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uon and Channeling

by Shell: 2001-04-06 | 4 out of 10 (4 votes)

Previous Categories: Mat and the Daughter of the Nine Moons

All right, we already know that sul'dame are really women who can learn to channel. We know that Tuon likes training damain, and has the abilities of a sul'dam. I believe that I can safely say that since she can learn to channel, she soon will. I believe it is reasonable to assume that Mat will be heading to Tar'Valon to go save Egwene. Since Egwene's rebels are testing every woman in sight since Egwene's decree, Tuon will get tested and trained, probably along with Renna and Seta. I realize how Egwene feels about them, but I think she will decide that definate proof that sul'dam can channel that she can spread about will be worth more to her than personal revenge. I also would not be to surprised if Tuon and Egwene became friends. One reason I think Mat will be heading to Tar'Valon is that the letter Moraine wrote to Thom contains Eliada's name among the red sisters who had unlawfully genteled his nephew. Egwene would find that information most useful.
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Tamyrlin: 2001-04-06

Tuon and channeling, that should prove interesting although I don't agree with your assessment as to where Mat is headed. His men are in Tear, wouldn't he go there first. Also, I don't think Tuon is going to go easily into training as the thing she detests, even if they demonstrate that she can channel. Look at the ones that are with Elayne, those Suldam do not want to admit they can, can you imagine the DoNM admitting it...


Callandor: 2002-12-11

I dont think that Tuon will be trained at the Tower. I think that she already is trained do the the fact that she LIKES training damane and I myself would assume that training the damane would require training. And to get a feeling of LIKING training i assume again that a person would have to train multiple damane. But you really can never tell with RJ.


Weird Harold: 2003-03-21

All right, we already know that sul'dame are really women who can learn to channel. We know that Tuon likes training damain, and has the abilities of a sul'dam. I believe that I can safely say that since she can learn to channel, she soon will. I believe it is reasonable to assume that Mat will be heading to Tar'Valon to go save Egwene. Since Egwene's rebels are testing every woman in sight since Egwene's decree, Tuon will get tested and trained, probably along with Renna and Seta.

Tamyrlin 2001-04-06

Tuon and channeling, that should prove interesting although I don't agree with your assessment as to where Mat is headed. His men are in Tear, wouldn't he go there first.

Mat's Band Of The Red Hand was last seen in Murandy, not Tear. The last Mat saw them, they were in Salidar, but he knows Elayne is now in Caemlyn and that's his best source of information as far as he knows. He's headed for either Salidar or Caemlyn -- in so far as he has any destination in mind other than "Away From Ebou Dar."



I dont think that Tuon will be trained at the Tower. I think that she already is trained do the the fact that she LIKES training damane and I myself would assume that training the damane would require training.

I agree with Callandor. Tuon will NOT be trained in the White Tower.

Tuon brought six damane with her and she thinks damane owners should be informed and involved. As a Sul'dam, she is more informed and involved than most damane owners can be. The clear implication is that she has been "complete" with more than six different damane and directly involved in training them. I suspect the only training Tuon needs -- IF any -- is how to embrace Saidar without being "complete" with a damane.

The surviving Sul'dam with Mat are Bethamin and Seta -- I suspect they will require little training in the One Power beyond embracing Saidar on their own. If ever given the choice, they will accept being "Entered in the Novice Book"

Egwene's recruiting campaign is NOT snatching up every woman who can channel. Enrollment in the Novice Book is strictly voluntary since Egwene's Policy Change, as long as those who need training get it somewhere. For now, that means only Tower Training, but Egwene's long range plan is to be able to send those who don't want to be Aes Sedai to the Wise Ones, Kin or Windfinders.