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an Tuon talk by ESP?

by Tony Snyder: 2000-12-26 | 3 out of 10 (4 votes)

Previous Categories: Mat and the Daughter of the Nine Moons

Right after Mat found out who TDo9Moons was, the servant entered and seemed frantic. She (really Tuon's protector but looks like a maid) said roughly "It is not to late to stop this" and Matt though the Maid was talking to him. I think she was talking to Tuon. I believe that Tuon had omens to prepare her for this whole episode and she walked into it as her destiny. The Maid was panicing and spoke outloud to Tuon. Mat answered that no on would get hurt but the maid did not even look at him. I think that Tuon has "POWERS" of a sort. She can channel (or be taught) to train the leashed ones, and she probably has a trick to talk to a servant "in her mind".
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Tamyrlin: 2000-12-26

That is a really weird episode. Mat mentions marriage and the Seanchan freak out. Then she mentions stopping it, but Tuon seems calm and expectant. I think you are right, I think Tuon was waiting for this destiny, but I don't think she has ESP.


Callandor: 2002-12-11

Its almost a certainty that she had known. She had a Foretelling by one of the Empresses damane. Read the section when we are first introduced to Tuon in WH.


Daishan: 2003-01-06

Help me out here, I think I got some names wrong. It's been a while since I read books 8 and 9. Anath is Semirhage, right, but is Anath also Tuon's servant in that scene? That would make it increasingly weird but I think I just got something mixed up...


chaebe: 2003-01-07

Seanchan nobles are able to give orders with gestures of there hands, fingers or other parts of their body. Her servant knows her for so many years, that it was easy for Tuon to stop her panicing. So it wasn't some kind of ESP Tuon used, but just a little gesture with her Fingers or Head.


Graendalboytoy: 2003-02-10

Tuon knew what she was getting into, and likely calmed her servant down with a gesture since it is fairly obvious that she had accepted her fate, which incidentally was also foretold...Most likely at least.


Shadow Bane: 2003-06-21

Anath is Semirhage but Tuon's maid is called Selucia.


Corlm: 2003-06-22

I read this and laughed ESP? maybe she foretold it but it seems very likely VERY LIKELY that she just accepted it.


meradin: 2003-08-09

anath is to Tuon as Lini is to Elayne... not maid, but more like nanny... and... ESP??? that's rediculous...


Anubis: 2003-08-09

i could see where you get the anath similar to lini... but its not the case. lini was a nanny, who went above and beyond to make sure elayne and morgase had some common sense. Anaths JOB is to ridicule tuons questionable decisions. Anath can not be punished for anything she says (so long as its true i believe). This is actually a pretty decent system. It would prevent leaders from thinking that they were infallible, or not at least thinking about their decisions.