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Don't Know - A Mystery

by Infiniti: 2000-12-20 | 5 out of 10 (8 votes)

Previous Categories: Who is Demandred?

Ok, first of all, i have no idea who demandred is. I first thought, like most people, that he was Mazrim Taim. There is so much evidence towards this theory that i was almost convinced. Listen to some desccription of the two men. Demandred has a "hawk nose" and was tall but "not so tall as Lews therin"(The wheel of time, 57). Now Mazrim taim is described with a "hooked nose" and he is tall "nearly as tall as Rand"(WH, 39). There are also plenty references to Demandred and Mazrim Taim jelousy of Lews/Rand.

After reading these descriptions, as well as other descriptions in other books, i was alomst convinced that Demandred was posing as Taim.

However, once readin WH, i am not so sure. When Raefar Kisman is in Far Madding, he thinks about his orders. His orders to "Kill him"-in reference to Rand-were given by Demandred and Taim. (WH 441-442). So that leads me to believe that Taim and Demandred are two different people.

Well, basically, i have no idea who Demandred could be. I think Robert Jordan started searching the web, saw the FAQ, and decided to play with our heads. He has given so many clues that Taim was Demandred that it was almost too obvious. Taim is probably a new dread lord envious of Rand, because once Rand came along, he could not be Dragon Reborn. Demandred is a mystery to us, and i think that is how RJ wants it to be.
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Tamyrlin: 2000-12-20

Exactly. Winter's Heart tells us, Taim is not Demandred in two or three spots, which makes it so much more intriguing because who is Demandred masquerading as and who is Taim? My feeling about Taim is that he is this Age's Demandred. Rand's second in command that betrays him...and it looks like I may be right.


Avatar: 2006-01-04

I have to ask... why would anyone think that Taim is Demandred? Demandred HATES!!! Lews Therin, he went over to the shadow in the first place because he was jealous of Lews Therin. And the way the forsaken treat Rand as LTT I really don't see how anyone could ever have thought that Demandred could even PRETEND to be Rand's inferior (as Taim does).