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An Hour With Harriet

2012-04-30: I had the great pleasure of speaking with Harriet McDougal Rigney about her life. She's an amazing talent and person and it will take you less than an hour to agree.

The Bell Tolls

2012-04-24: Some thoughts I had during JordanCon4 and the upcoming conclusion of "The Wheel of Time."

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Your search for the tag 'river of souls' yielded 8 results

  • 1

    Interview: Sep 22nd, 2012


    Was the original intention of the Eye of the World to be a second option to reseal the Bore?

    Brandon Sanderson

    As far as I know, no. Now, that's the sort of thing that could be buried in the notes, but you know, I've read a lot of them, and as far as I know, no, that's not the purpose.


    Did the makers originally have a specific intention? Because I don't think Rand used it in the way they intended.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I believe that they did have a specific intention.


    Did Rand use it alright, to their intentions?

    Brandon Sanderson



    That felt like a big waste to me.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. I was...I will RAFO that. But I will say that they did have a specific intention. How about, here's something I can give's actually backing up a few questions. I've mentioned online that we're probably going to—for a certain anthology, the Unfettered anthology—we are going to be putting deleted scenes from A Memory of Light and some of these deleted scenes will answer some of your questions.


    That's exciting. Thank you.

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't think there's an official announcement; I don't think Harriet has decided 100% to make the announcement, but I've mentioned online before in things that we were considering it, and so, some deleted scenes having to do with some of your questions are actually going to be in this Unfettered anthology, and they may be from the viewpoint of a certain Forsaken that everyone's very curious about.


  • 2

    Interview: 2013

    Twitter 2013 (WoT) (Verbatim)

    kcf (23 January 2013)

    Who's the POV for "River of Souls" in Unfettered?

    Brandon Sanderson (23 January 2013)



  • 3

    Interview: Feb 6th, 2013


    Can you talk a little bit about the "River of Souls" sequence?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, I can totally talk about this. So, "River of Souls" is about a specific character, and in the drafting process this is not something I actually pitched to Harriet early on, but in the later meetings I got together with them and pitched something which was a deviation from things Robert Jordan had said. Harriet told me from the get-go, Look you've got the notes, you've got the outline, you've got to be a writer, not a transcriber. Robert Jordan would not have kept this the way it is, that's not how we work, and in a lot of places he said I'm thinking of doing this, OR this, and you'll have to decide which of those to do, or to do a third.

    And so I pitched one of these kind of audacious sequences to her; sometimes these work, sometimes they don't. It's the sort of thing you need to do to create fiction, that I feel is daring, and you need to take these chances. But a lot of times you don't know if it's going to work until the book is done, and you can look at it together. And this was taking place in a region of the Wheel of Time world that Robert Jordan said I really don't think we're ever going to visit. Which is the part that was deviated, by doing this sequence. And it's not that long, only about 7,000 words, so it's like a novelette. I sent it to Harriet, and she said "I really like this, but we're going to cut it". The reason being, that it broke up the flow of the novel, and it was introducing too many new elements at the beginning of the volume that was supposed to be wrapping up elements. And those who do storytelling know that can be a really dangerous thing to do.

    Harriet McDougal

    That was the reason. It was a big additional segment, and this is not what you call a slim volume anyway. So as a reader, it was not fun. Not that there was anything wrong with the sequence, but it was not what my antennae said we needed. We needed to get on with it.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, instead of going sideways, when we needed to go forward.


  • 4

    Interview: Feb 11th, 2013


    Is any more stuff planned from the Wheel of Time universe?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh, excellent question. I should have put this during the frequently asked ones at the beginning. Are there any more plans to do anything else with the Wheel of Time universe?

    Harriet McDougal

    No, there are not. The encyclopedia was put under contract in my husband's lifetime. He did enter into a contract for a trilogy of novels that are not part of the series but set in the world. He left either one or two sentences about that trilogy, which is not enough for anyone to work with so that it would very much still be his. He also said that—in the trade, it's called sharecropping in somebody's universe—and he said if anybody tries to sharecrop in my universe, I'll take out the hard disk, and I'll rent a semi—or a big rig, you might say, since his name was Rigney—and I will drive it backwards and forwards over the hard drive three or four times to be sure that no one will be able to do it. He really didn't want it done. And since he made it clear in his last months and weeks that he really did want the series finished, you have the end of the series, but there won't be any more done in the Wheel of Time world. [applause]

    Brandon Sanderson

    Along those lines, though, I will mention—people ask a lot—the film rights are held by Universal Pictures, and they're working toward feature films, one film per book. We don't know how far along they are. They have a second draft of a screenplay, which I have not seen. They're on a second draft.

    Harriet McDougal

    And I haven't either.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, and Harriet hasn't either. There is one other little tidbit—there's an anthology coming out called Unfettered. It's a charity anthology for a member of our community, in the science fiction and fantasy community, who had huge medical bills. And in order to help pay those off, we donated a deleted sequence from A Memory of Light. It's something that was written, but we decided for pacing reasons did not fit in the book. And so we donated that to Unfettered and so you can read that to see something behind the scenes. I will admit it's much more me than Robert Jordan, but it is something that we cut from A Memory of Light, just it didn't fit, pacing-wise, in the book.


  • 5

    Interview: Feb 7th, 2013


    Is there anyone Brandon wanted to include in A Memory of Light but didn't get to?

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, he was able to get to everyone. There were two major sequences cut from the book. One of these will appear in the charity anthology Unfettered. The other character POV just didn't work.


  • 6

    Interview: Feb 6th, 2013


    A question was asked about the "River of Souls" "deleted scenes" business, and the non-spoiler portion of that is included in the Dragonmount report.

    Harriet McDougal (paraphrased)

    Along with that, Harriet spoke briefly about how impressed she was with Bao the Wyld, aka Demandred, that he was this stunning juggernaut of hatred and destruction, but also that he spent the time creating a life and position for himself among the Sharans. It seems that he went there almost immediately after "waking" from the Bore, and that much of the activities he went through are in parallel with Rand's actions on the main segment of the continent, and that journey of Demandred's is what will be published in the Unfettered volume.

    Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

    Brandon specified that although it is Wheel of Time material, it cannot be considered 100% canon, because it was cut early enough that it did not get subjected to Maria's detailed continuity validation.


  • 7

    Interview: Feb 22nd, 2013


    Now, are Graendal's actions in Shara mentioned at all in "River of Souls"?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't think we talk about them.


    I was just curious as to how that interacted... (crosstalk)

    Brandon Sanderson

    I mean, I considered...Yeah, it certainly helped with what he was doing.


    Right, right.

    Brandon Sanderson

    But I mean...yeah. It's...


    Because she totally didn't know he was there, so....

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. It certainly helped, and if I had been able to go back, and do—which I wouldn't have done—but if, you can imagine, there's a very cool interaction there, where he's there, and she's doing stuff, and he's taking advantage of it, but she's not seeing him and things like that. Like, the whole Demandred In Shara thing is awesome, because there's like twelve books worth of coolness of him being the hero...


    Because all this stuff is in the notes, right?

    Brandon Sanderson

    What's that? Oh, some of it is, not all of it.


    Oh, well yeah, because I know you said you had to kind know, extrapolate a little bit...

    Brandon Sanderson

    I had to extrapolate a lot of the Sharan culture and things, which is where "River of Souls" came from. At the end of the day, because I was extrapolating these things, that's what made them distracting from the main plotline, if that makes sense.


    Mmm, yeah.

    Brandon Sanderson

    And so, a lot of what I was doing was like, it you know...all of Demandred's flunkies. Jim didn't name those; they're not in the notes...but I put them in because, you know, we have to evoke this entire two years of awesomeness....


    Yeah, it can't just come out of nowhere, and be nothing.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, so there's that. But yeah, it was too much me, also.




  • 8

    Interview: Apr 15th, 2013

    Reddit AMA 2013 (Verbatim)

    thegreenchronic ()

    I only have one question, and its WOT related. What the hell is the jumara's final form???

    Brandon Sanderson

    River of Souls, the deleted sequence from A Memory of Light we put in a charity anthology, includes a fully grown one. So the answer will soon be revealed.
