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Your search for the tag 'microkinesis' yielded 1 results

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    Interview: Oct 6th, 2015

    the fulgid

    Is it possible for there to be a microkinetic who can see spiritwebs to the point that they could alter a web, granting at will new abilities that were previously inaccesible?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It IS possible that a person could exist who uses micokinesis to see spiritwebs and alter them according to their will. However, Dragonsteel is pre-Shattering. (Which I infer to mean microkinesis no longer exists post-Shattering, when other magic abilities become prevalent.)


    This question refers to the magic system from the unpublished work Dragonsteel The fulgid:Those were my only two questions. I will note that I was intrigued by his statement about Dragonsteel being pre-Shattering, and told him that I (and others) were under the impression that Liar of Partinel and Lightweaver of Rens were pre, while Dragonsteel and everything after was post. To my great pleasure he said "No, it is definitely pre-Shattering because..." and then kind of bit his tongue to stop himself from saying more, and just nodded his head. Take from that what you will, I know what I theorize from it.
