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ime as an Oscilating Helix

by Elder Haman: 2004-07-10 | 5.86 out of 10 (7 votes)

Previous Categories: Philosophy and the Wheel of Time

In the books- time is depicted as a circle, with events just repeating themselves, and we are moving only a small distance around the diameter with every Age. Yet it doesn't quite seem to fit with the fact that Ishmael talks about the endless variations of his (previous) battles with the Dragon. What if time could be described as a oscilating helix? Looking down the "barrel," the helix would appear to be a circle with events continualy repeating themselves (with minor variations). However, if you pull back and look at the helix from the side, you can tell that the minor variations actually correspond to the oscilations of the helix between two poles. At one pole is Creator's goal- The Dark One is solildly imprisioned, peace has existed for so long that everyone has forgotten war, prosperity abounds. As you move away from the Creator's Pole things change, conflicts arise, poverty abounds and wars spread- as the Dark One gains more and more influence over the Pattern, until at the pole oppossing The Creator, The Dark One Breaks free and imprisions the Creator. Then the whole world is nothing more than Dante's Inferno.

I further theorize that the oscilation is usually stable, (that typically the helix is a cirlce), but that the contending forces of the Creator and the Dark One are what move the helix between the two poles. Furthermore, there are likely key events, places, times, and people that can effect which pole the helix moves towards. Thus there are likely to be periods when "nothing happens" and other periods when great changes take place. These periods of great change are part of the conflict between good and evil, during which each is jocking for position. The Creator uses the Pattern to spin out ta'varen, and form Webs that try to force the Pattern back towards his pole, while the Dark One attempts to corrupt the Pattern to his ends.

Obviously the Pattern has been slowly moving towards the Dark One's pole for some time. Rand's birth heralded a time when the Greatest of all changes could occur- either the Dark One could break free completely, or the inertia of the Pattern will be changed to move once more towards the Creator's pole. This explains why the Dark One usually aviods killing Rand, but twice does attempt to kill him. If the Dark One can either corrupt Rand, and force him into a trap the Dark One can break free. However, there are certain gains that the Dark One has made in previous battles (other Ages) that he does not wish to relinquish (prefering to maintain his advantage and bide his time till the next battle when he can try to break free again). What were the two times he attempts to kill Rand? When Rand took Callandor, and when Rand cleansed saidin. It might be fruitful to theorize on why these two events were worth killing Rand for.

I have also thought that this might fit with my Guaire Amasalan theory- answering the question of what happens when parts of prophecies aren't fullfilled.
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Tamyrlin: 2004-09-29

(Frenzy for Tamyrlin)
I have long scoffed at the concept that Time in WoT is purely cyclical. Yes, Time is a seven-spoked Wheel, but nowhere does it say that Wheel just spins on its axis.
This is the first time I've seen someone theorize that the ebb and flow of the Shadow is due to movement along the curve, so to speak. Interesting. Moiraine states that good and evil are the warp and the woof of the Pattern. They are endemic to the Pattern, since the Pattern is reality. The Wheel is what spins the Pattern, and it's the Wheel that has the Creator's "good" purpose.


a dragonburned fool: 2004-10-03

Nice idea. The controversy because the Light and the Shadow and their fight in the Wheel's turning must be somehow included into the picture, and maybe this "Oscilating Helix" hypothesis gives a possible approach. DO wanted to rebuild the Wheel on his own image after destroying it: in terms of this theory DO may want to invert the cone of the helix, so that the stabile side of it would be from his side.


Anubis: 2005-08-24

Upon actually reading this theory and remembering what an oscilating helix was (next time use pictures, its been a LONG time since geometry) I really like it.


therobotbadger: 2005-08-25

I have to say that I don't like this theory. It doesn't seem like there's any evidence for it. In fact, it seems like there's evidence that directly contradicts it. I mean, this is a pretty simple argument, but the series is called the Wheel of Time. Not the Helix of Time. If RJ wanted time to be a helix, he'd have made it so from the beginning and told us that's what it is.

**as the Dark One gains more and more influence over the Pattern, until at the pole oppossing The Creator, The Dark One Breaks free and imprisions the Creator.**

This seems to run contrary to all evidence we've been given. Ever since the beginning of the series, the implication has been that if the DO breaks free, the world and the Pattern will end. Not turn into some Pit of Doom on Earth, but end. We're told in tEotW that (sorry for a non-exact quote) the DO wants to 'slay the Great Serpent' i.e. destroy time completely. This doesn't seem like an oscilation to me, it seems like a complete and total destruction.

No, all the evidence we have been given points to a purely cyclical nature for time. Posing a theory in which time is something that "would appear to be a circle with events continualy repeating themselves" but is in actuality something we've never been told, namely "the oscilations of the helix between two poles" is a bit needlessly complex. Try some Occam's Razor.


JakOShadows: 2005-08-26

I always thought the variations in the pattern were not cyclical at all, only the ages and the main purpose that they serve is cyclical. The variation are what I ascribe to the ta'veren, but the DO's goal wouldn't be to shift the pattern, so we could never ascribe both events to shape. The DO's goal would be to destroy and have it all be the same for an endless eternity(hence nothing related to time and/or cycle would be involved). Basically put, his goal is to stop the wheel from weaving the world so he can make what he wants by touching it.