Theoryland Tour for Premium Memberships
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My Factions:
This is probably the most unique, impressive section of Theoryland. The "my factions" page includes the following:
Factions Joined
As a member of Theoryland you can join factions, groups of Theoryland users who all agree on one theory such as "Alana's Bond to Rand
Was No Accident." In this location you will see each faction into which you have joined and been accepted. Also, you will see the total number
of members in each faction. Since we are dedicated to giving you more control over your experience, you can also remove yourself
from a faction at anytime.
Note: Use that power sparingly, because we cannot guarantee that you will be excepted back into that faction at a later time.
Pending Factions Joined
Just like in the "my theories" section, we identify each faction you have attempted to join, but not yet been accepted or denied entrance. You
will see the date you submitted your request along with the username of the faction champion who must accept or deny your request. His or her username
is linked to the member contact page where you can send a message. Please give a few days for champions to accept your membership before
you send them inquiring e-mails.
Note: Because champions have the ability to deny membership (although we do not believe this power
will be used much since the purpose is to build your membership), we understand that this may upset those who are denied. Do not abuse the
contact tool to bombard this person with angry e-mails on account of your denial. We reserve the right to revoke the
contact privilege from you if we believe abuse is occurring.
Your Factions
Not only can you join factions, if you are of Elder rank or higher, you can create (champion) your own factions. Here you will see a list of
factions that you have created and that have been accepted by us. The number of members in your faction along with a notice if you have pending
requests for membership waiting for your approval are also displayed here. By clicking on the memberships pending you will
be sent to your approval or denial page where a self-explanatory interface is provided for you to actually approve or deny
new requests for membership. This is your responsibility, so please check your e-mail regularly, or check back to your "my factions" at least
once every two days, so those who want to join ar not waiting too long to be approved.
Note: We are excited to give Faction Champions this amount of control over
their factions, but if we believe that you are abusing this power, we reserve the right to revoke it from you. Contact us
for questions concerning what would be considered abuse.
Your Pending Factions
Finally, your pending factions. Much like the "my theories" section we want you to be aware of what factions you have attempted to
create and that those factions are still under review. Also, you will see the date you submitted your request. We invite you
to contact us if you have waited longer than 48 hours for your request to be approved.
As we develop the "my factions" page from your feedback, we will continue to add additional features to improve your member experience.
Below is an example of the "my factions" page:
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