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Your search for the tag mat's luck yielded 7 results

  • 1

    Interview: Nov 11th, 1998


    When was the exact moment Mat would have been able to feel the dice in his head?

    Robert Jordan

    Tal, I'm not certain that I understand the question. There seems to be no context?


    We first have the dice rolling around in Mat's head while he's gambling in Tar Valon. Some seem to think that the dice are an after affect of handling the dagger from Shadar Logoth. So, I wanted to know if there was any credence to that idea ;)

    Robert Jordan

    Tal, read and find out....good question though.


  • 2

    Interview: Dec, 2010


    Here's my question: who is throwing the dice that Mat hears in his head?

    Brandon Sanderson



  • 3

    Interview: Sep 22nd, 2012


    Mat's dice in his head. Are they real? Do they come from Sindhol? Are they from his ta'veren nature, or is it just a plot device? (laughter)

    Brandon Sanderson

    Everything that I've read in the notes indicates that they are from his ta'veren nature, and that they are a manifestation of being ta'veren [?] related to his [?]


    One of Perrin's manifestations, visions in the Wolf Dream...

    Brandon Sanderson

    Partially. Perrin's manifestation is also...he draws to him things that he needs; what he needs comes to Perrin. That's actually his primary manifestation of being ta'veren.


    So what's the difference between what Perrin does and what Egwene does?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Oh boy. Can I get into this? They are similar, but not the same. What Egwene does is partially a Talent of the Power, and it's related to the Power. And Perrin is not.


    Is it [?] him being a Wolfbrother?

    Brandon Sanderson



    [?] if he chose to.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is related to him being a Wolfbrother.


    Why can the wolves not see it?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I honestly don't remember the answer to that.


    That's okay...


  • 4

    Interview: Feb 22nd, 2013


    Um, was there any connection between Mat's luck and the dagger?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Um, not that I know of. Good question, but we can MAFO that one, but you can give the, "not that I know of". I'm still kind know, the Mat's luck being beyond him being ta'veren, is one that's very interesting to me, because everything that I know says that his luck does extend beyond his ta'verenness, but...


    Well, it's like his whole plotline seems kinda designed as like this revenge story for Manetheren against Aridhol, you know?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, uh-huh. Yep.


    And, you know, he starts speaking the Old Tongue right before they go into Shadar Logoth; that's the first time he speaks it...

    Brandon Sanderson

    Uh-huh. Yep.

    Terez know, and then as soon as he wakes up from the Healing, he's got memories, he's got this luck, you know?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah. Mmmhmm.




  • 5

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2013


    Perrin felt his ta'veren-ness melting away. If Mat lost it too, does he lose his luck?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I don't believe that he does. Being a ta'veren has a distinct effect on him, but I think there is an innate luckiness to Mat, partially drawn from the fact that the Heroes [of the Horn] call him Gambler. And so in other lives where he would not have been ta'veren he was still a gambler and still lucky. However, I do think being a ta'veren meant that the luck was greatly magnified, and I think it grew stronger and stronger through the series. That's my read on it from the notes, and I'm pretty sure on that one. I have to give the caveat that there could be something out there that contradicts me.


  • 6

    Interview: 2013

    iwasazombie (March 2013)

    Hey Brandon! I'm the redheaded dude who was helping at the last two Midnight Release parties, and I am actually at BYU right now. I have two questions:

    I know you've said you can't answer these directly, so, rather than give the "official" answer, I was wondering if you could give us your "fan theory" on the answer, as if you weren't the writer.

    What do you think about Mat, Rand, and Perrin keeping certain "abilities"? I know you've said that they may or may not still be ta'veren, and Perrin thinks they aren't, but can Perrin still talk to wolves? Is Mat still lucky? Does Mat still have his memories?

    In your opinion, who do you think Nakomi was? Do you like the "Nakomi is the avatar of the Creator theory"? Do you think of her as the third member of the Christian godhead?

    Finally, Harriet was quoted as saying that she thinks Rand's special ability at the end was a "new magic"? Do you agree? Or do you think it is something else?

    Thanks for being awesome!

    Brandon Sanderson

    1. Perrin can still talk to wolves. That is certain. Also, Mat keeps his memories. These two are official, not theories on my part. What I can't give official on is the ta'veren-ness of the guys. I don't think RJ ever even says in the notes. Me? I think they aren't.

    2. I'm too close to this one. I can't say, unfortunately. I can answer as a fan for things I don't know because it's not in the notes, or for things I could theorize about before I came onto the project. For things I learned about while working, I don't have a "fan" perspective, only a writer perspective. Sorry.

    3. Harriet is more likely to be right than I am, but I don't believe it is a new magic. I think it is a result of Rand touching the Pattern directly.


    Awesome! So, I'm still unsure about Mat's luck. Would you say that's part of his "ta'veren-ness?"

    Thanks for the great answers. I'm more at peace now with some of the previous answers you've given.

    Brandon Sanderson

    My gut tells me Mat still has his luck, but not to the extent he once had. But I have no foundation for this in the notes.
