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he Kin were known and tolerated due to their actions

by free will: 2005-06-22 | 3.64 out of 10 (11 votes)

Previous Categories: The White Tower

Some quotes regarding the Kin.

**TITLE: A Crown of Swoards, CHAPTER: 30 - The First Cup

"The Kin persisted even after Barashta fell, in the same way they had before, taking in wilders and women put out of the Tower."

"None ever remained long," Adeleas added. "Five years, perhaps ten; then, I suppose as now. Once they realize that their little group is no replacement fot the White Tower, they go off and become village healers or Wisdoms or the like, or sometimes simply forget the Power, stop channeling and take up a craft or trade. In any case, they vanish, so to speak."

"The Tower has known of the Kin from the nearly the beginning, perhaps from the very begining. At first, no doubt, the [Trolloc] Wars took precendence. And despite calling themselves the Kin, they have done just what we want such women to do. They remain hidden, even the fact that they can channel, draw no attention whatsoever to themselves. Over the years, they have even passed along word -- secretly, of course; carefully-- when one of them found a woman falsely claiming the shawl."

Elayne [asked] "Why is knowledge of them such a deep secret? Why haven't they been scattered long ago?"

"Why, the runaways, of course" Adeleas made it sound the most obvious thing in the world. "It is a fact that other gathering have been broken up as soon as found -- the last about two hundred years ago -- but the Kin do keep themselves small, and quiet. That last group called themselve the Daughters of Silence, yet they were hardly silent. [...]"

It goes on, basically it reveals that prior to the Kin, 67-75% of WT runaways got away clean, and since the Kin were formed the rate of runaways not caught has always been less than 10%. And the Kin are tolerated because they act the way the WT wants them too.

Which leads to my theory. My theory is that the WT always knew about the Kin as a group, and tolerated them because they acted in a way that the WT approved of. The WT thought that they took in wilders because when a Kinswoman faked her death after enough years, the WT actually believed it (they watched each Kinswoman for a few years, enough to realize that they acted "within bounds" and then not being concerned, stopped watching or didn't watch so hard, so a faked death could slip past them). So the returning older Kin were thought to be wilders because the WT didn't realize that the Kin lived so long, and the WT thought that the Kin left or died when actually they didn't because the level of watching the Kin wasn't strong/detailed enough to overcome the extremely circumspect and low profile that the Kin have kept. If the Kin hadn't acted on such good behavior, then the watching would have been stronger and they would have been acted against, like other groups of female channelers were watched and acted against.
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Tamyrlin: 2005-07-14

I would agree they were tolerated, but equally important to the actions as seen by the Aes Sedai, was their ability to hide their numbers, which you discuss briefly regarding the faking of death. The fact that their numbers appear to remain small and that Aes Sedai believe women leave after a couple of years, suggests the White Tower is being fed information from the Kin, probably during those moments they come up with someone pretending to be Aes Sedai. It became a convenient belief from the White Tower, because the numbers were masked. If it weren't for the masking of numbers, I don't think their good behavior would have been enough to prevent being acted on.


SDog: 2005-07-14

I suppose you could liken their hiding of numbers to the Sea Folk and the few AS that come from there. The Atha'an Miere send a few women occasionally to the Tower, just enough to keep the Tower from looking to closely.

The Kin send word of women pretending to be AS, the Kin treat the AS with deference, and the Kin send back runaways when caught. They put on the appearance that they are playing along with the Tower, and the Tower stops worrying about them.


Ashaman Samuel: 2005-07-14

this is the sort of thing I keep failing to come up with. dammit this one seems pretty well thought out to me.


red hand: 2005-07-15

like so much knowlege that the aes sedai posess, the perception does meet the reality. they "know" all about the kin but miss the mark completely because of their smugness. they "know" that it would be impossible for hundreds of channeling women to exist so they never look for it. they "know" that you can't live to be over three hundred so they don't believe the age of some of the kin. it wasn't that the AS had the kin under control, it was that they never paid them any mind because they already "knew" every thing they needed to. do not give them the credit of being on top of this.


Anubis: 2005-07-16

One question.

How is this a theory and not generally accepted fact? Adelas flat out says it and she cant lie.


mako0424: 2005-07-20

one thing i always questioned which i find little excuse for is if Aes'Sedai put so much credit to a woman's potential for channeling (ie. Elayne, Nyn, and Egw. being considered phenomenal, and their heirarchy being basde upon this fact) it would seem apparent that the runaways from the Tower would be placed upon a level of importance and priority based on this potential, so how did Garenia and Kirstian evade recapture, being two very powerful channelers, i could understand if lets say a girl of Sorilea's potential ranaway they would let it slide because they have no strength or anything anyways, but why wouldnt their be mass hunts for girls of these strengths, and even when they are rediscovered, Elayne says to herself, they wont let these girls go if it takes tgheir whole lives to reach the shawl.

an interesting but unimportant sidenote. because obviously they did evade recapture, and obviously they have been reintiated into the Novice book, so to say.


minalth: 2005-07-24

the strong members of the kin were ones that failed the tests and were thrown out no?


Aendur: 2005-07-25

* the strong members of the kin were ones that failed the tests and were thrown out no? *

Not entirely, no. Kirstian and Garenia were both runaways, that's why they're back in the white as soon as it is revealed. I agree with this theory, but see it as more-or-less self-evident.


Baean AimaDe: 2005-07-31

The Theory actually makes sense as a theory if you rephrase it "The Kin always knew the WT knew about them"