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Your search for the tag 'Scadrial' yielded 64 results

  • 1

    Interview: Sep 22nd, 2012


    If Odium went to Scadrial, would he be blind to metal there?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um. [nervous laugh] Um...


    Because I think you mentioned more than once that focuses are actually determined by planet.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I'm going to RAFO that. But that's one of those excellent questions. I'm amused that people have figured out enough to be asking questions like that.


  • 2

    Interview: Feb 12th, 2013


    Has Hemalurgy been used on another planet besides Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes it has. Brandon did not want to give out any more details about who was getting spiked or if the spiking was successful.


  • 3

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    Nepene ()

    You've said you want to write a book set in the southern continent. I did enjoy The Emperor's Soul a lot, so I am curious about you writing that future book. How do they use magic differently, and why should we be excited about reading a book set there?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The southern continent is where people have discovered how to harness the metallurgic arts in a more mechanical method. (I've hinted several places that this is possible. I've been holding off doing it until we go here.)


    Ooh, cool, ferugolems? Do you have any hints for us where we should look for these hints of how you can use it in a mechanical fashion? I haven't reread the Mistborn books in a while.

    Brandon Sanderson

    The hints are things I've said in interviews, not so much in the stories. (Sorry for not being clear about this.)


    About the southern continent, would it be possible for other Scadrians to discover this method of using the Metallic Arts, or is it unique to the southern Scadrians?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is technology-based rather than genetics based.


  • 4

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    Chaos ()

    You have said the Scadrians on the southern continent does have interaction with the Metallic Arts, but use them in very different ways. Does this mean there are different, for example, Allomantic abilities for those Scadrians? Or is it more a cultural thing?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The abilities are the same. The way they harness and use them, though, is different...


  • 5

    Interview: Sep, 2012


    What do you call a human from each Shardworld (demonyms like Scadrialeese) ?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Selish, Scadrian, Nalthian, Rosharan


  • 6

    Interview: Sep, 2012


    How does Snapping work after Sazed changed it? If you don't want to reveal it all right now, are there any hints you can give us?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He couldn't get rid of this entirely. I don't want to spoil things, but Snapping was built into Allomancy primarily because of larger-scale magical issues. This is getting deep into the issue, but it has to do with a person's spiritual makeup and a 'wounded' spirit being easier to fill with something else, kind of like a cut would let something into the bloodstream. Sazed made this threshold on Scadrial much easier to obtain.


  • 7

    Interview: Sep, 2012

    Thoughtful Spurts

    Are there any racist jokes in the Mistborn world?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, I would think there are lots of racist jokes everywhere. It's more of a thing on Roshar, however, where the races are more distinct and rub each other the wrong way more often.


  • 8

    Interview: Sep, 2012


    Is there a way to harvest BioChromatic Breath from a planet, if it holds any? (If a person dies, and their body turns to dusty he dust of the earth, then doesn't the earth--or sharever planet they have--therefore hold thousands, if not millions, of BioChromatic Breaths?)

    Brandon Sanderson

    Possible. It would be the same thing as harvesting the nature of Preservation or Ruin, which--on Scadrial--took the form of nuggets of metal.


  • 9

    Interview: Sep, 2012


    Can magic systems from one world work in any given other?

    Brandon Sanderson

    For some, it will take quite a bit of work, but it's possible to get them each to work. Sel's magics are regional, and so they are going to be tough. Scadrial's magics are the easiest.


  • 10

    Interview: Sep, 2012


    Since allomancy is powered by burning metal, isn't Scadrial going to eventually start running out of metal?

    Brandon Sandersom

    It could happen. However, it's not really a danger with the current population of Allomancers. There just aren't enough of them.


  • 11

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    Shadowsaber223 ()

    If Odium were lured to Scadrial, would his physical body turn into a burnable metal? If so, could Harmony create an Odium-metal legion of Mistings to consume and burn it? Would that weaken him sufficiently enough to be killed or destroyed?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The difficulty here is, again, one of Identity. People born on Scadrial have an Identity tied to it and its magic. Odium would have to do certain things to make them able to use a magic he fuels. He has done these things on Roshar, so it's not impossible for him to manage it on Scadrial.


  • 12

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    Windrunner17 ()

    Why does Scadrial, which has two Shards, only have three manifestations of investiture, (Allomancy, Feruchemy, and Hemalurgy) but Sel, also with two Shards, has five manifestations of investiture (AonDor, Dakhor, ChayShan, Forgery, and Bloodsealing)?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sel's magics are much more regionalized than Scadrial's. Each area has its own manifestation, but they're all actually the same magic. So really there is one magic on Sel—much as Windrunning and Lightweaving on Roshar are kind of different magics, but also kind of the same.


  • 13

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    l33tmachine ()

    Pre-Hero of Ages, was the human population of Scadrial located only within the Final Empire? Were there people living beyond the lands of the Lord Ruler? If so, what happened to them?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The southern continent of Scadrial is inhabited. It still is. No contact has yet been made.


  • 14

    Interview: 2013

    Kaladin_Stormblessed (March 2013)

    Discussion of the week: Shadesmar & Truthspren


    It says that it's dangerous to travel to Shadesmar on Sel. Why?

    Brandon Sanderson ()

    It has to do with the Dor and the lack of an entity controlling much of the power Odium left in his wake on Sel.


    Woah, that's interesting. I had no idea Odium left little bits of his power on Sel... I guess it kinda makes sense for evil monks to be powered by pure hate, though.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Odium did not leave his power behind, one should note. He left several other powers which are now, to a large extent, mindless...


    This is an awesome answer!

    If you wouldn't mind answering, does Roshar have a similar problem, with Honor being Splintered?


    Brandon Sanderson

    No, Roshar does not have the same problem. There are some differences going on. (One reason being that the spren are far more extensive on Roshar, and provide something of a "release valve." The Seons and the Skaze on Sel are not numerous enough to fulfill a similar function. Though, of course, that's only one part of the puzzle. Raw power is dangerous.

    It's one reason everyone should be thankful Kelsier was around on Scadrial.


  • 15

    Interview: 2013

    Autarchk (March 2013)

    If I can ask a question, I just read the Mistborn trilogy and, were Preservation and Ruin two different shards or a single one with their power split somehow? If they were two shards, does that mean a single person can hold more than one, since Harmony apparently holds both now?

    Brandon Sanderson

    They were two shards.

    Yes, one entity can hold more than one. Remember that holding a shard changes you, over time. Rayse knows this, and prefers to leave behind destroyed rivals as opposed to taking their power and potentially being overwhelmed by it.


    I have a question, if you are willing. Would Ruin be more compatible with Rayse, would he pick up that shard had he visited Scadrial and shattered him? All the shards we have seen that he has shattered seem rather different in intent than him—Honor, Cultivation, Love, Dominion. But Ruin seems more in line with Odium. Rayse has ruined the days of quite a few people.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Technically, Ruin would be most compatible with Cultivation. Ruin's 'theme' so to speak is that all things must age and pass. An embodiment of entropy. That power, separated from the whole and being held by a person who did not have the willpower to resist its transformation of him, led to something very dangerous. But it was not evil. None of the sixteen technically are, though you may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse. Whether you think of Odium as evil depends upon how much you agree with Hoid's particular view.

    That said, Ruin would have been one of the 'safer' of the sixteen for Rayse to take, if he'd been about that. Odium is by its nature selfish, however, and the combination of it and Rayse makes for an entity that fears an additional power would destroy it and make it into something else.


  • 16

    Interview: Mar 16th, 2012

    BRANDON SANDERSON (paraphrased)

    Ketchup does not exist in the Final Empire, since it is from a fruit, which are flowering plants. The Lord Ruler did not engineer fruit. Mostly people eat vegetables and roots.


    Oddly, there are references to fruit in Mistborn: The Final Empire. It is not known if this is merely a case of early-installment weirdness, or something else.


  • 17

    Interview: Jun 20th, 2009

    Andrew the Great

    Where do the mists go in the day, why do they just disappear?

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    The mists are kind of like the physical manifestation of Preservation's power. During the day, the power is still there, but the mists that accompany them during the night are burned away by the sun. So really, it's more that they are somehow linked to Preservations power, and come out at night with the power, but they can't stay with the power during the day because of the sun.


  • 18

    Interview: Oct 5th, 2013


    Are there still no Splinters on Scadrial, after the events of The Alloy of Law?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, there are no Splinters on Scadrial. Unless they've been brought. There are no Splinters of Ruin or Preservation.


  • 19

    Interview: Mar 21st, 2014


    Have you thought any more about metal allergies with your Allomancy?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It definitely wouldn't be pleasant.


    Ok, I have this steel allergy, I got it last year, and I work in a steel plant.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It would not be pleasant, but I would have the instinct that fewer people on Scadrial would have that allergy, because of the Investiture during their creation. But, it could totally happen.


  • 20

    Interview: Mar 11th, 2014


    Are there one or two shard pools on Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 21

    Interview: Mar 6th, 2014


    Do all the humans have innate Investiture?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I believe that they all do. I don't think that you've seen anyone without innate Investiture yet. [Drabs] do not have innate Investiture. And on Scadrial they have the pieces of Ruin and Preservation in them. And they do have it on Roshar.


    Which Shard is that?

    Brandon Sanderson

    You'll have to RAFO


  • 22

    Interview: Jul 29th, 2006

    Brandon Sanderson (Chapter 19 Part 1)

    This book is not a story about the history of the Final Empire or Allomancy. Those things will come in later novels. This is the story of a girl learning to overcome her trust issues, while at the same time the story of a beaten people resisting despite the odds.

    However, I did want to give some clues as to the nature of this world and its mythology. The biggest clue outside of the logbook comes in the way that the mists themselves react to someone using Allomancy. They swirl around him or her. This is meant to show that the mists are not something natural. They're more than a weather pattern; they're part of the magic of this world.


  • 23

    Interview: Aug 13th, 2014


    The "God Surges" you mentioned recently, are they a part of the Way of Kings frontsheet?

    You've said that there are three types of Blades in the Stormlight Archive. We've seen "dead" Shardblades, Honorblades—is the third type the "living spren" Shardblades, or is there another type we haven't seen?

    Do all Surgebinders breathe Stormlight in, or are there other ways? Is Lift one-of-a-kind in this regard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    All I said regarding this was to tell a fan that it was possible to make an analogy between the god metals on Scadrial and certain powers on Roshar. However, these are not a codified part of the magic system.

    Lift is one of a kind.

    Nightblood is a very unique kind of Shardblade, but IS a Shardblade.


  • 24

    Interview: Aug 13th, 2014


    Which of your worlds, if any at all, have ice cream, or at least, the ability to make ice cream?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Scadrial probably has it already. Roshar is farthest, not having as much in the way of milk products.


  • 25

    Interview: Aug 13th, 2014


    As Feruchemistry is the magic system combined from Ruin and Preservation's powers, and they created humankind on Scadrial, how is it that it only occurs in persons with Terrispeople in their ancestry?

    Brandon Sanderson

    RAFO. :)


  • 26

    Interview: Aug 13th, 2014


    Did the Lord Ruler know how to worldhop?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He was familiar with the idea that people lived on other planets, but had no interest—or experience—in visiting other places. During his Ascension, he could have left Scadrial, if he'd wished.


  • 27

    Interview: Aug 13th, 2014


    In Well of Ascension, it mentions that the language of Terris had a gender neutral pronoun. If you actually constructed the language, what was that pronoun? Or did you just leave it as its English translation of "it"?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I didn't spend a long time on the languages in Scadrial, since most people were speaking the same tongue. I just used "it" in my own writings. Roshar has a lot more detail on the languages, because culture-clash is a bigger part of the theme of the series.


  • 28

    Interview: Aug 13th, 2014


    Does the metal on Sel contains within it any sort of spren-like being, or anything similar to that, and also, does the splintered nature of the Shards on (Elantris' world) have anything to do with how the magic manifests itself without a physical representation?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Scadrial (Mistborn world) did not have an analogous, self-aware invested set of entities. The power has to be "let go of" in a way.


  • 29

    Interview: Mar 22nd, 2014


    Where does the fiber for fabric come from on Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Scadrial is an Earth analogue. Scadrial is the place where if we have it on Earth, you can assume it's available there.


  • 30

    Interview: Nov 29th, 2014


    Where's Marsh?

    Brandon Sanderson (Paraphrased)

    Investigating the Southern Continent of Scadrial


  • 31

    Interview: Sep 4th, 2014


    I just started Part 3 and I actually went over to your booth to ask them because I was confused. There are different symbols for the Allomantic metals but I only recognize one of them here. Why are there different symbols you don't know about at the beginning of different parts?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Part of it is they don't know all the metals yet, in the books, and so that's a hint. Part of it is because that their writing system is more than 16 letters and so there are symbols that do not represent a metal, necessarily, or an Allomantic metal so they can-- They write with them as well. It is both a writing system and each symbol is a metal.


  • 32

    Interview: Sep 4th, 2014


    And I was trying to figure out how jazz could possibly develop on Scadrial in The Alloy of Law.

    Brandon Sanderson

    How what?


    How Jazz could develop on Scadrial.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Jazz? Okay.


    [audio obscured] Would it be appropriate to compare the Steel Ministry to the Catholic Church? Not so much in doctrine but...

    Brandon Sanderson

    Sure, that would be appropriate. I mean when I'm writing Alloy of Law era they are only hitting big band stuff.


    That's what I figured.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Their music would lag behind ours.


    'Cause big band stuff started around the 1920's

    Brandon Sanderson

    There not even quite there yet. In the second or the third... anyway one of the Alloy books Wax hears someone and they've added to a band brass and he's like "that's not right" he's expecting violin concertos or a pianoforte and he's hearing brass.


  • 33

    Interview: Jan 8th, 2015


    How long has Odium been on Roshar?

    Brandon Sanderson (Paraphrased)

    He couldn't say for sure without getting out the timeline, but a LONG time.


    Has he been on Scadrial or Nalthis?

    Brandon Sanderson (Paraphrased)

    No, but he is aware of their existence.


  • 34

    Interview: Mar 12th, 2015

    Windrunner17 (Reddit)

    Hey Brandon!

    I'd like to open by thanking you for changing the method of Szeth's death. When I read it the first time, Kaladin's actions in that moment didn't ring quite true for how I saw the character. I'm glad Kal does what he does in the revisions.

    I have three questions, if you wouldn't mind. I'm trying to avoid the obvious RAFO's xD

    1. Threnody and Scadrial are both noted as having unusally bright patches of stars in their skies. Are these two planets near to one another?
    2. Did Ashyn ever have a Shard, or is its magic a natural manifestation akin to Threnody or First of the Sun?
    3. As you've stated that the magic of First of the Sun is natural and independent of any particular Shard, what is the nature of the pool on Patji? Is it also a natural manifestation of magic, a Perpendicularity, or simply a pool like any other?

    Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions, Brandon. I know you've always got family stuff, and writing, and all the other host of things that fill up a life to do, so it means a lot that you take the time to interact with us fans. Thank you for sharing your stories with us.

    Brandon Sanderson (Reddit)

    1. They are both seeing the same thing, yes.
    2. RAFO on Ashyn, as--being in the same system as Roshar--there are going to be some spoilers relating to Stormlight in anything I say here.
    3. It's a natural manifestation, but on a much smaller scale than you might find on other worlds.

    kabili207 (Reddit)

    Regarding #1, does this mean that Threnody and Scadrial are part of the same system, or are these bright patches visible from other worlds as well?

    Brandon Sanderson (Reddit)

    Visible from other worlds as well. The cosmere is a relatively small place (on a galactic scale, that is.) We'll publish the star map when that becomes relevant in a decade or so.


  • 35

    Interview: Mar 12th, 2015

    Lightylantern (Reddit)

    Thanks a lot for doing this, Brandon. You're my favourite author, and I have a million things I want to ask you, but since I'm not the only one asking questions, I'll ask the ones most important to me.

    1. I'm fairly invested in the pairings of The Stormlight Archive, with my favourite being Jasnah/Szeth. Do either of these two have any romance planned in their future?
    2. In The Hero of Ages, Demoux gets together with a woman named Aslydin. He's then seen on Roshar in The Way of Kings. Knowing how loyal Demoux is, he wouldn't just leave Aslydin behind like that. Is she connected to his reasons for becoming a member of the Seventeenth Shard?
    3. I'm pretty interested in the integration of magic and sport, like in Harry Potter and The Legend of Korra. Will we be seeing any allomantic sports in the second Mistborn trilogy?
    4. Was the guy Dalinar met in his flashback really Nohadon?
    5. Will Lift get a Shardfork?
    6. Finally, can you tell us what Regalia's weakness is? We never did find that out.

    Again, thanks a ton for doing this.

    Brandon Sanderson (Reddit)

    1) I am purposefully vague about upcoming romantic pairings in my books, because most of the characters would not want to be defined by their romantic inclinations--and at the top of that list is Jasnah. So I'll remain quiet on this one for now. Sorry.
    2) Aslydin is in the Seventeeth Shard, and had her own work to be about. I've given subtle clues about her before, but the ethnicity of the name should strike you.
    3) Probably the third. Scadrial is behind on a couple of things, technologically, and they've been very practically minded lately. I have some hints of professional sports in the Era Two books, but they're slight.
    4) So far as he knows.
    5) You know, she's likely to do something like that...
    6) Not ready to talk about this one yet, as I haven't finished the third book yet. It's likely irrelevant, but I'll RAFO in case I decide to reference it.


  • 36

    Interview: Mar 12th, 2015

    legionaires (Reddit)

    Thanks for doing another AMA. I'm like a previous poster and making a reddit account so I can ask you a question about the Alloy of Law setting. How fast would you say technology is developing at that time? I ask because I tried to start a Mistborn game with my friends and they decided they wanted to build a zeppelin and give the rail companies competition due to party grudges against the rail barons.

    Brandon Sanderson (Reddit)

    Zepplins are totally believable for that era in Mistborn. (Also, rail barons are basically a big theme of upcoming books, so you guys are totally in line with where the story is going anyway.) Tech on Scadrial is following a kind of loopy progress, both because of the Metallurgic Arts and because of the artificial suppression of some technological paths by the Lord Ruler. So you can make arguments for just about anything.


  • 37

    Interview: Apr 24th, 2016


    Does Khrissala know about the red haze and was she trying to clue Wax in on what was going on?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Khriss knows too much for me to share. (text written as personalization)


  • 38

    Interview: Apr 24th, 2016


    What happened to the ministries?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The Ministries, being a legacy at the time of the Lord Ruler’s rule, there are trappings of them left but they don’t use any of the same names or anything like that. There are cities you can go to where there are more echoes of that. In Elendel you can barely even find the trappings anymore, but you can find some of them. You can’t go in there and find the Ministry of this-and-that, because it was run by Kelsier’s crew, most of that did not make the transition. Though there were notable Obligators who made it through and so they have left their mark. You have to search for it though.


  • 39

    Interview: Jan 24th, 2015


    Will there be a book about the Southern Pole of the Mistborn world?

    Brandon Sanderson

    That’s a RAFO. By the end of the Era 2--Alloy of Law Era--you will know more about them.


  • 40

    Interview: Jan 31st, 2015

    Sirce Luckwielder

    At the Yomen wedding, the newlyweds are talking to 'a scruffy man who looked like a beggar, dressed all in black.'Is this an appearance of Hoid?"

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 41

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2015


    Will Scadrial actually develop internet?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um… We will see, won’t we?


  • 42

    Interview: Oct 12th, 2015


    Which world does Hoid enjoy visiting the most?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Scadrial almost has instant noodles. So he's very interested in Scadrial.


    Is he doing anything to push that along?

    Brandon Sanderson

    He is not as involved in that as certain other forces are.


    There are forces involved in the developing instant noodles?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, oh yes.


  • 43

    Interview: Oct 12th, 2015


    Is metal a renewable resource on Scadrial, or is it going to run out?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It does run out.


    supposedly contradicts another WOB: I just got back from the Phoenix Comic on, where Brandon is a guest at, and I must say it was an honor to meet him. He read parts of Wax/Wayne 2, Legion 2, and the Taravangian interlude in WoR. There weren't a lot of cosmeric goodies, but I did get a couple interesting tidbits in relation to Mistborn: Ruin would have had to manifest to reabsorb the atium, the Well of Ascension did not come at a price to Preservation's power, and perhaps the most interesting one. Burned metals are turned into a different form, and will eventually return to the planet. The Pits of Hath sin are meant to foreshadow this.


  • 44

    Interview: Oct 12th, 2015


    As of Shadows of Self, how many Shards are there on Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    (nervous laugh) There are two.... Harmony counts as two Shards. I do mean it that way, and I am giving you clarification so you don't all freak out.


  • 45

    Interview: Oct 12th, 2015


    If another Shard came to Scadrial, would that be enough to create a godmetal?

    Brandon Sanderson

    If another shard just came to visit, probably not.


    If they brought a spren or-

    Brandon Sanderson

    If they came and completely Invested the world, then things might start happening. But there's some special circumstances, remember. Ruin and Preservation created that planet. Specifically. And so there's some goofy things that happened because of that. For instance Roshar was not made by Honor, Cultivation, or Odium. That's one of the big differences about what's going on there.


  • 46

    Interview: Feb 17th, 2016


    Speaking of intents, Investiture, and what Shards can see, hypothetically if Odium were to go to Scadrial would some things not be visible to him, like, say, metal?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Metal would be hard for him to see, yes.


  • 47

    Interview: Feb 17th, 2016


    In the event that [...can people Snap off-Scadrial?]

    Brandon Sanderson

    Keep in mind that the Shards are mostly Spiritual [...] space and time do not matter to them. Time does, space does not.


  • 48

    Interview: Feb 27th, 2016


    Is Iyatil from Southern Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Iyatil (he pronounced it like yah-till) has heritage along those lines, but she is not.


    Is her mask Invested?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Mmm, no.


  • 49

    Interview: Feb 27th, 2016

    Paladin Brewer

    If Preservation and Ruin created life on Scadrial but did not create Feruchemy, where does it come from? The Planet?

    Brandon Sanderson

    All magic systems come from Shards power in some way.


    WSB: I thought there were magic before the shards originated from the shattering of Adonalsium


  • 50

    Interview: Feb 25th, 2016


    In Words of Radiance, there is a character named Iyatil... Is she a member of the race that we see in Bands of Mourning in the--

    Brandon Sanderson

    She is related to them in the same way that I am Danish.


    Okay, so not.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, I am, my heritage is Danish.


  • 51

    Interview: Feb 19th, 2016


    "Could someone who's never been to Scadrial be Connected to Ruin, Preservation, or Harmony?"

    Brandon Sanderson

    "Possibly. Depends on the strength of the Connection. But yeah, Connection's not an on/off switch."


  • 52

    Interview: Feb 24th, 2016


    You’re in Houston, questions of Oil & Gas and energy sources will be naturally be bandied about.

    Brandon Sanderson



    Is the gasoline on Scadrial a fossil fuel or biodiesel?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh. Hmm. Well It’s fossil fue… no. What they’re using now is mostly biodiesel, I think. It’s not something we really talked out.


    Ok, we had a whole thread on 17th Shard and even discussed how scientifically fossil fuels could have been put into place during the Catacendre.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, fossil fuels are possible, and I don’t want to seem like I’m clearly giving credence to those that believe in a Young Earth, but Scadrial *is* a relatively young planet. Relatively.


    Young Earth doesn’t bother me, though I know I’m not the majority. Where on Scadrial is it being produced? No mention of refineries in Elendel or the Roughs.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Where on Scadrial… Well It’s… I’m going to have to RAFO that for now. It starts to touch on questions of the future as they will need more fuels for travel and they’ll need to look for different sources. We’ll just leave it at “If fossil fuels are there, they were placed intentionally.”


    Okay. I just didn't see any mention of oil derricks in the Roughs or fuel producing infrastructure in Elendel. I’ll just continue to hold out hope that we see Wax fighting some big battle all around an oil derrick. (I start eyeballing the last question on my notepad trying to decide if I'm going to push it.)

    Brandon Sanderson

    Ok, well, I need to move on, but thank you, those were really great questions. Good to see you again.


  • 53

    Interview: Apr 8th, 2016


    Can Odium change written word on Roshar like Ruin could on Scadrial? (I was wondering this because it would make it easy for him to manipulate Mr.T that way.

    Brandon Sanderson

    *apprehensive* This is not really a thing that Odium does. Um, yea.


  • 54

    Interview: Apr 8th, 2016


    Was Hoid trying to become an Elantrian kind of in a way how Kelsier was able to connect to preservation to take up the shard?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, the thing about it is your getting Hoid before he knew as much as he did in Scadrial era, so what he was trying to do was completely ineffective and it couldn't have worked.


    Doesn't it get weaker the farther away you are, so it wouldn't help at all.

    Brandon Sanderson



    Well we have an example of an Elantrian on Roshar, so.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes we have an Elantrian on Roshar, but we don't see him use any powers, and his skin is dark on Roshar rather than glowing. That is something to be aware of. While I keep doing this, who is here for the magic draft? *Talks about the magic draft and his writing process for a bit*.


  • 55

    Interview: Apr 8th, 2016


    Is it normal for people to become connected to an area after being there for a bit, like with Kel and wherever he was when he found the Ire, or is something special going on?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is normal for a cognitive shadow to get stuck to places, because they exist through investiture it is normal for them to get tied to an area. Kelsier was still in Scadrial when he found the Ire. This happened with Odium and the two shards on Roshar, Preservation to Ruin, and the Heralds (To Roshar? Braize?). (I think this is basically what happens with shards when they invest on a planet, so this same thing happens at smaller levels than shards.)


    (After about an hour and a half he started answering more questions, so I sat nearby and wrote the gist of the questions and answers he was getting. Thsi next part is going to be paraphrased, but fairly accurate. It wasn't as rapid fire as it had been, as I and other people didn't want to keep interruption him while he was playing magic.)


  • 56

    Interview: Apr 23rd, 2016


    So we’ve seen three cultures of people on Scadrial. Is Harmony involved… well, we can probably assume there’s probably more cultures, but there are…

    Brandon Sanderson

    There are more, yes.


    Is Harmony involved in more of them, or is he… does he keep his attention on the main one.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Harmony considers himself to be the god of all of them.


  • 57

    Interview: Nov 22nd, 2016

    BYU Bookstore (Paraphrased)


    In one of the Allomancer Jak broadsheets, there is a mention of a white-haired man who asks if the woman wants to hear a story.

    Brandon Sanderson

    This man is now confirmed to be Hoid!


  • 58

    Interview: Nov 22nd, 2016

    BYU Bookstore (Paraphrased)


    I also attended the event and asked if anyone on Scadrial was cosmere aware pre-Lord Ruler.

    Brandon Sanderson

    He said yes (including Leras and Ati).


    After looking a bit more into this I found that someone else was also thinking along the same lines and got a more detailed confirmation from Brandon: and Kwaan was cosmere-aware and trees can think.


  • 59

    Interview: Sep 6th, 2016


    Next I asked about the importance of a lot of the religion from the "Final Empire Era" Scadrial. I pointed out that there were a lot of little nods and references to other shardworlds.

    Brandon Sanderson

    And he assured me that there was something there, perhaps not anything as big as I was hoping for, but definitely more than just "Easter eggs!"


  • 60

    Interview: Nov 30th, 2016

    Borderlands SF-AU Tour (Paraphrased)


    What would have happened if Kelsier hasn't taken Preservation or later Sazed hasn't taken Ruin and Preservation powers? Would the earth have been destroyed due to so much raw power much before the actual destruction due to Ruin's actions?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. Bad things would have happened (Me - "Like Sel?" Him - "Not going to answer that. Just bad things would have happened")


    Scadrial, not Earth


  • 61

    Interview: Nov 30th, 2016

    Borderlands SF-AU Tour (Paraphrased)


    I asked if Nazh's knife didn't glow to Kelsier's eyes because the metal wasn't from Scadrial generally or whether it was a metal with some particular property.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I didn't even get to finish the second half of that before he got that smile and I knew what was coming next. Sure enough, I collected a shiny RAFO card.


  • 62

    Interview: Dec 6th, 2016


    Has Denth ever been to Scadrial?

    Brandon Sanderson

    So Scadrial is one of the planets that’s easier to get to, in Cosmere terms. I will say this: he did not travel the Cosmere widely. But Scadrial is one of the easier ones to get to - he spent a lot of time on Roshar, and did not travel widely.


  • 63

    Interview: Dec 6th, 2016


    Is it possible that someone could have gotten to the Cognitive Realm on Scadrial without the Well of Ascension?

    Brandon Sanderson



    ...Can we know how?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Well, how many Shardpools would Scadrial have?


    Two, so the Pits of Hathsin would be so?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes. So you’ve adopted the term “Shardpool.” That was never really my term, but I’ve started using it. What happens with a Perpendicularity is large concentrations of Investiture, particularly purely attuned to one of the Shards, will create an access point. You’ve seen another one--


    Yeah, yeah I know these.

    Brandon Sanderson

    You know which one I’m referencing?



    Brandon Sanderson

    That you didn’t see a Pool from?


    Oh wait… [Laughter]

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, he knows, so… We’ll move on.


    Why??!! [general protest, laughter]

    Brandon Sanderson

    Okay, fine. Umm, at the end of Words of Radiance.


    There has to be one there because Jasnah has to leave somehow, right?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, but Honor’s Perpendicularity moves.


    Brandon Sanderson

    [hems and haws]


    So, I don’t know if this is a RAFO sort of question, but you call them Perpendicularities, will we see this sort of thing created?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, Perpendicularities can be created. You’d need a ton of Investiture. But, basically what Jasnah does is create a little mini Perpendicularity and slips herself into the Cognitive Realm.


    So it’s just a question of skill, not a question of--

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. It’s hard to pull off...but some of the powers are built to do it.
