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ate of the Black Tower

by Lord Savaunt: 2001-03-08 | 6 out of 10 (4 votes)

Previous Categories: The Black Tower

First off I don't buy that Mazrim Taim is one of the Chosen. He would have been mentioned in the scenes leading to that battle at Shadar Logoth. I do however think that he's a darkfriend and that Nynaeve Al'Maera and Elayne Trakand are idiots.

The two balck sisters that got killed in in the stone of Tear mentioned a plot to free Taim. Nynaev is so busy getting in bed with Lan, and Elayne is so worked up trying to get a piece of lovin from Rand that neither one has thought of that since they got to Caemlyn. "Hmmm... should I worry about getting knocked up by Rand, or the fact that a guy with reason to be saved from stilling by the BLACK AJAH is the leader of a military compound full of men that can channel within the borders (light right near the bloody Capital City) of my nation. Well better try to get some mattress time with Rand."

One would think that someone should have mentioned this to Rand by now huh?

Logain has glories in his future right. What greater glory is their for this man than to save the Dragon bloody Reborn and make sure that he finished what Logain thought he was supposed to start? I think he'll be the one to take down Taim and make sure Rand makes a cameo at Tarmon Gaidon.

Cadsuane will have the job of spear heading the united workings of Ashamon and Aes Sedai. Who better than oldest one around to do it?

With the Balck and White towers working in unison the ability to channel (safe for both genders now) will be bred back into humanity and there will be a new age of legends (depending on what's left after Rand breaks the world again who knows).

By the way not that this has anything to do with the major plot threads but I have a feeling that since we now officially have lesbians in this story we'll get gay men pretty soon. I'm sure that the first ones will be from the Black Tower.

I also see that the Black Tower might divide into Ajah-esque sub-societies to handle different chores kinda like the White Tower.

I think we might also start seeing some more multi-directional bonding. Perhaps an Ashamon bonding an Aes Sedai who bonds him back. Maybe some triangular bonding (with the one power and clothing kept on, get your mind out've the gutter).
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Tamyrlin: 2001-03-08

I wonder what Cadsuane will think about the Aes Sedai women who were bonded. Will she try to force them to give up their bonds? Can you imagine a moment like this between Logain and Cadsuane, with Rand in the room who was bonded without his consent?


araqyl: 2003-04-30

I think Nynaeve and Elayne dismissed the talk of freeing Taim as a false lead, even though it later happened - and have since forgotten it.

The human mind has a wonderful ability to ignore things that don't fit with its scheme of how the world works...


Shadow Bane: 2003-06-13

I agree Elayne and Nyn had alot of things going on in Tear so the probably just forgot. As for the bonded Aes Sedai they will probably be torn between which side to fight for but I think they will fight for the Black Tower because of their bonds.


anderwarrick: 2003-06-13

Don't you think that Siuan would mention it to Egwene when talks of negotiation w/ the black tower came around that the Blacks were trying to free. Egwene might not remember it because of the false lead thing, but Siaun actually believed it could be possible, so she tried to stop it. She should at least remember about that.


Flinn Sedai: 2004-04-16

About the Nynaeve and Elaye not doing anything about Taim, think about it from Taim's point of view. If somebody snatched you off out of the electric chair and made you the President, wouldnt you do what they say.

He would be saved from gentling and put as one of the most powerful men in the world. Of course he would do as they said. This isn't Nynaeve and Elayne not thinking, this WAS them thinking.


snakes-n-foxes: 2004-04-17

You would still mention it to Rand - it would be something he needs to know.


Him-who-may: 2004-04-17

Elaida had a fore telling. While I cannot find the exact quote (all of my books got burned in a fire :( ) the jist of it was that the Black tower would be pulled down in flames, Aes Sedei would walk the grounds and the dargon reborn would submit to the Amyrlin seat (shes assumed her of course).

From this I deduce that the captive Aes Sedei play the two groups (Taims/Logains) against each other and they destroy the Black tower.

As for Rand submitting I have no idea but this could be Egwenes reaction to discovering about the forced bonding and holding him responsible? Any better ideas? I struggle personally to think of anything.


charliec: 2004-04-18

I think the tone of the foretelling was actually less along the lines of total submission, she just interpreted it that way...


waterbucket: 2004-05-01

I think Elaida's fortelling may have been a little biased. The fortelling probably just states the black tower will have some trouble from Aes Sedai in the future, but Elaida amped it up a bit to suit her own personal needs.


Callandor: 2004-05-02

**I think Elaida's fortelling may have been a little biased...but Elaida amped it up a bit to suit her own personal needs.**

The Foretelling is bias-free. Elaida's impression of it, is.


Flinn Sedai: 2004-05-02

The wording was "... and he would know [the Amyrlin Seat's] anger."