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Your search for the tag 'health' yielded 1 results

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    Interview: Oct 6th, 2015


    If one used Hemalurgy to give a fallen Elantrian Feruchemic gold, would they be able to Fill health?

    Brandon Sanderson

    (pondered for an extended period of time) No, they would not be able to Fill health.


    [here I asked whether a huge reserve would appear if they had been trying to Fill health while fallen and then were restored] No, it would not stack and then suddenly appear once they were restored. [here I began to feel I was slowing the line too much, and was trying to let Brandon move on, but the question interested him enough that he went on. The following is extremely paraphrased and my remembrance (written not too long afterward) might be affected by my tired, overwhelmed mind:] Hemalurgic spikes would do very strange things to Elantrians. You could get more from an Elantrian with a Hemalurgic spike than from most other people.
