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Your search for the tag 'mashadar' yielded 14 results

  • 1

    Interview: 2010

    Azral Hanan (29 July 2010)

    Are the taint and the True Power the same?

    Brandon Sanderson (29 July 2010)

    No, they are different.


    Can Mashadar destroy True Power and True Power weaves like it destroyed the taint?




    If there was no Cleansing would the taint eventually run out as it's used by men who go insane & die ad infinitum?


    I don't think it'd run out. But that's a "Brandon's mostly sure, but hasn't checked the notes."


    Did Mr. Jordan list out what the True Power can/not do relative to the One Power? Are there limits to both?


    RAFO. Maybe we'll put some of that in the encyclopedia. They are certainly different. Towers of Midnight has some hints.


    Mashadar is gone, isn't it? Would it really hurt to say whether the True Power would be affected?


    Have we ever confirmed that Mashadar is dead? :)


  • 2

    Interview: 2010

    Azral Hanan (31 July 2010)

    How does Hatred turn into a blood-sucking mist that destroys energies derived from the Dark One? Will we get a detailed explanation?


    Also, will we get a glimpse or further details and explanation on Mordeth's 'unnatural' assassins?

    Brandon Sanderson (31 July 2010)

    This is not something I'm at liberty to explain. I'll suggest it for the Encyclopedia.


  • 3

    Interview: 2010

    Matt Williams (8 November 2010)

    Was the fog in A Crown of Swords during the fight between Toram Riatin and Rand a bubble of evil or did Fain control the fog?

    Brandon Sanderson (8 November 2010)



    The glossary entry for Daved Hanlon in TPOD says that it was a bubble of evil.


  • 4

    Interview: Jun 27th, 1996

    AOL Chat 1 (Verbatim)


    How do you explain Liah being in Shadar Logoth for so long?

    Robert Jordan

    She became absorbed into the city. She was left there and she is, after all, a Aiel, one of the people better at surviving under harsh circumstances than anyone else in the world. And also her corruption by Shadar Logoth gave her some protection.


  • 5

    Interview: Aug 23rd, 1996

    Robert Jordan

    Everyone in Shadar Logoth killed each other (blows away the 'Mashadar is the souls of the people of Shadar Logoth' theory).

    Mashadar occurred after everyone in Shadar Logoth was dead.


  • 6

    Interview: Dec 12th, 2000

    CNN Chat (Verbatim)


    It has been reported that you have confirmed that Sammael died at the end of A Crown of Swords. Could you confirm that you have said this and elaborate on whether Rand was correct?

    Robert Jordan

    Mashadar killed Sammael. Sammael is toast!


  • 7

    Interview: Jan 18th, 2003

    Imran Safdar

    The first question was if Jordan intended to kill Sammael at the end of A Crown of Swords or if he decided later on that the character was no longer needed and was in fact dead.

    Robert Jordan

    Jordan responded that Sammael was dead as of the end of A Crown of Swords. Jordan felt that the character was a "louse" and didn't deserve a dramatic death a la Rahvin or Be'lal. He deserved a very vague death and was killed by something that he didn't pay attention to.


  • 8

    Interview: Jan 18th, 2003

    Robert Jordan

    He had always planned on killing Sammael per Mashadar; his death was not determined after the ambiguous ending of that book. RJ said something along the lines of, "Yes, I know it wasn't with trumpets and fanfare [referring to Sammael's death]; but he deserved it. He was a louse, and he got a louse's death. He was killed by an enemy he wasn't paying attention to. He lived like a louse, and he died like a louse."


    Yes, he said "louse" that many times, if not more. You'd think Sammael had personally wronged RJ, sheesh—he sounded pretty impassioned. Then again, it could simply be his exasperation with people refusing to accept that Sammael died.


  • 9

    Interview: Nov 16th, 2009

    Brandon Sanderson

    Brandon also said that the Dark One would have liked very much to transmigrate Sammael but didn't. Apparently, since he died by Mashadar, Sammael was either unable to be transmigrated or it would have been a very bad idea. Basically, Mashadar tainted Sammael's thread somehow.


  • 10

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2011


    How about Padan Fain and his talents?

    Alan Romanczuk

    He acquired his talents when he merged with Mordeth, who [paraphrased a bit] got his from research and sucked the souls from his victims.


    Was Padan Fain behind the killer fog in the Rahad?

    Alan Romanczuk

    What do you think? LOL


    We don't have any particular reason to think Fain was in Ebou Dar at that time.


  • 11

    Interview: Apr 17th, 2011


    Does Mashadar eat the memories of people it kills?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I've always thought it does, but I haven't actually looked it up.


    Yeah, RJ said that Machin Shin does, but he never did comment on Mashadar.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Really? Okay. Well, I believe it does.


  • 12

    Interview: Feb 22nd, 2013


    Fain says that the thinning of reality around Shayol Ghul would make it easier for him to anchor himself there, and Dom wants to know if the proximity of the Tower of Ghenjei had anything to do with the fate of Aridhol.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I honestly don't know. That would make logical sense...


    Yeah, it would...

    Brandon Sanderson

    But...we could look in the notes. That's one I suspect is not in there.



    Brandon Sanderson

    But you can say there's a good chance that's the sort of thing that would make sense...


    Yeah, okay.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Good question.


  • 13

    Interview: 2013

    RazGriz3 (May 2013)

    Was anyone else a little disappointed with the way to Ogier showed up for the Last Battle? Kinda just like "Oh yeah, we are here too." Then that was it. The scenes in which we see Ogier fighting are awesome, but I felt their introduction to the Last Battle was a little lacking. Anyone else?

    Brandon Sanderson

    The way they show up is actually the result of a sequence being cut. Originally, Perrin led an expedition into the Ways to try and close the Waygate in Caemlyn from behind. During this, the Ogier arrived, full of song, to drive off the Black Wind. Unfortunately, this sequence had logistical problems with the rest of the book, and had to be deleted entirely. The biggest casualty of this cut was the Ogier introduction, which didn't work nearly as well in the new sequence as it once had.


    Thanks so much for adding your insight.

    Ever thought about publishing a deleted scenes book? If movies can do it, why not books?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Afraid it isn't my call. You'd have to convince Harriet. That said, we are releasing some deleted scenes in the Unfettered Anthology to help with a friend's medical bills. (They aren't the Perrin ones, though.)


    Thank you for being a redditor as well as an awesome author.


    Did the same thing happen with Mashadar?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, no deleted scenes here. I did Mashadar the way I did because of the small amount of information in the notes about it or Fain, and I felt that going with what little I did have was better than exploring widely without knowing where RJ wanted to go. In some other cases, I did extrapolate when we didn't have much from RJ, but here it felt better to go with the "less is more" idea.

    There was a big danger in these books in me taking over too much and driving the books far from RJ's original vision. I had to pick and choose carefully which parts I extrapolated, and I did it based more on my own instincts and talents than anything else. For example, I felt very comfortable with Perrin as a character—he'd always been my favorite, and I felt like I knew him very well and could write him strongly. So, in Towers of Midnight where we had very little direction on what to do with Perrin, I felt that the right move was to expand his part and develop a sequence on my own.

    However, for Mat in the Tower of Ghenjei, RJ had been planning this sequence for years and years. He wrote or outlined a good portion of it before he died. It was a small sequence, however, only a couple of chapters worth. I realized fans would be expecting more from this sequence, but my instincts said that it would be wrong to develop it into something much larger. That would not only go against RJ's wishes, but would risk messing things up royally. RJ had laid careful foreshadowing and groundwork for the scenes, and had a specific vision for this sequence. Perhaps if he'd lived, he would have expanded it in additional directions, but it would have been the wrong place for me to add.

    Fain through my three books feels very similar to me. It wasn't as strict here as it was with the Mat/Ghenjei sequence—I COULD have expanded, and perhaps I would have, given more time. However, at the same time, there is an argument to be had that RJ wanted Fain to have a lesser-than-expected place in the Last Battle, and expanding him would undermine this.


    I wish the Ways had been touched on. They were very interesting, as well as the portal stones. Was there any more info, or back story, on the Black Wind that hasn't been shared? Thanks for responding to us, by the way. I loved the last three books, you did an awesome job on them. I am getting ready to start going through some of your own stories.

    Brandon Sanderson

    There is some, but not as much as I think fans hope. In regards to something else mentioned on this thread—I believe that RJ was planning to do the Ogier/Seanchan Ogier relationship exploration in the Outriggers.


    What logistical problems were there?


    IIRC in some of Brandon's other posts on Reddit, he indicated that the deleted scenes were casualties of keeping the book reasonable in length. Additionally, Harriet or the publisher preferred that the storyline in A Memory of Light should be directly approaching the Last Battle, and this sequence got a little too far away from that.

    Brandon Sanderson

    There were a number. The biggest one was that the sequence wasn't needed. As you can judge from the final book, the Waygate didn't NEED to be closed. The structure of the battle worked just fine without it, as the plan was always to draw the Shadow's armies upward and through the woods. By the time the big fights here played out, it didn't matter terribly much if the Trollocs were being resupplied from behind.

    Beyond that, the weight of this heavy Perrin sequence in the early middle of the book was distracting, keeping attention away from Rand and from the push toward the rest of the Last Battle. (this is what simps984 mentioned in his reply, which is correct.) The sequence was awesome on its own, but distracting in conjunction with the rest of the novel.

    I would still have liked to have found a way to make it work, but I feel that way about every scene I end up deleting from the book. The truth is that aside from the Ogier arrival, nothing big was lost by cutting this ten thousand words—and a whole lot was gained.
