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addan Fain = New Dark One

by Dragons Shadow: 2002-12-11 | Not yet rated

Previous Categories: Miscellaneous Theories

Well, This is the first time i've posted a theory, so bear with me. It is not fully fleshed out. I began working on this with the "clear away the rubble" comment.

In various mythos there is an evil being which is bound outside of time. (i.e. the DO) A hero (Rand) arises according to prophecy to battle this evil one who seems to be breaking free. The evil one then makes SOME action which plants a seed of evil in a person (DO touches Fains mind directly). The evil then develops in that person until they become almost as powerful as the original evil.(Fain begins to have powers which are increasing). Out of jealousy or revenge this new evil then does something to tie the old evil back into time. (i.e. attaching a soul to him). This makes it possible for the hero (rand) to then completely destroy the prison and actually KILL the original evil. The Hero then usually dies (but IS RESURECTED) and leaves the imprisoning of the new evil to a companion. (Perrin as Builder) (Perrin does show a very remarkable resemblance to Wayland Smith of myth - Smith was the one who fashioned the original prison for the evil one in mythology and was also one with nature a.k.a. wolfbrother). So when the wheel turns again, Fain (imprisoned by Perrin) IS the DO released in the 2nd age (with an immense gain in power). I wasn't able to work out how he could be outside of time as the DO is but this latest interview from RJ said that he already HAD sidestepped the pattern.

This theory-line can be seen in Egyptian mythology, Greek mythology, Nordic mythology, Welsh mythology, Incan and Aztec mythology. It has been used in novels from The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, The Fionvar Tapestry by Guy Gavariel Kay, Loremasters of Elundium by Mike Jefferies, and many others.

Well, that is MY theory and I anxiously await the coming debate and overall trashing of it. I WILL continue writing and will release an update including page references and more detail.

Thanks for taking the time to Read this.
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Tamyrlin: 2002-12-11

So, are you of the belief then that the current DO is the last Fain from a previous turning? Ages pass, something like seven ages are repeated, with minor variation. So do you think that Fain, as the new DO, gets imprisoned in a new prison? Do you think Fain is something new that the Wheel has never weaved? If you are suggesting that he is new, then I guess he could introduce new variations that previous turnings haven't seen. Although, I am pretty set in my belief that Fain will be killed, the Dark One will be resealed, and the world will continue its war into the next Age.


kinjimomoqwert: 2003-01-09

I'm not sure, but doesnt't the DO mention fighting Rand over and over again in one of the first books. If this was true how would the DO remember all the other battles?


Therilon: 2003-01-10

Who would have been Fain in the AOL. I thought that the DO was just almost freed, and then shut up again. I think that I could argue that some of Fain's abilities are a result of his madness that was caused by (probably) a combination of the DO, Machin Shin, and Madashar.

It seems that Fain is not able to channel, or do feat related to a power that way. The DO does give powers to his Forsaken. Another point is that Fain doesn't have any followers, in the true sense of the word. People follow him because they are scared of him. The DO seems to tempt his followers with rewards.

One more thing is that the name Shaitan is the name of the Devil in some relegions. I do not think that Fain will become the next DO, but he might join into him, creating a sort of amalgination


Darren: 2003-01-13

Thanks for the Wayland Smith reference, DS; I wasn't aware of that one. So you're saying that Perrin will forge the Dark One's prison? This is an interesting hypothesis. Herid Fel, after all, says that as the Wheel of Time is circular, the prison must return to its original (pre bore) state. If your speculation is true, then said prison won't be (possible will NEVER HAVE BEEN) made by the Creator at all.


Dragons Shadow: 2003-01-18

Well, Darren. It does seem like the creator couldn't have created the original prison. If he had then how is the prison accessible from within the pattern. If the DO is outside the pattern and is imprisoned outside the pattern, then how could a bore EVER be made. Also, time being a circle if Perrin re-forges the DO's prison then He is the original creator of said prison. He had to create it. The Creator cannot influence events directly. If the prison is going to be whole and not patched, somebody else (Perrin) had to have created it in the first turning of the wheel. But, how could ANYONE other than the creator have the power to imprison a being as powerful as the DO? Easy, the DO is not very powerful when the prison is created. He is just coming into his power and learning to use it.

Thus the Fain argument (See Above).

By the way, Sorry I haven't done the detailed theory i promised. CoS has captivated my time.