on. I tried to apply a consideration that I haven't seen taken into account in other Demandred theories -- The persoanlity traits that Generals seem to have in common and what that says about Demandred's personality.
Elder Haman: "He's allied with Semirhage and Messana- ... Demandred is a gambler, ..."
Demandred is indeed a gambler, but I don't recall him being associated with both Mesaaana and Semirhage, but I do remember Mesaana and Semirhage working at cross purposes in Tear.
Elder Haman: "Now these are my own thoughts on Demandred's character- He's a "big picture" person, he thinks at the level of Rand/LTT. Consider the other Forsaken- Ishamael is certainly a big thinker, but he's a philosopher type, what's going to happen 3000 years from now kind of stuff. All the other Forsaken are concerned primarily with their own plans, and appear to focus on their immediate surroundings- Not the big picture, ..."
I agree, Generals are "Big Picture People" and that is yet another reason for Demandred to turn to an "independent" power like Shara when Graendal created a power vacuum there by kidnapping the Rulers. A force free from the bungling of his allies could hold a very powerful attraction to the "Big Picture."
I don't intend to imply that Demandred is fixated solely on matters in Shara. He is obviously working on various schemes and projects around the Westlands. I suggest only that Shara is his base of operations -- where he goes to sleep and work on his plots and schemes in safety. Everything else is handled through "surprise inspections" and "Conferences with Allies."
Elder Haman: "while a good general would not want to lead or depend on a force similar to Masema, a great general would use him- to sow dissention within Rand's forces perhaps?"
That's certainly a possibility that isn't totally precluded by a base in Shara. Thenmain connection of Masema being mentioned at all is to refute the assertion that Masema = Demandred. I think we can agree that is not the case?
One of the modern "Great Captains," Pedron Niall, in fact did something very similar by sending Joachim Carridin into Murandy and Altara to blacken the name of the Dragonsworn and Rand. However, he did so with the expectation that the depredations would STOP when ordered as well as start.
Elder Haman: "You say that Semirhage is controlling the Seanchan, ..."
One of Demandred's major "hot-buttons" is being number two -- it's the primary reason for being Forsaken in the first place. Anath is in a position to have hands-on, direct control of the second-most powerful person in the Empire.
Unless you're suggesting the Empress is Demandred's proxy as well, that arrangement should be something Demandred wouldn't accept. Regardless of their personal pecking order, Anath has the position that can override any of Demandred's plans with the Seanchan.
Elder Haman: "You say that the Seanchan have their own generals- but they are nothing compared to Demandred. Rand/LTT and Demandred are completely beyond the level of the "great generals" like Mat or Bashere."
I suspect the "military history library" the Eelfinn installed in Mat's head makes him the greatest general of all time. Others have studied military history -- Mat has "lived" it repeatedly.
I think your perception that no modern "Great Captain" can match Demandred and LTT is flawed. They have been raised in a much more violent and warlike society, unlike Demandred and LTT who had to learn warfare late in life. Games like Sha'ra, Chess, and other strategy games can teach much about strategy, but they don't translate to real-world situations as well as growing up immersed in warfare does.
One other factor working against LTT and Demandred being better is the differences in technology between the War of Power and the Third Age. Third Agers have had 3,000 years to work out the best way to use Third Age forces. Demandred and LTT will tend to think first in AoL tactical terms and have to "translate" those concepts to what works in the Third Age. Time and again in Military History, commanders have discounted "primitive forces" becaue they didn't understand them -- and lost battles as a result.
The Seanchan Army didn't earn the title "Ever Victorious" with bad generals. Rand/LTT, Bashere, and Mat are all impressed with their Tactics and Strategy, and grudgingly admit they are at least on a par with themselves if not better. Rand specifically mentions that he is learning things from them.
The POVs we have of BG Karede and the late BG Miraj Clearly establish they were "Great Captains" before Demandred was free and don't credit any new strategists in the "high command" with any special abilities. It's fairly clear from those viewpoints that the native Seanchan are in control of the military and the tactics and strategy are theirs -- not handed down from on high.
Demandred has only "third-hand" control of the Seanchan through Anath; if he's involved with them at all.
Elder Haman: "This is similar to how Mat, and Perrin, and Bashere, and Elayne, and even Egwene and Taim are Rand's proxies. He's using them all- even if they don't realize it."
I'd argue that the Pattern/Creator is using those people as proxies, including Rand. Demandrd, OTOH, is picking and choosing his proxies or "Staff." I think the Forsaken, being linked/dedicated to the DO, are much freer of the Pattern's weaving thanRand is. They're not totally free of the Pattern, but they are definitely loose threads that have more choices than Rand and the other "good guys."
Elder Haman: "I think the main flaw in your reasoning is you're taking a too limited view of what a great general is."
Actually, I think Demandred has a too limited view of what a "Great General" is. One that I know from personal experience and reading military history is actually flawed.
Demandrd's POV at the Cleansing, strongly suggests that he thinks of being a General as a "Rear Area" job. The "Great Captains" of the Third Age (and most great military leaders of the RW,) all know that generals Lead men, not drive them ahead. Demandrd seems to be a "drive them into battle" sort of general to me, and that suggests other things about his character and self-image that a military historian like RJ would know and use in developing Demandred's characterization.
Rand, Mat, Bashere, Ituralde, and Agelmar (sp?) all understand what Great Generals really are. LTT might, too. I don't thnk Demandred does, and that's why he's the "eternal second" and lost to LTT in the AoL.
jason wolfbrother: 2003-04-05
Semirhage was at odds with Sammael in Tear. Not Mesaana. About the situation concerning Demandred, Semirhage, and Mesaana
"Standing with his feet apart, he was aware that he dominated the room. He always did. Even so, he wished Semirhage or Mesaana were present. Their alliance was delicate-a simple agreement that they would not turn on one another until the others had been eliminated-yet it had held all this time. Working together, they had unbalanced opponent after opponent, toppling many to their deaths or worse. But it was difficult for Semirhage to attend these meetings, and Mesaana had been shy, of late. If she was thinking of ending the alliance. . ." This is from Demandred's POV
Callandor: 2003-04-11
This comes from the Wheel of Time FAQ site which has a great section on who Demandred is, more importantly the role he might have in the BT:
The Forsaken Coffee Hour [WH: 13, Wonderful News, 313-319]
This entire section is from Demandred's POV. Several quotes here are of interest. First Demandred himself: "'Al'Thor has been seen in five cities...and a dozen towns since those blind fools - those idiots! - failed in Cairhien.'" A bit further down we have Aran'gar's comment: "'You were responsible for watching him, Osan'gar...you, and Demandred.'" And finally, after Moridin reveals that Rand has the Choedan Kal, we have Graendal's little fit: "'And you've just been hoping to blunder into him!' she screamed at Demandred. 'Fool! Fool!'"
What can we infer from all this? Well, it establishes - for the first time - a definite connection between Demandred and the assassination attempt in TPOD (and hence to Taim). This further weakens the "Non-Dark Taim" argument. The passage as a whole appears at first glance to argue most strongly for the Taimandred theory rather than against it. But our second mention of Demandred in WH puts a different spin on things.
Kisman's POV [WH: 22, Out of Thin Air, 441-443]
"'Kill him,' the M'Hael had ordered, before sending them to Cairhien, but he had been as displeased that they were found out as that they had failed. Far Madding was to be their last chance; he had made that as plain as polished brass. Dashiva had simply vanished. Kisman did not know whether he had run or the M'Hael had killed him, and he did not care.
"'Kill him,' Demandred had commanded later, but he had added that it would be better they died than let themselves be discovered again. By anyone, even the M'Hael, as if he did not know of Taim's order."
Before we move on, some points this POV confirms (or reconfirms):
1.Demandred is definitely involved with the Black Tower (or at least some of its members).
2.Kisman, Torval, Gedwyn, and Rochaid were all definitely Darkfriends.
3.Kisman et al. never knew that Dashiva was Osan'gar/Aginor.
4.Taim definitely ordered the attack on Rand in Cairhien.
But as Tam says, the site is 1/3rd right, 1/3rd so-so, and 1/3 dead wrong according to RJ.
But it does point in directions to this theory.
Anubis: 2003-04-12
the seanchan are ever victorious more because of their attitude. they are not try and try again, but try, fail, figure out what went wrong and right, and try again differently. they all do this and after every battle.
stromgard: 2003-07-16
Couldn't Weiramon be Demandred?
He's brighter than he appears, he (may) not know Flinn, he is a DF (according to his conversation with Dashiva) and he seems happy enough to stay close to the Dragon Reborn. Besides, as one of Rand's top generals, (and he apperared out of thin air in Cairhien,) he could assure that neither Rand nor his enemies (first Sammael, then Seanchan) got the upper hand in the south, because he could to foolish or brilliant moves according to the situation.
a dragonburned fool: 2003-10-31
The biggest problem I see Dem. being in Shara is: why he's not there earlier, when all the Forsaken, that wanted their own true headquarters became them? Dem was not the case, we can thrust Lanfear in this. And after he got the "let the lord of chaos rule" instructions, I think it's not so good time now to become local ruler, chaos not order is to be increased in everything a true Forsaken does. Sammael didn't fit in this picture and is the first victim.
Dem did and was sure DO is pleased with his actions.
I'm not sure Dem's understanding of himself as great general must lead him to the acts you point. One thinking like soldier could seek first for disciplined troops, but did Dem? He's a "General" in hir mind, maybe "warrior" but not "soldier". He becomed general because of his very high political and academical rank (second in the world). His political and academical career is what formed his mind. His care about his glory, his public image, his impressive presence in breefings of the Forsaken - that's his style. He's the man to prefer being leader of alliance then to be one of the allies, even the strongest one. I think he will see more importance in building alliances then in creating armies. And we see him as the only one Forsaken with military skills in alliance with another Forsakens. And being official leader of alliance of Forsakens means having VERY unthrustful "army" under his command and being satisfied with it.
Dem. is known for liking "using proxies". And I don't think it's the proper phrase to describe a style of a military leader. Who could describe a subordinate officer as "proxy"? But "using proxies" is common to describe political affairs. And "using proxies" means commonly that the organisations managed by the "proxies" will not willingly accept the commands of the proxy's true master. "Usinng proxies" is not an way to command, it's way to manipulate people.
Dem is crazy about his "Dem versus LTT" contest, and most possibly he will contest in the same style. We don't now what LTT's style was exactly, but as LTT is in Rand's head and LTT seams to agree with the way Rand acts, I think LTT's style of making war is the same as Rand's style. And we see Rand doesn't like accurate and pedantical army training (let Bashere and Taim do that boring job), he don't care too much his troops are not so faithful to him and he's scheming for giving them no choice but obeying him, he's playing his subordinate commanders one against another (divide et impera), he don't like long campaigns, don't like defensive battles, he prefers unexpected strikes with relatively small forces and without hoping too much on anyone of his units. I think Demandred most likely has the style of his rival.
All that are not objections against Dem doing something in Shara, but I think it's not his main project. He's not the man to be satisfied with leading the best division in DO's army, he's the man to be DO's Captain General and nothing less and not later but now and forever. He's the man to be everywhere and nowhere, and being local lord is not his style.
Murrin: 2003-11-01
Even if Demandred began originally in Shara, he would not have remained there, since the Great Lord's orders require him to be on the main continent. Moridin has taken full control now, and he has the Chosen working to a greater plan working towards the ultimate defeat of Rand al'Thor. Demandred's purpose in this plan was revealed in the quote given earlier to be watching al'Thor, keeping note of his movements - and his own personal agenda requires that he keep track of Rand also, since he cannot kill a man he cannot find.
I cannot remember exactly, but I believe it was Demandred who is described as *not* being a gambler - Lews Therin was the gambler, whereas Demandred prefers to take calculated risks.
With regards to Masema as a proxy:
Although a man directly controlling a force would want it organised, obedient, etc, this may not be the case where it is the commander who is being used, not the troops. Masema's men may be disorderly and seem uncontrollable, yet ultimately they are obedient to the will of Masema - while they spend most time 'spreading the glory of the Lord Dragon' as they wish, they will follow any command given by the Prophet immediately and without question.
Masema's men have had variuos effects - they cause distrust of Rand, they ruined the armies of Ghealdan and Amidicia, and kept the Whitecloaks busy in Amidicia instead of going wherever Pedron Niall had intended originally to send them.
Cor Shan: 2003-11-02
Exactly. Masema is probably only one person away from Dem. Same with Shara, as it would have no real power. What are the Randland Nations, and who rules there:
Saldaea N
Kandor N
Arafel N
Shienar N
Arad Doman Greandel
Tarabon N
Amadica N
Altara N
Murandy N
Illian Sammeal
Andor Rahvin
Tear Be'lal
Cairhien N
Tor Valon Masema
Black Tower Osan'gar
Salidar Aran'gar
Seanchan Semirhage
Thats Eight
Ishy, Asmo, Lanfear, Moggy have/had no real base.
Dem is in the Air... He is a general, so why not the blight? I can't think of any problems for that.
Ron al Doskam: 2004-12-18
Personally I don't think that Shara. I rather think that he's staying close to the action. And the bulk of the action, millitairy speaking, is going to take place in the vicinity of Caemlyn. Why Caemlyn?
It has been mentioned several times in the glimpses we get in visiting the worlds that excists inside the Ter'angreal of the accepted testing of Egwene and the journey through the portal stones to Toman Head.
But glimpses gave a short version of fighting in Caemlyn against the Dark Forces. Like the Last Battle. Both Rand and Egwene has seen a total destraction of the Royal Palace. So we can take it that a major battle will take place in Caemlyn, which will be decisive for the Light or Dark.
Furthermore as chief field commander of the Dark Demandred is IMO handling the events in the south with a skill which is astounding. We van lay the victories of Tarabon, Amadicia and Ebou Dar to his credits. These actions and campaigns have written all over them a knowlegde of a commander who knows how to work with naval, land, air and airborne forces.
So one of the best hiding places in when taking the conquered teritories under view and sitting right in the middle without beeing touched is Lugard or somewhere in Murandy.
Only involvement I can think of about Shara is that with the removal of the ruling classes is that of a feeding ground for Trollocs.
Although Demamdred can Travel, as seen in Winter's Heart, last chapter, most of the communicating of the Third age people takes place by foot, pigeon or horse. So for beeing in command Demandred has to keep reings on his troops, via this method.
Secondly, the involvement of Shara as a feeding ground only seems logical. The Blight has been silent foor almost to years now. Also main actions by Trollocs hasn't been seen since the capture of Caemlyn, although a few appeared in Shadar Logoth during the fight between Rand and Sammael.
So it is safe to believe that a large force is being breed out of sight, there fore this must be behind the mountains of Dhoom.
There is only one problem with this gathering, and that is how are they beeig fed. Furthermore how do the Myrddraal get the swords, because they need a soul to be seasoned.
And we have seen the visit that Demandred made to the Pit Of Doom, gave a side that only four people where beeing lead to the stoney blacksmith. The Myrddraal must gnassing their teeth.
No raids have been undertaking into the Borderlands for a while. So if the darkside must gathering a Trolloc host, the must have Myrddraals to command them, and Myrddraal must have swords. Therefor if Demandred went to Shara it must only to establish a logistic line of human fodder and sword building material. But for beeing there a long time would lose him the control and reaction time to acton events in the south.