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uon's Spark

by dondigitalia: 2002-11-12 | 4 out of 10 (4 votes)

Previous Categories: Mat and the Daughter of the Nine Moons

I think that maybe, Tuon isn't one who is able to learn, but one who has the spark born within. Since she is the Empress's daughter, it stands to reason that she may have escaped being tested as marath'damane; or was tested and the Empress worked things out so the records showed her as being Sul'dam instead.
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Tamyrlin: 2002-11-12

That she can learn would make more sense to me...if such is the case. It would go along with the plot line...and help the case that eventually the DoTNM will help Mat and "switch sides" when she finds out her Mother has known all along and that they have been living a lie. Just an idea.


Graendalboytoy: 2003-02-10

I tend to agree with Tamyrlin here. If Tuon was tested, then she would surely know that she had the spark, and she hasn't really indicated that knowledge. The fact that she can be taught will play a huge role in how the Seanchan views towards channelers will have to change if they fight for Rand in the LB. Setalle Anan is likely the one who will teach her...


Weird Harold: 2003-03-14

There re two things that make me think Tuon is a trained channeler, not just one who hs the spark.

First, the wording of this thought from Tuon's back story in WH Ch 14, "A sister and a brother had been made da'covale and had their names stricken from the records as firmly as if it had been discovered they could channel."

The words "as if it had been discovered" are a bit of odd phrasing that isn't characteristic of RJ's writing. It can be interpreted to indicate that the brother and sister could channel although that wasn't why they were stricken from the records.

That's a very small hint to hang a theory on, however, it is typical of RJ's hints about character's allegieances and abilities.

The second point is that Tuon has apparently already begun slowing -- in fact appears to have begun slowing at about age 12 or 14.

Tuon began shaving her head on her "sixteenth naming day" and Selucia later in WH Ch 14 remarks that she's been shaving Tuon for three years.

In CoT, Tuon gives her age as four months shy of 20 years since her "first naming day" Which agrees with the implied age of 19 in WH.

A possible third point is that Tuon had to *ask* to be tested for Sul'dam, yet it's implied that all Seanchan women are tested as Sul'dam when they fail the test for the spark. This *could* imply that Tuon had never been tested. It certainly implies that whatever testing Tuon underwent was different than what is described elsewhere.

The big flaw in Tuon having the spark is how she can avoid being exposed by chance meetings with Damane. Perhaps "What a Veil Hides" gives a clue -- Seanchan are just very good at seeing what they are supposed to see; Donning the veil transforms Tuon from the DotNM to simply the "High Lady Tuon." Obviously, the Blood know who she really is, but they ACT as though she really is no better than they, or at least very little better. Perhaps, as long as the Royal family don't actually channel in public, their ability to channel is simply ignored.


Frenzy: 2003-03-14

The quote from WH states clearly that family members who can channel are removed from all records. There's no reason to believe the royal family is immune to this. Why would the Empress shield damane when she encourages throne-seekers to plot & scheme amongst themselves to prove who is strongest (as per Turak's words in tGH)

Tuon can train damane. That makes her sul'dam, though she does NOT claim that title since her place in the rigid Seanchan Hierarchy is that of High Blood, not Sul'dam. She does not have the spark because at the age of 20 she would've channeled by now, and damane can sense the ability in other women to channel just like all women channelers can.

She hasn't started slowing, she's just one of those lucky people who look younger than they actually are. My younger brother is 26, and he looks 12. It's not common, but it isn't unheard of. Being short adds to the illusion of youth, and Tuon isn't the tallest of people.


Weird Harold: 2003-03-19


"The quote from WH states clearly that family members who can channel are removed from all records."

Actually, it strongly IMPLIES that family member are subject to the same rules as other channelers, rather than clearly stating it. The wording is just odd enough to leave some wiggle room. The use of the word "discovered" opens the possibility that they might not have been discovered. Whether RJ will use that wiggle room or not, I can't say.


"She does not have the spark because at the age of 20 she would've channeled by now, and damane can sense the ability in other women to channel just like all women channelers can."

I can't find the reference, but I thought Seanchan women were tested through age 25. The BWB just says "the age of manifestation." Late manifestation of the Spark isn't common, but it's possible.

The damane point is the biggest argument against Tuon having the spark and is what requires the assumption of some Royal Exemption or conspiracy.


"...she's just one of those lucky people who look younger than they actually are. ... Being short adds to the illusion of youth, and Tuon isn't the tallest of people."

A last, some alternate explanation for her apparent extremely youthful appearance!

The basic "she just looks young" argument doesn't work, because her descriptions are so much more emphatic than the general, run-of-the-mill, "girlish good looks" used for other characters who just look young. The descriptions of Tuon match the early descriptions of Nyneave, other wilders and young Aes Sedai to be simply dismissed as "Girlish appearance." Your observation about the effect of height on the perception of age does provide an alternative for the emphasis placed on Tuon's appearance.


heronblade: 2003-08-30

i thought that to be sul'dammane and to train dammne you HAD to have the spark to make the conection in the leash? the way she treated dammane doesnt show any fellow fealing that you might of expected if she could channel inately. she treated the girls like pets as much as any of the other sul'dammane did. i can see the emperess allowing her to escape leashing if she could channel though. think of the white tower, the number of channelers is decreasing because the as arnt having children, now dammane cant have children, they are not permited to. but 'free' sul'dammane and any member of the nobility that happen to be able to channel can... did i read somewhere that the emperess used to be one of the best sul'dammne trainers before she took the throne?


Callandor: 2003-08-31

**i thought that to be sul'dammane and to train dammne you HAD to have the spark to make the conection in the leash?**

No. To be a sul'dam you have to be able to LEARN to channel. Only damane have the spark. That is why there are many, many more sul'dam then damane in Seanchan society.


Calebman: 2003-09-01

What if, 900 years ago in randland, a channeler realized that her only chance of survival was through hawkwings decendents. so she seduces one of them and her decendants are all channelers. What if, all along, the channelers were in control of seanchan, and were hing the ability?