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ran'gar questions

by Jalwin Moerad: 2003-06-23 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: Halima's Plans

My question/theory relies on two assumptions.

1. Aran'gar killed Meri, Egwene's maid. This is based on:

a. The fact that she killed someone.

"Getting through that swarm with a corpse unseen had been difficult, even for her, but she enjoyed the walk back." PoD, Unexpected abscences

b. 3 page later, Meri is missing.

"I am sorry this is late, Mother, but Meri seems to have wandered off."

2. If she killed Meri, she probably killed Selame.

If this is too big of a stretch, just write in, but I think it makes sense to me.

Anyway, my question is this: why did Aran'gar not kill Chesa? She's the most questioning of them: "She makes me ... uneasy, Mother," she said finally. "There's something just not right about that Halima." CoT, In the Night

I don't believe Chesa is a Darkfriend, nor a reborn Hero, etc. (although it would be cool if she were Moiriane), so why was she spared?
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Tamyrlin: 2003-06-30

I think your assumptions are correct concerning the killer. The answer to your question is, Chesa is next on her list. By removing all of her maids, Halima gets exclusive access. Of course, Egwene is gone now, so Chesa may have lost any of her previous importance. As you pointed out, Chesa displayed a distrust in Halima, which bothered me because Egwene never picked up on it. Maybe Egwene realizes that Halima is a traitor now?


Weird Harold: 2003-06-30

"why did Aran'gar not kill Chesa?"

Because Chesa is not Romanda or Lelaine's spy. She's probably not anyone's spy actually, but the other two were definitely spies for Romanda and Lelaine. Halima doesn't want anyone but her to know what Egwene is up to, so spies have to be eliminated.

If Halima does away with Chesa, she has to deal with replacements who are spying for someone and/or take up the job of Maid herself.

Chesa's opinions are no threat and the Amyrlin has to have at least one maid.


Great Lord of the Dark: 2003-06-30

All of the maids were telling the sisters who donated them what Egwene was up to. I believe Chesa was the maid supplied by Sheriam. If Sheriam is Black, then Aran'gar gets better info with Chesa there full-time.


Niahanchi: 2003-07-01

I am just to sentimental to think that Chesa is any more then she appears. At least with out more information. However, I do believe she is next on the "hit list".


spearmaiden: 2003-07-02

Well, along the same lines of what Great Lord of the Dark said thought is that even if Chesa is spying for Sheriam, we know that someone - a darkfriend - is beating everything that Sheriam knows out of Sheriam. So whether or not Sheriam is a darkfriend, Halima is definitely getting whatever information Chesa passes on.

Alternately, since Sheriam took the vow she took to Egwene, it is possible that that vow prevents her from using Chesa to spy on Egwene anymore, and maybe Halima realizes this.


Anubis: 2003-07-07

chesa "wandering off" would be too suspicious... and y do it in the first place? the other two maids were a nuiscence, and were spys, but chesa is harmless.


Khaos: 2004-02-12

I think Weird Harold hit upon exactly. Egwene must have one attendant and if its Halima then she has to do the chores which I don't think appeals to one of the chosen.

And simply Chesa was the lucky survivor as her disappearance would have caused the most raised eyebrows.


JamieK: 2005-10-05

my main confusion with halima/ aran'gar is that it seemed she died at the end of WH. when one of the asha'man realised she was channeling saidin, he threw himself at her and i thought his circle attacked her - nothing is said of this (admittedly i havent looked it up again)


Yaga Shura: 2005-10-05

**my main confusion with halima/ aran'gar is that it seemed she died at the end of WH. when one of the asha'man realised she was channeling saidin, he threw himself at her and i thought his circle attacked her - nothing is said of this (admittedly i havent looked it up again) **

I would assume she isn't dead, or someone would have noted it. Cadsuane refers to handful of singed Forsaken and one dead renegade (Corlan Dashive known to us but not to them as osan'gar) as being a poor price for the deaths of her people. I would think that if aran'gar was dead, someone would have told Cadsuane, who was basically in charge at that point.


Callandor: 2005-10-05

**my main confusion with halima/ aran'gar is that it seemed she died at the end of WH. when one of the asha'man realised she was channeling saidin, he threw himself at her and i thought his circle attacked her - nothing is said of this (admittedly i havent looked it up again)**

It was Osan'gar that died. Aran'gar shows up back as Halima after the Cleansing in Crossroads of Twilight.


JamieK: 2005-10-08

i've looked the quote up (WH, page 760) - "'she's holding saidin' he shouted and threw himself at her (halima) as he felt Daigian draw on the power" - i assumed Daigian would draw on the power for something offensive. if they're all still alive, Daighan, halima etc, what happened?


Callandor: 2005-10-08

**if they're all still alive, Daighan, halima etc, what happened?**

Well, Hopwill died. So, it's presumed that Aran'gar killed him, so that Daighan and the rest of the link could not detect what she was doing, and protected herself till she fled.